I'm hispanic n I hate niggers I'm curious about the opinion of other Hispanics n Asian's no whites or blacks let's be...

I'm hispanic n I hate niggers I'm curious about the opinion of other Hispanics n Asian's no whites or blacks let's be truthful guys

I'm white and won't say nothing, but I am curious and listening to what you got to say.


Also I'm not racist, I just don't like people who don't have common sense.

This is ment to be an open discussion for other minorities about blacks it only my opinion that I hate them

Yeah but this is like saying the chicken came before the egg.

I don't hate all of them but I hate black culture it is poison

Hispanic and not a big fan of blacks. They constantly complain about "racism" but they can't seem to quit breaking the law

I'm half Mexican/half Puerto Rican living in the USA. Puerto Rican side of the family is very tolerant & accepting (my grandma even had an illegitimate black son). I have a couple black cousins- all respectable with good jobs (teachers). On the Mexican side, there are no black people. Nobody has ever dated a black person, & my gramps would probably be annoyed if someone did. He calls them "mayátes"

Overall: I've only known a handful of black people, but they've been okay I guess. I even fucked a mixed black/white girl once. Never dated her though

Another hispanic here
I believe hispanics are more productive members of society
also niggers are inherently violent in nature

I know we Hispanic work as the labor force for this country n blacks collect welfare n if your hipanic n on welfare your just as bad

as a fellow Hispanic you're an idiot and what's wrong with black and brown relations.

you hate blacks because you think it will please the whites and you'll be accepted

blacks hate Hispanics because they think it will please the whites and they'll be accepted.

>when in reality whites hate black and brown equally and are unimpressed by minority vs. minority hate.

I'm a filip and I hate niggerian culture

Asian here. I'm mostly not racist. I know Hispanics get plenty of shit in this country, but the ones I've known have been the hardest workers I've known. Whites have plenty of assholes, but plenty of based guys too. Known a few cool natives. Middle Easterners been hit or miss in my experience. Of course I love my Asian folk.
But black people, holy shit. When I was young I tried so hard not to be racist against them, to make every excuse for their behavior... but 99% of the black people I've experienced have been little better than animals. No, that's not fair, I've known animals that will take care of themselves and their environment better than black people.

I moved to an Asian/white neighborhood in a mainly white city a while ago, mostly because I didn't want to start a family anywhere near black people.

My parents moved to the U.S. in the 80's, fairly poor. Moved into a ghetto neighborhood where they were a minority and experienced plenty of racism. They weren't highly educated. Yet they never took welfare, never turned to crime. They worked shitty jobs and lived under their means, saving up, until they opened their own business. I went to a shitty public school and still graduated, never dealt drugs, never was in a gang, went to college, etc. We experienced all the shit black people in America are always complaining about, yet we still found a way to become productive members of society, never having to complain about oppression, yet having everyone else pay for our welfare while we burn our neighborhoods down.

I will never understand black people. I'm sure there's some cool black people out there, but 99% of the ones I've ever come across are absolute trash, and I don't know why this country keeps paying Shaniqua to shit out more babies. Social suicide.

Blacks are inferior because they are the descendants of the people that never left Africa. They never had to adapt to new challenges. They never faced the crushing difficulty presented by the Ice Age.

No not at all I don't like whites either but white culture has good parts n bad but black culture is all bad

White here. Sorry, but I just have to tell you to never believe the media's lies. The whites are not your enemy. Most whites hate blacks out of necessity and out of experience not just cuz.

I'm Asian and I hate Hispanics. Go back to Canada where you came from you hot dog loving, hard worker. Also, quite building railroads, that's our job. Bong!


At the end of this I would just like to point out if we remove whites out of equation blacks are still the problem among the rest of us


Canada Hispanic? Lollllll

Less racial infighting (Asians, Hispanics, Whites) more of this

We've all got TVs too. Detroit will be the next Johannesburg if they're not stopped.


I don't like whites but I can still live next to them I can't say that about blacks

Kill yourself. Thanks.


Right must be a fag or something

I'm 5'11 190lbs. nigger. Don't make me gut punch you

>implying Irish are white

what is black culture exactly, since you know so much about it? Are you talking about what you see in the media in America? I'm assuming you're talking about hip-hop culture? Yes that's definitely the culture of all the people of dark skin you're a smart man!

This is where minorities get things wrong. Most whites don't hate browns, or blacks or whatever.

They hate fucking everyone. They hate themselves. Their own families. Their friends. They hate their mentors and teachers. They hate you, they hate me.

Being the monstrous bastards they are, whites couldn't depend on love and decency to guide their societies. Theirs is a society built on hate.

Whites are a commodity that whites spend to gain power over other whites. Faces are made to be stepped on to gain more power, to step on better and fancier faces in future conquests.

Whites bring this attitude to non-whites, and it feels unfair. Try not to forget, whites hate whites first.

> this is bullshit, but I think there is a kernel of truth in it

Irish people are just white niggles

Your thought process might have made sense in the 60s but no longer. You wanna join up with nigs you'll go down with em

Makes sense.

I don't know if this is true in other parts of the world but in the US modern nigger culture is poisonous to civilization. Any Sup Forums people know if foreign blacks are less vile?

Hispanics can be cool. Just hate the beaners who likes to be tough in front of their boyzzz(grave).

Asians are cool. They usually don't bother people and are great to work with as they are not lazy.

White people are harder to judge as there are a few that are genuinely nice. The rest are trashy.

Niggers are just niggers.

Africans are usually okay as they are money minded.

As a poor white man this kinda shit is really starting to piss me off. There's no conspiracy with poor whites, it's just survival like everyone else

korean here. i've met some black people from africa that were pretty cool. i've never met an african-american that wasn't nigger-tier garbage. can't stand them.

i can at least tolerate everyone else.

What the are you, Polynesian?

I'm actually really dark skin n I don't buy into hip hop at all its poison would be better if I said blacks in amacia their culture is poison the blacks I've met from Africa were really nice n behaved

I'm Puerto Rican, I support Trump
I hate black people and Puerto Ricans, I just feel more white. I don't mind Asians, I don't mind white people, I hate anyone east or south of Europe that isnt coin slot eyes Asian, I don't mind Russians, I think Muslims should declare themselves as a non peaceful religion.


Albino. I am non-biased.

>implying white people who go to college are intelligent

If they can actually speak English, the person is probably from Africa or the Caribbean.

They are.


I are white nigger

Truthful? okay, fuck all shitskins.

that black dude died at the hospital later

he was a jack ass and started the fight that ended his life

I'm Hispanic living in the US, I hate jews and Niggers. My whole family hates them. Even my father once told my sister if they ever date black guy she will be dishonored. And a shame in our entire family. We all Hispanics born in our country and currently live in the states. Also I support Donald Trump.


My dad's a civil engineer and he's a retard so I don't buy it

White people lie, Mexicans plot at least the backs tell you they gonna steal your wallet before they do

I'm asian, and grew up around a lot of blacks and hispanics. The hispanic kids were a lot meaner to me than the blacks who acted out more against adults than their peers. Nowadays though, I see more people just trying to get through life than acting like thugs wrecking shit.
Older black folk are okay, but the young ones can be annoying.

Seriously though never buy into "nigger" culture it will do nothing but bring you and yours down

Mexican here, living in Mexico, I've been to California like 5 times and niggers are some ugly, nasty, loud, scary mother fuckin apes.

Also them Hispanic gangsta looking faggots IMO are a disgrace to their hardworking race.

Asians are pretty cool.

Some whites are really nice and others are complete ass holes

He has a master's degree and all he cares about his money and never did shit for me except abandon me and try to get out of paying for child support. When he was around all he cared about was studying.

Literally everything you just said is wrong

Slav Russian here. I hate niggers as a collective race simply because they haven't done fuck all to contribute to the world. As a collective whole, black culture is damaging and does no good to a white society (As seen in the USA). I have met individual blacks who were okay, but as a whole, I cannot stand their race.

Hispanics are fine. I can understand why Americans don't like them, But I've personally never had a problem with Mexicans/Puerto Ricans, etc. Of course you can't say the same for places like Brazil (Though I wouldn't call Brazil Hispanic).

Asians are bro tier and I have nothing negative to say about them aside from how fucked Mainland China is. Mainland China is the Africa of the Asian world. Big and populated, but ass-backward and uncivilized. Japanese and Koreans along with Hong Kong Chinese are basically white. Indonesians and Malaysians are sandniggers though so fuck them

I'm Hispanic. I don't really have a problem with blacks if they're raised right. Like this one time I was in Chicago and I accidentally bump into a some 9 year old black kid. We both said sorry automatically but then his ghetto mom told him,"No honey, excuse him" while giving me a mean look. That's just out right raising him to be rude and shit. Also my sister is dating a black dude who constantly argue with each other and he sometimes hits her. So I hate niggers, but don't mind black people.

Dude, fuck those animals. They're not people.

Everyone knows lots of people. If you gather up your white acquaintances, you'll probably single a few out like "They're alright, Paul is kind of a dick, Connie loves drama, but the rest are alright."
Or your Asian acquaintances, "Mai is pretty stuck up, and Larry beats his wife, so fuck them, but the rest are alright."
But blacks are fucked up. They're the opposite. "Oh, well, Calvin is pretty funny. And Antoine is a really nice" you have to single out the ones who aren't selfish violent beasts. Fuck em.

You put dangerous animals down, dude.

that's what a real Aryan looks like btw my last name is Felgemacher

i'm asian and i don't like niggers.
they keep playing the victim card like they're slaves... i bet their ancestors werent even slaves in the first place.

boohoo i can't get into college because of whites. boohoo if i have more privilege than whites, i'll be a better person .

that may be true but im not gonna use the color of my skin as an excuse.

Hispanic here
I don't hate blacks but I do hate niggers, and pretty much any self-entitled "minority" that either wants handouts, without doing any of the work or have sticks so far up their asses that they chimp out whenever they can

OK so we as the other minoritis agree on a black genciod but only on blacks from the USA

You are cursed with foul odor.
To break the curse, you must stop a black boy from raping a virgin.

This is 0.05% of blacks. Raise the ratio and people wont hate them as much

Asians are alright company but they just comply with everybody. Blacks are hit and miss but they tend to be narcissists. White people are usually narcissists as well and also are hit and miss. Hispanics are short little wussies but they are usually pretty nice.

>My parents moved to the U.S. in the 80's, fairly poor. Moved into a ghetto neighborhood where they were a minority and experienced plenty of racism. They weren't highly educated. Yet they never took welfare, never turned to crime. They worked shitty jobs and lived under their means, saving up, until they opened their own business. I went to a shitty public school and still graduated, never dealt drugs, never was in a gang, went to college, etc. We experienced all the shit black people in America are always complaining about, yet we still found a way to become productive members of society.
Yeah as a white guy living in a majority black school district in the deep south I had a pretty similar experience. Most blacks were racist as hell, much more racist than the whites. And they would treat other blacks who were trying to better themselves the worst of all. Calling them "oreos" and ostracizing them for "acting white" just because they actually took their education seriously.

What a shitty-ass culture where you tear your brothers down for trying to make something of themselves. And they blame society for never doing anywhere, yet I went to the same schools as them, and had the same teachers, and managed to go to university, without a single dollar from my parents after I turned 18 (except they did give me an old car).

The fact that the black kids I grew up with couldn't do the same speaks entirely to their parents not valuing education, and their culture not valuing hard work and education.

I can't stand them and would much rather live around and work with whites than with blacks. They're not all bad, obviously, but their general culture is absolute shit and blacks that don't fit into that culture are the exception.

But the black community as whole has no common sense....

You need to do your duty and kill that mud duck. Load up some cholos and roll

Do you think it's because of slavery ?
They were taught by their parents that it's the whites fault for them being like this.

and this mentality gets passed down from generation to generation.

Like always have that victim card because of slavery.

Kek, I would love to see that.

Take your whinny shit to Reddit.

You should be studying too, at least he will contribue something to our infrastructure instead of just being a millennial bitch.

As a hispanic i urge you to neck yourself faggot
Youre probably a filthy mexican

I can't imagine the Savannas as super chill and easy


Mexican here.

I would never date a black chick. I would also never make friends with a nigger. I work with a few niggers at my job, and holy shit, are they lazy. One nigress got taken off the schedule because she was a lazy, bitch. And another nigger is always trying to call out of work. Niggers seem make the entire workplace harder for everyone else. fuck them.

Why? All I want is pussy and I can go out and get any time I like.

Ehh, from Atlanta so it's normal

I knew a racist african doctor, black as night but despised niggers. He'd talk about how fucked up his country was and how hard they have to work for every little thing, and how disappointed he was seeing the blacks here, saying "They are given everything but they contribute nothing, all they want is more more more. Back home they would not last one week."

Also Korean, I live in the U.S.
This has been pretty much my same experience, with one extra detail.
>Black adults from Africa, some of them are great.
>Black people from America, shit almost all across the board.
>Black people who were born in Africa but moved here before they were adults are the absolute worst humans on Earth.

I used to be a teacher in a community that has a lot of Somalian and Ethiopian immigrants. The parents were some of the nicest people. I eventually quit because it was pointless to try and teach Somalian and Ethiopian kids. Even if their parents were educated and middle-class, all these kids wanted to be gangbangers, fuck white girls, steal, fight, and nothing else. Ruined teaching for me. I was essentially just stressing myself out while preparing these fuckers for prison. I felt so bad for the white and Hmong kids who couldn't get a better school environment. Made me sick.

koreans love blacks though.. in Korea anyways.

I'd say this is pretty accurate. My good buddy is a security guard at the grocery store and he's from Sudan.

And can I ask what a fucking Slav has done for anyone

not the guy who wrote this but as another Asian living in America blaming others for their lack of success and happiness is a given for African Americans.

Actually I know a couple American blacks who are nice people. But you have to like hip hop culture and not be a punk bitch.

Spic here: Fuck niggers and fuck their bullshit!

Marcus Aurelius and Marthin Luther King had dreams, this is not it.

Saludos desde el culo del mundo.


I'm half Mexican and half white, I moved from LA recently to the South. The nigs here are actually pretty cool and hard working, of course there are ones who do nothing, but so are the rednecks. Coming from LA city nigs to southern nigs, opened my eyes. Sure, there are tons who are trapped in an entitled mindset from the civil rights era, but we have to understand this craps comes from rich whites enslaving a whole race and taking them out of there element, passed from generation to generation just try to imagine the psychological effect that would have on a group

That's simply because they don't have to live with them like we do in the states. Send twenty million nigs to Korea and they'll learn quick

I'm Hispanic, I like black people

careful with that edge kiddo.

Sounds like you work at fucking McDonald's literally no one values you in society

Do you perhaps hate black people because you're a social retard and don't know how to act around them? Personally I'm a pretty big dude and in shape and I don't get any problems with blacks but I imagine a little slow bitch would get smeared by them.

that's true. I'm asian and i would never use my tan skin as an excuse. Fuck that if whites can get in universities, so can i. I'm not gonna demand affirmative action.

I read the news about this black lady in virginia asking for ice at a fire department.. and she didn't get any. she immediately pulled the race card. This shit is out of control.

The chicken came before the chickens egg but the chicken came from an egg also. That egg didn't come from a chicken though.