Why are these things allowed to compete in the olympics?

Why are these things allowed to compete in the olympics?

First of all they all dope, cheat and bribe the ref.
They also act like dogs and look like dogs.
It's time to ban china and mock them. We should he mocking china and other non-white countries instead.

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Why the hate? A chinaman couldnt satisfy your wife or something?

Bantz are no fun if you don't have an audience.

Mocking China would fall on deaf ears.

Because ping pong needs players

what happened karl? chinaman cuck you or something?

i've been seeing multiple posts of you calling them dopers then calling them dogs in that exact order in like 5 posts today

here's your (you) since you were desperate enough to start a thread

t. Chang from Hongcouver

>getting cucked fair and square by asians


Fuck these chinks! #CHexit :P

China Strong!

>flips don't even have a medal

prolly gonna try and get a chink gf when I go back to college this fall

>not having a dog-like gf


I actually think they're not doping as much this time, and it shows in the performances.

Because they're more relevant than you.

all my keks

can someone really not notice they are unhealthily abnormal while unironically thinking this shit lol

Only an Ausgod has stood up to them so far


>not mentioning japan
>bribed 2020 Olympics
Lol weebs in this website love to make japan look good

We have a silver..I'm still butthurt that Pacquiao chose not to compete in Rio. He would be stylin' on the competition desu

Nuke China desu lad

Any achievement they accomplish feels hollow. It's like they're not even human to me.

t. self hating chink

We don't even have those kinds of drugs in China. We use better more natural treatments.

This is made believe propaganda to insult China.

Nice World of Warcraft character

>non-whites """"""""people""""""""" in charge of art

Soon they'll be enemies of the US and EU and there will be calls to ban them from everything, don't worry.

You shitheads used the same excuses to bash Russia, now China? How many "other non-white countries" you need to bash out, then? It would be such a long list for you to get a medal, huh? You cuckold.
You even white, bro? Or you're just some mudslime trying to get us infedels fighting each other?

Sup Forums is the most pro-Japan website on the planet.

Likely more so than Japan's own 2ch

Of course. Monks that could whip your ass. What a mighty country.

You realize who that WoW character is based off of, right?

Lmao ban the $13 trillion dollar economy with 1.4 billion people from the Olympics?

to be a good cheat you've got to be a rich country desu. look at russia, they were completely cucked because they were stupid about it. they don't have the sophistication and money like the usa to cheat so that their own officials can claim innocence. look at armstrong, he cheated with the best the world could offer, the best doctors and best roids, everything.

Shit is filled with korean and chosenkei fake-japanese (and taiwanese as well as them godless commies themselves)

They're pretty acid towards Japan even though some of them are living under japanese welfare

>First of all they all dope, cheat and bribe the ref.

I really wonder what india could do if they had the same program china does to produce talents for the olympics.

What natural treatments? Like crushed rhino horn to get a hard on?

It's like saying "He is too strong, let's not play with him, and maturbate each other."

Hi, Wang Ping.

>China not rich
The people aren't rich. The government can do whatever they want to.

pretty baseless, faggot. China is based.

Fuck Japan.

>muh ancient chinese ginseng-infused anabolic steroids recipe passed down thousands of years by the yellow emperor himself

Good ched m8

>t-they're too strong!
>t-they cheat too!
>t-they're non-white monkeys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>p-please ban them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lmao erik

>t-they're too strong!
Said no one ever.

>t-they cheat too!
They do.

>t-they're non-white monkeys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are.

>p-please ban them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sure, why not. 95% of them are dopers anyway. Furthermore, chinks are just plain ugly and I don't want to see them on my television.

Can i post this on reddit as "user btfo chinks lmao"?

Afraid of some competition in the medal race?

>mfw tough drug testing is politically impossible at the Olympics

>tfw Chinese-American
>tfw 20 combined medals so far

how can yurocucks even compete???

That moment when a 19 year old amateur beat two experienced chinese veterans was pure gold (literally).

Also, the two chinese had little hissy fits afterwards which was fun to watch

cant compete with chinks they must be cheating

cheating in school

cheating in sports

cheating in jobs

cheating in life

at least they ugly and got small dicks amirite kek

ban pls



>lose to le fat mongrels, yellow monkeys, and inbred criminals

Fuck off China. Don't use our flag.

Why are the Chinese blocked from posting on Sup Forums?

They're not. They can view but not post because captcha is owned by google.

t. Chang ping

india doesn't give a shit about atlethes. all the young people there do an 'MBA' at really shady 'universities', that's the indian way of life.

Someone is just jealous that they win everything

Well I certainly did not expect any asians to win at weightlifting. How does the gooks do it? Shouldn't weightlifting be dominated by black men?

kek amerilards still have the guts to talk about, when they are the kings of cheating.

Chinese "women"


Blacks are terrible at weightlifting

>say my name

kek moortugese still have the guts to talk about, when they are 0 (zero) medals.

A Swede started the thread, you wart on Spain's asshole.

yeah well at least they aren't fucking snackbars

t. zhang qi wong liao ming ping pong chin mao lu

This is true. That's why I had to buy a Sup Forums pass, so lame.

>dat hairline

anabolics on a daily