Is there any modern day working class music?


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sleaford mods?



Punk rock is as middle class as it gets

well, i tried

>music by working class people
most self-released bandcamp stuff i would guess
>artists with a pretense of being "for working class people"
i don't know, country still exists

also theyre from an extremely wealthy part of kent

99% of indie rock embodies working class culture

just that nobody cares about that any more

why do faggot cum guzzlers fetishize the working class so much, being poor is shit not some glamourous tony hawks pro skater hobo fantasy

No it's really not that bad. If you're from a poor family you usually have more personal freedom growing up and you don't have any expectations to fulfill. Also less stress.

Name one punk with an actual job.
From my personal experience punks were nothing more than a bunch of leaches who complain too much. I still go to shows and hang out with my leach friends tho.

Who said anything about glamourizing the working class? I just wanted to know if I could relate to any artist that were brought up the same shitty way I was. Also if those topics came up in songs.

>having parents who care about you sucks lol

>actual job

Well some do take it upon themselves to appropriate change rather than just whinge.

Billy Bragg for example, should be far wealthier and revered considering his body of work but that has never been his motive.

This is how it feels to hunt cockroaches for food in a shitty apartment complex full of scary people

milo from the descendents was a biochemist / researcher at DuPont

Most punks are bourgeois NEETS living off mummy and daddy, they roleplay as hobos

Most crust / folk punks


I feel like it lets you become who you actually want to be.
I grew up in a upper middle class neighbourhood. Most of my classmates are depressed fucks studying things they do not like.
The few lower class classmates that I had are doing stuff they enjoy, like fixing cars or doing odd jobs while enjoying their youth.

>less stress

Confirmed for not ever having grown up poor or ever known poor people outside of TV show characters.

Being poor is stressful as FUCK. Yeah sure, you're not managing a fortune 500 company's budget or some shit, but neither is some comfy middle-class family and they don't have to worry about tip-toeing around overdraft fees or tweakers breaking into your place at night. People who idealize being broke are fucking morons.

Being disciplined is a blessing, only literal children disagree. Being free to become a male prostitute selling his body for heroin is shit

these guys

> Is there any modern day working class music?

And this in a simplistic way, is why anarcho capitalism sucks

Jarvis Cocker agrees.

nah, they're a couple of middle class southern cunts who're playing at being 'punk'.

very few bands who get hyped by the music press these days are genuinely from a working class background cos there really is very little money in being a full-time rock band. plus, you need connections to get plugged into the hype machine.

Fuck off nigga.
1000 euros a month for a family of four + a dog is poor as fuck.
If you live in at least a 2nd world country there won't be anyone breaking into your place and if you have at least an IQ of 70 you will find a spending rhythm that will allow you to pay off your bills on time.
You just gotta live according to your income. No iPhones and no restaurants for you.
I have no sympathy for people who become male prostitutes for heroin. They've brought that upon themselves.
Do you think you'd be a heroin addict right now if you wouldn't have been disciplined? If so, you're human scum.

You have no idea what it would ever be like to grow up without parent's who love and care about their children enough to set boundries while they're still developing. You're probably a spoiled cunt who's still bitter your parents didn't let you smoke weed in your bedroom. You take for granted the things you've inherited from a moderately healthy upbringing, kids left to do whatever they want all the time end up destroying themselves

Is this accurate?
I'm actually being serious

sleaford mods without a doubt. maybe the fat white family. for lack of a better word they're a bit more 'arty' or whatever but they're a lovable bunch of penniless bastards who used to live in a brixton pub