Well Sup Forums

well Sup Forums...



none of them are correct.



Wtf is this a paradox? If you pick A or D, that makes them both wrong since they are the same answer. If you go with B, it's wrong because it would be the only correct answer...

I wanna go with C but I'm not even fully convinced that's right, best shot I guess

What makes it a paradox is that if you go with C, as you would logically come to, it would be wrong. Because then it would be a correct answer, one of four. That means it would be 25%, which makes it A or D, which makes them both wrong and B is right, which would be wrong still...

Great picture user, saved. None of them can be correct, yet they all are...

I withdraw this answer. it can't be C since its impossible for it to be 0 since your picking the right answer... It's fucked.

Did I won? Where's my cookie?

Sorry your thread got solved so quickly

Although the answer is 25% since you can choose 1 out 4 answers.
since there is 2 25% answers to choose from. this makes it 50%

dis right?

Wrong, try again

Cool puzzle. Bumping for other anons to save the pic and make fun of their intellectually lame friends and colleagues

This, I wanna see this thread keep going since people tend to not read the answers


If the answer is 25% then how can the answer be 50%? its a paradox, there is no correct answer

Why would you list an answer twice?

the correct answer is simply 25%, your choices within the answer don't dictate a change

Try again. The fact that the answer is 25% twice means that it can't be 25%

There's no question, therefor there cannot be an answer. You can't assume only 1 answer is correct to a question that doesn't exist.

But it is asking you to pick a choice at random, and if the correct answer is listed twice then it would make the odds of picking the right one 50% because the correct answer comprises 50% of all of the options. But that correct answer is then invalidated as a result, because if 50% would be the correct answer which would only occur on 25% of all random choices. Repeat to infinity.

you really think OPs would do that?

just start threads for pure bait?

Thats the trick. If the chances are 25% then only one is correct. But two are correct so the chances are either 33% (since 3 answers exist) or 50% because 2/4 are correct. But 50% is only listed once which means it is the only one of four answers thats correct, making it 25% again. But since we already got fucked there, then none of them are correct making it 0%.

But if 0% is correct then 1/4 are correct.

Tl;dr. There is no God.

The answer is 50%. You will either be right or wrong, which is 50-50.

That's a pseudo-intellectual response that doesn't make any sense. Go back to school

The chance you pick a correct answer out of 4 choices is 25%, this is one of those cases where you just stay thinking inside the box to be correct

It's not bait, it's there to watch fuckskulls stumble trying to logically come to impossible answers

Forget I ever mentioned 33%. Forgot we were picking one if 4 choices. Im drunk and so tired im about to pass out. Whatever fuck you.

No im not trying to save face in an anonymous board where noone can hurt me. Fuck you.

How can you say the answer is 25% just because it's ABCD multiple choice? There's no question being asked so you can't assume that.

Nice try though.

How're your first year philosophy classes treating you?

but then that'd be like, just trying to contain idiots within a thread so that the rest of the board can prosper??

nobody would do that

No, because 2 of the choices are 25%. So theres a 50/50 chance youll get the 25.

This is a total troll question. There is no right answer.

That's not right, because really none of the answers are right. Which makes you think 0% would be correct, but it can't be right by definition.

i've never taken phil classes i'm just not a retard like you guys.

It's 25% it's not asking you to pick any letter it's asking for a percent

it's like if y=x/x+x is simplified to y=1+x but then y couldn't be 1 even though we were able to simplify it within bounds

what i'm saying is, the one-size-fits-all answer to someone being correct in a 4-choice multiple choice is always 25%, but for this particular question it doesn't hold

I'm the same guy. The answer isn't 25% and I never said that. Think about the problem and look over the answers for a second. None of them are correct, but not for the bullshit reason you listed.

In math, there aren't "questions" with answers, there are problems with answers, bitch

Nah that other guy is right. There is a clear question and the answer is clearly not there.

You tried too hard.

Im not saying youre dumb, but you tried so hard to sound smart you made a retard of yourself.

I'm a different guy. Don't call people retards when you're the only retard here.

You clearly don't understand a single thing about the problem or the answers

I feel like you guys are over thinking it. The post is asking a question, but doesn't say you have to pick one of the multiple choice. The answer doesn't have to be one of the choices. The answer is 33%

>doesnt hold.

Exactly, thats the point. The question is designed purely to be wrong. There are no angles like youre trying to make of it.

Its just all wrong, and thats the intent.

It's 33% actually because two of the answers are the same. So this pic is incorrect and OP is a fag

The problem is the "this question" part. It's self-referential in the same way that "this statement is a lie" is. If the answer is 25% then since half of the answers are that, the answer is 50%. But if the answer is 50%, then you only have a 25% chance of answering correctly.

It says it's a multiple choice question. The whole question revolves around it being one of those 4 answers, otherwise it makes no sense

I understand it completely you tard. Assuming 1 in 4 means the answer is 25% so 2 answers are correct, which is actually 50%, but then only B would be correct, so it would be 1/4.

It's a fucking paradox, but ONLY if you start with the assumption that 1 in 4 are correct.

I'm not trying to sound smart, it's an obvious damn answer you armchair philosophers.

>Question mark at the end, clearly denoting a question

The question is valid iff there is a single correct answer to choose from out of the four available options, which there isn't.

You are really bad at math or trolling

25%+25%=33%? Wow... Who knew...

Could've fooled me with that fallacious reasoning

One of the choices is zero, which isn't possible.

This. The intent is to be a paradox.

The whole thing is by definiton a paradox.

It would be 33% if you only had 3 options to choose from, and 33% is one of them.

You have to choose between a b c and d, not at random, not 25%, 33%, or 50%. Odds dont work that way. Theres is a 25% chance of landing on any of them and theyre all wrong.

So the overthinking comes solely from the fact that any kind of thinking outside of "this question doesnt work" is wrong.

None, they are all self-refuting.

There's a 50% chance this post will be quints because I can either be right or wrong.

Using my advanced methods of mathematics I deduce the answer to be D

You don't have to ASSUME anything.

The question is, given that you pick ONE answer out of RANDOM, which would be right? That means it is exactly how you would think, not your bullshit logic.

You understand nothing.

This was meant for you

50%, coon



Multiple choice questions are always C for corn


Clearly none of us are getting through to you, and yet you call US dense...

Know what? Forget anything i said. This.

Listen dickhead, the answer is the subversion of the assumption that one of the four answers is correct. The question is coherent, it didn't call for any assumptions to be made. It didn't say "if you chose an answer from the answers provided," it just called for an answer.

Now stop being a faggot, you're not impressing anyone

Holy shit.. Despite earlier rantings and high horsedness i see it now...

Guys there is no question, this anons right. Seriously.

What if we rephrase the question to.
"If you pick answer at random what are the odds of you picking the letter "A"?


To me this is the same question.

Dude shut up. Fucking stop right now while you're ahead


you'd think it was samefag but it wasn't.

My thought process that got me there: two interpretations.. One being a b c or d was right. That makes it incomplete.


What if it was saying if you picked an answer at random, it meant any answer in the universe even outside these parameters, which makes it 1 in infinity because there is a correct answer. But if its not one of these, what is it? Well whats the question? And thats when you see it. Its none.

I once called people stupid for not understanding its just a paradox between a b c and d. I will call you stupid now for not seeing what i now realise. Come at me.

Who the fuck makes these?
I refuse to believe there's someone standing back and enjoying this. Get a fucking hobby that is actually enjoyable

It looks like samefag, but in all honesty I don't care. I can't believe that tard convinced you. Or are you trolling?

What part of the question isn't a fucking question?

Except the answer to this is clearly 50%. It is no longer a paradox.

You're only going to embarrass yourself, just a fair warning. I'm not even going to humor you.

By that logic the answer would be C because the chances of guessing a correct answer at random out of infinite possibilities is exactly 0

No, seriously. I was on the paradox train. Ive been on it for years trust me. I finally see it, not even trolling, there is no question.

Think about it: what if the answers were

A)25% b)33% c)0% d)50%
Well by our logic it would be 25%.

But wtf does that even mean? "Whats the right answer?" "25%". Its totally meaningless. There isnt a question.

What... What do you even mean?

>inb4 hurr reality is a lie
how would a CORRECT ANSWER be meaningless? Is this some matrix bullshit like "there is no spoon"

This. The question is straightforward as fuck anyways, people not to stop overthinking to make sense out of nothing




I'm guessing it's supposed to be a multiple choice question and there is to of the same answers, so it's a trick question. Or am I wrong?

That's correct. But C also can't be right. None of them can. If C is right, that means it is a correct answer obviously, meaning there would be a 25% chance,getting you right back to the start...

Thats it though. Even with a b c or d parameters its meaningless because none are right. Ill put it this way.

What if i asked you this question and didnt provide choices. I just said "what are the odds of you picking the right answer at random from this question?" imagine that scenario for real.

Youd say "ok shoot" or be silent and wait for me to go on or whatever. Youd be waiting for the question.

Because there is no answer to that without a follow up question that actually has an answer.

And even as i mentioned it would be infinity, and another user replied "well thats zero". Well that still doesnt answer anything, because it doesnt make any sense.

You're basically only telling me that it's a paradox and yet you somehow deny it to yourself so you word it in a completely different way then just saying "yeah well this is just a paradox"

Just because the answers are pretty nonsensical doesn't mean there is no question. It gave you a list of answers, although none can be right. Last time I checked that doesn't mean it is not a question..

A or D. It's just a 25% chance for each 1/4. 4 options, ignore their values

Not how it works. The values are important.

Nah nah nah. Ok. This question has been floating around Sup Forums for many years. Until like 10 minutes ago when i finally saw it, i was all "a b c and d are wrong. This question was designed to be wrong to make faggots argue."

Just trust me that ive argued exactly what youre arguing now, others have told me there is no question and ive replied "lawl wtf faggot" this isnt new to me, and if you dont come around, you will later.

Reimagine it. There actually is another angle here, and it is more correct.

The question preceding the choices is purely rhetorical. The flaw doesnt lie in the fact that a b c or d are wrong, it lies in the question saying basically "what is the answer to this question?" when there is no question to refer to.

In no universe does a percentage answer such a question. There is no answer to "whats the answer to this question?" Because it isnt actually a tangible question.

Says who, if it's just data there's no accurate way to pick anything with more of a chance than 25%

Stop overthinking it dude, I don't even give a fuck. I don't spend my time here or care to look again at the paradox.

It is a paradox plain and simple and no amount of overthinking will change that.

Look, even if it isn't a feasible question, that means nothing. Who gives a flying fuck? No one but you. So stop overthinking and trying to get some sort of high ground or whatever it is you are doing. It's a paradox.

The question is self-referential, and in this case the values and amount of the answers is essential to the whole thing.

fucking math wizards


>who gives a fuck
You because youre in this thread, posting even.


Its extremely simple though. The options just throw it all off.

If your mind wasnt so set im overthinking or wrong youd see it too with no problem. But thats how Sup Forums works. Im guilty of it too. Anyway been a long week. I need sleep.


Alright well this isn't going anywhere

Except there's a difference between asking what are the odds of guessing the answer to this question and asking that that answer is. one has an answer, which from your new perspective would be 0, the other is a malformed question