Be honest, you would wear this.
Be honest, you would wear this
If you're contemplating it, stop. Don't think about it. Please just buy this and wear it everywhere.
No, it doesn't even look good on that model.
And, it's only to be worn while...flying a propeller plane or jumping over buses with a bike.
/fa/ here
that looks very ill fitting on him and would look awful on you more than likely
If I were a homosexual or sexy young woman I might. Are you either of those?
Yes it matches my fedora well
>it's the jaaacket
Jesus christ, no I fucking wouldn't
I wish he took Janice with him. They deserved each other.
looks uncomfortable
I like soft clothes
jeans a shit
You literally can't go wrong with red leather. Especially if you already have 2 or 3 black ones, it really adds some diversity. Go for it.
/fa/ here
get on my level scrubs
where to cop this druidmonkcore look?
Id wear it but not zipped up
Get +1 Armor with that, of course!
>literally wearing rags
fashionfags are cancer
You look like you have the higher ground.
No, that looks gay.
Go away /fa/ nobody cares
Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?
official Sup Forumscore
Will this make girls like me?
is there a pic with someone wearing the actual product?
Don't wear that jacket. Please, for your own sake
more simple ones
if you want women with money dont even dare to dress liek that
Be honest, you would wear this.
Fuck off reddit
looks nice but im too fat to wear that kind of jacket
Why you just copying Kanye
The only real choice
nice rags girl but you should wear them on your head to follow the current trend
>/fa/ here
i feel like if you had a big upper body you could pull this off
>the force unleashed.jpg
I would if I didn't live in's pointless here.
nothing personnel
that jacket is an eyesore.
my god
who the fuck would go out wearing something like that?
what the fuck is going on with 5th guys neck
Shit, that was in Brisbane?
>all of the largest sizes sold out
>Sup Forums meetups
why would anyone ever do this?
9.867545435433 /10
is this /fa/?
Zardoz is my favourite film and I wanna dress like this.
>buying/wearing jackets when the globe is warming
post /effay/ character outfits
No one is going to get that reference.
i actually like this.
not that i'd wear it, but it looks pretty cool.
How much did this cost in total? thousands?
The fat guy is seriously baffling
No, I'm fat as fuck. Only thing that looks good on me are sweats.
but sweats dont look good on you because you are fat.
lose some god damn weight
Those don't look good on you. It just fits your disgusting look. Sort of like flies on shit
>far right
They probably just make you look like an insecure fat person
>leather jacket under the age of 40
Yeah, thought that right after I typed it. Even sweats don't look good. Shit, I need to get a fucking tracksuit collection going.
I own a drive jacket but too embarassed to wear it in public
You need to get a fucking treadmill
a classic coming through
I saw a 10 year old wearing that in a grocery store once.
>walking an imaginary dog
I thought those toys died in the 80s?
I bet you're father is very proud of you.
This thing is on Sup Forums right now calling you a pleb for not liking capeshit and vidya movies
you need to stop eating like shit fatass.
Reminder that graphics tees are only acceptable if they are black and you wear a coat over them
pic related is me, it's how to wear a graphic tee properly
Not my fault I have shit genetics. Gotta play the hand I was dealt.
is that a grill?
Literally the best dressed out of the bunch
keep telling yourself that fatty
I love the /fa/ meet up pic. That one kid in the middle with suspenders can't be more than 14 years old, and most of the others don't look a day over 17/18 at best.
You left us too early Moot. You could have stopped this.
None of them had any friends to bring.
i wud, its casual as fuck
only baneposters would know what it stands for and appreciate it
Is that a baby wearing a big robot suit like Pinky and the Brian used to?
Nice try faggot, I know you're him.
What is this? Dementor spring collection?
That's just the weak man's version of the coat made from five sheep that Vin wore in XXX.
To be fair, from what I've read all the Ubi clothes are small as fuck(because of the shitty fitting and fabric on most of them I'd wager), so everyone suggest ordering one size larger.
/fa/ you
Rate plox.
>not hotrod flame cargos
step it up
I don't think I could pull it off. If I had a motorcycle, maybe.
Oh man, that jacket looks dope! Was it worn by some cool guy in a movie or something? I wanna buy one and slick my hair back and put a toothpick in my mouth, I'd pick up all the bitches bro, all the bitches!
Keks, lost my shit how the last guy on right fit in perfectly.
Where's your cape?
I wonder what percentage of Sup Forums posters wear cargo shorts for most of the year.
I used to. Now I just wear a plain t shirt and jeans.
kek unedited pic pls thx
Is the guy all the way on the right that one guy who shot up that black church?
Once I went to the store around the corner and there was a fat guy who had a fedora, a too-big trenchcoat(to make himself feel thinner?), shitty pop-culture mashup t-shirt, cargo-shorts, and ratty velcro sneakers. Funniest thing I'd seen in ages, and I'm usually not one to notice what people are wearing. Before then I'd never have believed that anyone out of their teens would wear shit like that, much less wearing it all together.
I never understood the autistic rage around here regarding cargo shorts. They're great for golfing.
You look like one of those cheap armor sets from mount and blade.