What's going on with """"Great"""" Britain? Thought they'd at least get a bronze by now

What's going on with """"Great"""" Britain? Thought they'd at least get a bronze by now.

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>Denmark have more medals than team GB




They stopped doping

>Can't even beat Brazil at tennis


We are getting a gold soon m8.

Sport is haram. It was too Islamophobic to continue.


no money for doping or to bribe judges since BREXIT

Olympics? Nah, never heard of it mate.

>Economy bounced back after the brexit.
>German economy still going down the toilet.
>The Pound still stronger than the Euro.

What ever you say Hans.

You thought they were good because they cheated at home in 2012, they actually suck at sports

How so?

>professional standing
>a sport

Are these shitty trolling threads, or are you all really that stupid?

>yfw UK has as many 2016 Olympic Medals as the janitor has pay stubs


>germany and france have 0 medals
>still talk about goat britain

couldn't imagine being irrelevant lads

They still have the Falklands

>>Economy bounced back after the brexit.

Relax, lad.

Most of the EU zone dipped after, only the UK had an upturn.

It's why the £ is still worth more than the €.

>Team UK have the same amount of medals as Team Refugees

That doesn't even make sense since they have accepted refugees

What country are they currently seeking asylum in,

? I'm talking sports here, keep your Sup Forums crap on Sup Forums

Your the one that brought up refugees faggot. Also Team GB also has as many medals as Argentina has white people.

It's a valid question. There is no country "refugee" there eather from there original home land or the one they fled to.

I brought up the Team Refugees because they are the worst team in the Olympics, and Brits are as good as them

I didn't talk about the people but the athletes, now go back to Sup Forums with your racist shit

its a globalist plot to chastise britain for brexiting

So what? The Olympics isn't about nations but teams

Chinese Taipei, Kosovo or Refugees aren't real countries but they play in the Olympics

Same with team UK, you are 4 countries and you still have 0 (zero) medals

I honestly would not be surprised if that was true

That's because you're a fucking retard

Go back to Krautchan

>suggesting Britain is that relevant


I guess it comes with being the most successful country in history

>Economy bounced back after the brexit.

>muh past
Brits are THIS pathetic

>0 (zero)

>being this butthurt about the fact that the falklands will forever be British

I seriously doubt this

why are the Argies so butthurt over such a small and irrelevant island?

also why do they care about the Falklands?

They'll remain British until you guys have a competent military that doesn't shit its pants the second a submarine btfo of one of your ships

>what is self-determination
No sane person would vote to be part of Argentina

Quite the opposite mate

Brits are obessed with them and they don't want to give them back to us, even when they waste billions of pounds to keep them alive. They feel nostalgia for their Imperial era and they don't want to give up the very last colony they have

Some day they'll get bored or they'll elect a non far-right PM and they'll give them back

Nah, we are a peaceful nation

they have nothing else apart from choking in football finals

Why can't we all be friends?

kek what else do they teach you in school?
That all british people are all devil spawn?

Because Britain will try to invade you sooner or later

wasn't the pound at €1.42 when it started? and now it's like €1.25?

britain always starts shit then picks up strong when the boxing, rowing and cycling concludes

its clear you are STILL mad about the belegrano

>imperialists are the good guys
I thought only Americans were that brainwashed

No wonder you retards voted to leave the Euros lol

wait wait
didn't you guys invade first?

>and they'll give them back
Only way that happens is if the people of the Falklands hold a referendum and vote to leave England. With you retards literally a couple hours away displaying your incompetence every day they have no reason to leave England for you.

I fucking hope so.


What's the deal with the refugees, are these just the ones coming from Syria? Why don't they just play for their own nation it's not like it doesn't exist if they leave the country. Also are only the brown refugees allowed to compete?

how many argentinians live on those "argentinian" islands lad?

>are only the brown refugees allowed to compete?

nah lad argentina are competing too

I'd rather imperialists over Peronists.

Pound was overvalued before the vote, it had to fall at some point

they had a referendum and it was 99.7 to remain British

so much delusion in this post.

Do you think it's false? Are you serious? You spend millions of pounds on their defence, a massive amount of money if you take into account that only 3,000 people live there.

>McSmith reports that the military in the area will cost the UK £61 million ($96 million) in 2012-13, which is expected to increase by £2 million ($3.14 million) each year.
>While in the grandiose world of military budgets that might not be that much, when you look at the cost per British citizen on the Falklands, it works out at more than a whopping £20,000 or $31,000 (and that is only the defense budget, other costs will be born on other budgets).

And that article is from 2012. You actually INCREASED spending even more last year.

>Britain will spend £280m over the next 10 years on renewing and beefing up its defences of the Falkland Islands.

Dam. Was there just one contrarian hipster that voted to leave or something?

Not really, you invaded Buenos Aires when we became independent

Kill yourselves cucks

Literally the definition of a sepoy

>Britbongs think we still care about those islands

We don't, r-right lads?


ahh yes, what part did you play?

>£61 million
>I pay £1 a year to piss off 40 million argentinians
Worth it

Did I say "I" or "we"?

>Invade islands because you want them
>Get btfo by the British
>We didn't want those islands anyways

If you're short on money I'll pay it for you

Guys, relax. There just haven't been any medal events for sitting down sports like indoor cycling and rowing yet.

Mate, it was a dictatorship who invaded the isles

It didn't represent the Argentine People. Also, check who implanted that dictatorship

you say this as if its a bad thing?
hardly going to hang our own citizens out to dry now are we?

3rd world rat like you could never understand loyalty

>tfw Argentina never won the war just to get crushed when Thatcher mobilizes the entire British military and they rediscover how fun killing brown people was

>Brits are so mad they have to talk about a war that happened before literally all of us were born
Really cute


I was replying to an uninformed soul who thought it wasn't true. Try to follow the conversation, you complete retard.


it was 1513 - 3

they were probably edgy teens who did it for the lulz

stay mad, bitch

>argies make threads talking about brits


>these 3 absolute madmen
2 of these moved to Argentina

I didn't make it but he was talking about sports

Everytime a Brit gets rekt he'll talk about "muh glorious war history" because they know how bad their present is

>Deutsche Bank believes the pound could fall as low as $1.27 next year
>“In our opinion, GBP is overvalued as GBP-supportive interest rate and yield differentials are inadequate to help to fund the UK’s 7% GDP current account deficit,” say Morgan Stanley in a brief to clients.
>“Even if the exchange rate did climb a little more in the event of a vote to remain, we suspect that it would come back down again – and fall further – before too long, given the implications for monetary policy,” says Capital’s John Higgins.


Lol god dam. No idea why anyone would be surprised that the Falklands would want to remain part of Europe instead of becoming part of South America.

whereas argentina was always shit and continues to be so

I'm jealous, really

>They'll elect a non far right PM
>What were New Labour and Cameron's Torys

I always know that when I see an Argentinian post, it's going to be salty as fuck. Why are you all so salty?

It had nothing to do with Argentina

It was between being British or being independent

Of course they won't become independent, they would starve to death in 2 months without London's help

The Falklands are some isles next to the Antarctica where you can't even grow a potato, about 75% of the population are British soldiers "waiting for an argie attack". The Falklands are technically a military base

>British Labour party
>not right wing

Britain doesn't have a single non-right wing party right now. If you support the Queen you are by definition conservative

Why can't Brits post about sports on a sports board without getting mad and start talking about non-related stuff like wars? Remember this ain't Sup Forums nor Sup Forums but Sup Forums

Aye congratulations to Argentina on yet another successful Copa America campaign, really well done

>Only way that happens is if the people of the Falklands hold a referendum and vote to leave England. With you retards literally a couple hours away displaying your incompetence every day they have no reason to leave England for you.
They wouldn't leave even if we were a first world country and Britain was a shithole. Most of them descend from British colonizers, are culturally British, and are fiercely proud to be British. The same thing happens in Gibraltar.

Do you have schizophrenia?


your the one banging on about falklands and military spending you actual baby

As a British citizen that recently moved to Argentina for work, what are some things I probably shouldn't do?

Uh, you're the one who brought up the Falklands to this discussion.

For starters, don't act like a total dumbass like so many of your compatriots on this board.

no I didnt

was already started when I entered the thread

Not an argument

Plural you

>Who is Jeremy Corbyn
Also, New Labour was centrist right, but that's not far right you stupid fuck. Stop talking about a country that uses a system you're clearly not familiar with: democracy.