I was fisting my ass with this finger...

I was fisting my ass with this finger, and felt a sharp pain inside my rectum! I realized that my finger had got covered in blood. It is painful as hell, it is still bleeding very much. What should I do? Will it get better after some time?

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butt cancer

Maybe stop fucking fisting your ass you fucking retard

> Literally butthurt

You probably cut your intestine some with your fingernail. You won't bleed to death, but the bacteria getting into your bloodstream now will very easily kill you. Time to visit the hospital and confess if you want to live.

Popped your butt cherry


I don't wanna die

Still bleeding after 5 mins means it won't clot you need to go to er or your gp

>fisting my ass with this finger

Thats not how it works

pic of your asshole.....

Check it, if you get light headed call an ambulance

Hope you got insurance

i think you pinched out some of your soul

the ass bleeds a lot if cut only a little. just like your tongue or head.

just keep checking and if it doesnt stop in an hour then start to worry a bit.

as for infection that area gets damaged all the time just from pooping normally. it's very resilient and there shouldn't be any chance of infection.

>fisting my ass
>This finger
Which one is it, faggot?
How long ago did this happen? Does it still hurt?
First off, you should seek medical attention, retard, second off, it probably won't get better eventually; shit load (pun intended) of bacteria within your ass means whatever is bleeding may likely get infected. Seek medical attention, hurry bitch.


Remove the fangs from your asshole bro.

You are going to bleed to death, don't worry

You damaged a VEIN faggot. Run with the medfags or you will die of sepsis

That's bollocks. I was hospitalised as a child from a bleeding asshole and nearly died

Didn't the gay's warn you about this?
Oh right nope,
Just FYI.
Anal stuff damages your ass.
any gay won't tell you he is damaging your ass for life if he wants to fuck you or fap to your pics.

You have an open wound in a place that's literally covered in shit. You're going to get sepsis. Go to the doctor, tell them you fell on something. They will know anyway but their job is to get you better, their judgements will at least be silent.

looks like blood and puss mixed together, must of popped an internal hemorrhoid faggot.

Go seek medical help. Could be nothing, could be serious.

why not?


Hemorrhoids don't contain pus, you fuckstick. They're just swollen blood vessels.
>second off,
Illiterate shitdick.

I DON'T WANNA DIE. Maybe I should shove napkins into the ass to stop bleeding?

what you get when you put 150,000 bolts up your ass

If its still bleeding you are fucked, you tore something and are bleeding internally. Go to the doctors so you dont fuck up your ass even more. Blood will pool in your abdomen and basically kill you if you dont get medical help.

Just call 911 n explain your situation

You dont call 911 for shit like this. You get your ass to the ER

Fuck that. I'd call 911. Then again you're right they might send the blackies. Maybe you're better off driving yourself.

OP you gay ass faggot..
get some antibacterial soap/meds.
For now, just keep wiping and suck your anus to the back.

Did your Dad apologize?

Adding to that:

Again, OP is a faggotron.

If I'm not back again this time tomorrow
Carry on
Carry on

Fucking kek

you probly cut it on something sharp in your butt. wash your finger with hydrogen peroxide and wrap a bandage around it.
in the future you might want to wear gloves when you do that if you got sharp edges in your butthole

I think you need to stop fingering candle wax

this thread is bullshit unless i see your asshole OP


cut your nails, for starters