Suck it world. USA USA USA
Most of those medals belong to Africa.
>all our golds belong to whites
literally every gold is from whites
The cotton was worth it.
Every athlete that has won so far was white. Checkmate you fucking coon.
Holy fuck rest of world are you even trying. We could pack up and go home and still beat every country besides China.
>12 medals
>3 gold
You're proud of being the best at not coming first?
Omg Australia salt
am3rican2: 25% gold medals
aussies: 37.5% gold medals
>This salt at not having as many medals as us
It's alright m8, I'm sure they'll make knifey spoony an Olympic event any day now.
Well done bros.
>total medals
Only gold matters though
And we have as many as you do right now and will have far more when these events are over. What is your point?
A country with the population of Florida has the same amount of golds, how embarrassing.
Your shit population?
I just don't understand what people are supposed to be apologising for? Nor why you're happy about being tied for first
Come on, you're better than that, you're not England.
>Australia needs to compare itself to our worst state to feel good about itself
>not Louisiana or Ohio
>Ausbronzies are this delusional
>zerg rush every event with your huge population
>act like its a big win when you tie for golds with a country with less than ten percent of your population
LMAOing at your """'''success""'''
>>not Louisiana or Ohio
>not alabama, kentucky, west virginia or south carolina
Care to explain why your team came here to train?
its pretty great every other year to have such a quantifiable reminder that I am better than roughly 97% of the rest of the world just because of the country I was born in
>australians pour all their kangaroo bucks into swim teams
>>not alabama, kentucky, west virginia or south carolina
>not delawhere
typical ausfailians
you mean to yurop
And if the gold count is tied, silvers are used the tie-breaker and so on.
We don't do faggot ties here like Yurop, you Roo fuckin' faggot.
What's next for the salty rest of the world?
Per capita?
Bandwagoning China?
Roos btfo
By sheer volume of niggers and white trash?
Wow, that's a little hostile
You can't use literal trash as a tiebreaker for golds though. In case you hadn't realised, we're talking about coming first here dear. Your silvers are as irrelevant as our bronzes.
And if you don't do "faggot ties", then why are you proud of this one? You could wait 24 hours and you'll probably actually be winning.
But no, you're blowing your load over this "faggot tie" so hard the only thing salty in this thread are your hands.
Still don't really know why
>And if you don't do "faggot ties", then why are you proud of this one?
There is no tie.
We have 5 silvers to your 0.
And yes, we will completely crush you in the gold medal count at the end of this thing.
Consider these threads blowback for your mates incessant shitposting last night when the entire Australian continent was blowing their load for being 1st on day one.
It's 3 each. That's a tie.
You're counting trash medals as though they're relevant when they're not
>don't have any
>n-not relevant, guiz ;_;
USA has more athletes in general competing in Rio fuckwit, and does so with 0 endowment from our government.
Americans have placed in top 5 in almost every sport they play here while Austrailia just has swimming and they're going to get BTFO again by Americans tomorrow by Phelps
And did you even see the mens basketball against China? Let's not even go there
>rest of the world BTFO as usual
>IOC counts silver and bronze
>but not ausfags
Get cucked dingo-dodgers.
Still doesn't make silvers a tie breaker for who has more golds
I thought you were Americans, proud of being the best and only the best?
What is this shit you're trying to pull, really?
If you have more athletes in general, why don't you have more golds?
On that point I would personally value a 4th place finish in something like the Decathlon, Wrestling, or even Archery than a gold medal in fuckin' horse dancing.
What's the worldwide horse dancing talent pool? 10-20 people?
We are the best, as proven by winning the tie breaker vs. China and you.
What? You're telling me you're okay with fuckin' ties?
Guys be nice to the Aussies, they took down China for the 400m freestyle. Let's focus on the common enemy here.
>murrika winning the olympics
>all this pathetic aussie damage control
>yfw you'll never be a part of the greatest country in the history of all humanity
It's not a surprise that USA will surpass Straya, but if Straya cockblocks China, that's a benefit.
You're the best by being equal with china and australia in the only thing that matters?
That sounds like a faggot tie the other American was talking about
t. Laquisha DeShawn Williams
bored with your weak, repetitive, clearly false, sorry attempt at """""""banter""""""". but keep running your mouth like we don't all know how this is going to play out.
This isn't banter though. God help you if you think this is banter
I'm just generally confused as to why you're all going on about being first when you're tied for it with us and China
And that's exactly why we, as a country, don't like divegrass. Because of garbage like 1-1 ties being enough to win a group stage.
But there is no tie here. 5>0 Silvers.
Stay mad and stay 3rd.
usa and china clearly have more medals than us lad wtf
get a dog
lol'd way too hard at this
It's a tie, it's 3-3-3. Silvers aren't a tie breaker for the gold medal count the same way the great barrier reef isn't
Like how is this hard to understand that the other medals literally don't matter? This is the exact argument that all Americans would be making if China had a thousand silver medals and three golds
They've never mattered. They never have. They never will.
When ever the flame gets put out it won't fuckin' matter because we're going to be so far ahead you fucks.
But you're not ahead at the moment
>tfw canadian
england pls take us back
Even shit teams can have a good first quarter against a titan.
So be happy when you're actually winning. Which you're not.
Quick question....when you measure your height there in Australia, at the doctors office or whatever, and it reads "175 centemeters" do you just round down to 100 and call it a meter? Just curious
Australia was petty nice to win those for the UK.
>Ausemen ITT so dumb he doesn't realize medals are worth different point amounts by type
Golds are worth 100, Silvers are worth 50, and Bronze are worth 25. We have 650 GCP (Good Country Points), you have 375 GCP. We're gonna get the post Olympic tendies and extra dipping sauce and you're going to have to change our post tendie shit diapers at this rate.
goal>behind, but you still count them both to determine who wins
likewise gold>silver, but you still count them both to determine who wins
now shut the fuck up.
>black people
yeahhh S.Korea on 5th
In your example, no. But you do bring up an interesting point. There's this thing called unit conversion. We use a system that is pretty simple, called the metric system, it's based around the number 10.
Anyway, unit conversion is used in measuring things, it's pretty useful, you can use a whole bunch of different units to represent the same quantity. You can add things like centimetres to metres and it all makes sense, because there's an equivalency (I'm not sure that's the right word) between the two
Now, I know your system of measurement is fucked up and complicated, which I guess explains why you think that when measuring which country has more gold medals, that silver medals somehow count. Like how you can add centimetres to metres. But... there's a defined system for centimetres and metres, as for silvers and gold
I can assure you that there's no such thing
We're still tied for first. You're not beating us
Lol most medals won by americans come from asians and niggers. Well done
Roos are the worst whites. literally a nation stemming from the most degenerate of society
>That dumb as fuck wall of text
I think you just won the gold medal in being mad as fuck. Silvers and bronzes count, you're losing, you'll always lose. Kill yourself.
All white. Nice try though. Kill yourself abo faggot half gorilla subhuman.
So many inner city YMCAs and rec centers have pools though. Maybe it isn't seen as cool enough in their communities
In AFL, what I presume you're talking about because of the word behind, a team with 1 goal loses to a team with 7 behinds. In the Olympics the country with 1 gold beats the country with 7 silvers. There is no equivalency between silvers and golds. They're still not a tie breaker. You're still not beating us
But you're welcome to try again
>He's okay with ties.
"See guys, we w-w-won t-t-too!"
>analogies must compare two things literally identically.
not so much. point is if one team has 3 goals and no behinds, and one has 3 goals and 5 behinds...well, i'll let you do the math. ;)
>They're still not a tie breaker. You're still not beating us
yeah, they are. yeah, we are.
But you're welcome to try again. :)
You're the ones celebrating a tie like you're winning, I'm not.
The reason why the team with 3 goals and no behinds is losing to the team with 3 goals and 5 behinds is because each goal and behind is worth a specific amount of points, and 6 behinds is the same amount of points as a goal.
You don't get points for silvers. A country with a thousand silvers isn't ahead of a country with one gold. Same for a million silvers, same for an infinite amount of them.
Counting silvers is as useful as counting which country has more grains of sands on their beaches. They're irrelevant to who has more golds, and golds are the only thing that matters
You're still not beating us
>analogies must compare two things literally identically
we have more. stay salty, my upside down friend. :)
If you were any good you'd have lead from day one.
323 million white
27 million spicks
21 million niggers
8 million chinks
23 million white
2 million chinks
>>literally china
Your analogy implies that there's an amount of silvers that would equal a gold
the analogy is that something of less value can break a tie of things of more value.
>inb4 silver has no value
only straya's silvers have no value. ;)
No one cares. I honestly don't know anyone that is watching this shitheap of an Olympics. Good one, Brazil.
Nope. Silver count is the accepted tie breaker.
Stay mad, Roo.
>mfw i haven't even watched 1 second of live broadcast
i wouldn't even know how many medals we had if ausanon wasn't so assblasted about pretending like he's tied with us
Sorry, but the one drop rule means that the 323 million """"""whites""""" is more like 2 million.
We didn't stick our dicks in natives and slaves like you did. Probably because our natives are subhumans but that's not the point here.
Yeah this is so odd. I've never seen an Olympics with this little hype/interest. I'm 25 years old
Where is russia?
The analogy only works if there's an equivalency between silvers and golds, which there isn't.
>only straya silvers have no value
Is a pretty good line
Once again though, I'd like to point out you'd be making this exact argument if china had 10 silvers at the moment.
It really kind of looks like that's a hand blocking the penis you've drawn, rather than what I presume is supposed to be a mouth opening to accept it
fine. then how about goals and penalty kicks in soccer. infinite penalty kicks=/=1 goal, but if two teams each have 3 goals, and one makes 5 penalty kicks and the other team makes 0 you have a winner.
and if china has 3 golds and 10 silvers (all else being the same) they'd be winning, but if they had 0 golds and 500 silvers you'd be in 2nd.