Canada USA México
90's edition
Canada USA México
90's edition
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quatro por yo loved esta movie
Fug you beat me
inb4 Janny'd
ugly doggo.
Reminder that all the stupid dumb Millennial scum need to leave the thread
Can't think of a single Indian tribe that unwillingly lives without electricity. Canada must really be third world.
I think it looks funny as fuck
I'm only ever happy when I'm intoxicated
i mean you live in jew york, it wouldnt be the first time you are thinking wrong buddy.
Why does anyone like idols?
HATE gas stations lads
I really don't get the unwarranted hatred of the the gas station race.
Music is crap but dude asian feet lmao
Got back from the date with the 50 year old woman I mentioned earlier.
It went great, after dinner we went for a walk in the park and talked for an hour, had our first kiss, and then I walked her home later. Have a second date set too.
because they're cool
women prefer and aggresive men in bed
Good for you.
Gimme some backstory
How big is her butt?
Everyone prefers an active/aggressive partner. Only literal sadists want starfish
hello bb's
Which /cum country would take 5,000,000 Finns?
This is true.
Only beta faggots are not lions in bed.
you can come to Michigan
You can defend the Pacific Northwest from the Eastern European hordes.
Canada, but you have to change to Islam.
Millions of people around the world are like this.
>into a meme state
No thanks
>Eastern European hordes
Tell me more.
Why doesn't Mexico want us? ;_;
I'm so glad that even though Hillary lost she is still making herself the fore front of all the activisms she encouraged.
Thanks Mexanon.
Here's a shortened version of what I said earlier.
>I'm 20
>Met a woman while volunteering
>Have a lot in common, and talk frequently
>She asked me to dinner
Good for a white woman.
Just a lot of Russian immigrants there. They're better than Mexicans tbqhwy.
Kek, ok. Well, barring market inefficiency, if personal wealth is a value relative to the sum of all wealth in existence in an economic system, then at any point in time an increase in wealth in one area must correspond to a decrease in wealth in another area. Is there anything obviously wrong with this idea?
dude she is 50, her vagina must be a trainwreck, just avoid.
Is she attractive for a 50 y/o woman? Are you gonna get married?
Is she a mom? Try to get her daughter in on it
>meme state
pretty rude
I hate finland now
>Is there anything obviously wrong with this idea?
Not an argument
Yeah, she's fit, physically looks like she's in her 40s, and never had kids.
See above
Reminder don't reply to non-cum flags
the mexicans in here sound like turbonormies
>yank wants us to go into a meme state
>calls us rude
Why Vermont? Is it based?
Try not to call her mommy in bed
Oh as for marriage, I don't think so.
U to lol
>never had kids
Oh boy
How is it a meme state?
Pis jars are unsanitary and people souls lynch me if the anime thing came to light.
People imagine Michigan and think it is just Flint & Detroit.
>not full of weaboos.
i've meet some 50 year old women and they were pretty hot, definally would fuck/10 material
>Generation Z
Mods, underage faggot alert.
The anonymity thing and that, but is she like rich or she's genuinely charming.
At first I thought it was a red flag too. Turns out she had wanted kids in her first marriage, husband did not, by the time the divorce happened she didn't want to risk it.
Sad in a way, but fine with me.
In order for it to be zero sum, the amount of wealth in the system has to be static. It isn't
[ ]Told
[ ]Fucking told
[x]btfo 4 all time
Me and the wife
rural south that it's not as comprehensive .
It's pretty nice here.
He's getting out soon
Don't know or care about whether she's rich or not desu.
I don't understand
Every race has its riots :^)
t. cuitlahuac
That's tailgating you dummy
Room too cold if I open the window, too hot if I close it. Why is god so cruel?
>been dreading going back to college
>was bored out of my mind for the past week
>kind of looking forward to it now
>Baboons: Females are the primary caregivers of infants, but males also play a role.
>males also play a role
Sorry but there is a key difference
serious question for the leafs, are you guys getting at all worried about Trudeau yet?
The cringey gay parade and muslim dancing shit is one thing, and I understand how people can and should get over it; but selling off ALL of your gold reserves, ending oil sands production and increasing immigration to the highest levels is another.
Thats not to mention he wants to increase funding for CBC (again) which he has turned into a Soros propaganda network.
So, how do you feel about DUDE WEED at this point? still cool with him? starting to get nervous? hate him already?
if you are dreading college why do you still go? Aren't you free user? Why are you living somebody else's life instead of living your own?
I'd enjoy college if I didnt have godawful roommates, can't wait till next study abroad next semester
>looking forward to Marxist indoctrination
Wow the Stockholm syndrome is real
Alberta, you need to secede from Canada and join the union before Trudeau completely murders your economy.
>In order for it to be zero sum, the amount of wealth in the system has to be static.
>if personal wealth is a value relative to the sum of all wealth in existence in an economic system
>going to class
Lol, Canada is fucked
My English teacher was literally preaching Marxism for nearly all of the semester. The day after the election, she canceled class.
I live close to my campus, so I just drive there every day.
I'm not seeing an argument lol
I'm sure she was crying in a hot shower while literally shaking.
those are canadian furpuck fans
literal niggers
>He doesnt go to a right wing school.
jelly, wish I could just commute. Commuting is kinda comfy
I want you, Finns.
>he didn't choose a trade and self educate for fun
Woooooooooooo laddddddd
You need to work on your reading comprehension.
>if the value of wealth is relative to the sum of wealth
>the amount of wealth in the system has to be static
>browsing the only site in the world were people are more worried about Trudeau than Trump
I'm pretty jelly of being able to wake up 30 mins before a lecture
>hates gas stations
Yea, fuck off, tory faggot.
*tars and feathers you*
Post songs that make you feel patriotic
idk why Sup Forums thinks moly will ever do a vid like that, being a Jew himself.
What are we arguing about today?
I didn't know he was a Jew
I don't know, I just needed an excuse to molypost
>sabaton will never make a song about cinco de mayo
just kill me senpai.