ITT we post our status in life, then our regrets. No judging

ITT we post our status in life, then our regrets. No judging.

35yo here, married, have a doctorate

1. Not joining the military
2. Not calling off my wedding
3. Not spending more time with Jenna
4. Buying too many things
5. Not traveling more when I was younger

If you have a doctorate and you're browsing Sup Forums asking the status of peoples lives you're either a terribly lonely sad person or an outright filthy liar.

Either way, you lose

33 Masters Degree
Can't get a job to save my life. Get told the same you don't have nough experience bullshit.
GF, broke, considering f getting my doctorate and becoming a professor or going to chiropractic school because fuck it.
- not going to med school
-not going into economics
- fucking up my first time in college when 18.

Is Sup Forums too low for someone with a doctorate?

35 Associates Degree
Security guard, married with children, failing health
Regrets- not finishing school, not asserting myself more in my 20s, not leaving mormon church sooner, Not having children sooner.

>Nice try FBI

Now seriously, I'm not that old and my life is not of your concern, but here are the bad decissions I made. I don't fully regret most of them, but they sometimes make me wonder "What if?":
- Still a virgin to this day, not because I can't pull girls but because I weasel out at the last minute.
- Not making or supporting bussiness for great profit... At a great risk.
- Not going to war when I had the chance... Fuck the military tho, I would've loved to shot shit up and blow niggas up.
- Not giving my best in everything I could had done.

"Not giving my best" hits hard man

So many opportunities wasted to laziness

>unironic post

19yo, infantryman, US Army.

1. Joining the military

>Not having reading comprehension

He may be wondering what makes a "Highly Educated" fuck lurk and ask such questions.

I don't wonder that though. Sup Forums has the most unique and truthful face of manking.

25, now single. Masters student, one more year left.

1. declining amazing internship last year because GF wanted me to stay and help her over the summer so she can graduate.

2. helping GF graduated this year, as she broke up with me when offered amazing job out of state saying she can't handle short term long distance relationship.

3. not learning to play the banjo when I was younger

perhaps but trumpfags are really fucking stupid regardless

What about the rest?

I mean. I didn't went to my grandma funeral, but I don't regret it.

get on that banjo idiot
and yeah, being supportive when the recipient bales sucks balls like nothing else.
makes you never fucking give a fuck again.

yer girlfriend sounds like kind of a cunt, m8.

So... you don't want to make America great again?

Fuck you Michael. Get off of Sup Forums you sick fuck. Not much you can do with that big degree after you get caught in some of these threads. Get it together.

36, only thing I regret is not traveling

You know what? You're right.

I'm fucking buying that banjo.

If u r a young fag, travel. Don't let anything stop u. See the world

See this shit?

This is what makes me wonder, what the fuck do they teach you at school? OR why the fuck are they built for?

I mean, I'm a student and I didn't learned shit. Most of the useful bullcrap of my career I already knew and the not so useful is worth a damn nowadays.

And the top of the cake; I feel 90% of my prom is made of potatoes. The rest are not that far ahead but they fend for themselves.

Too close to home.

21yo, being used, working for BA, working $9/hr office job.

1. Interacting with anyone I have ever interacted with.
2. Not falling through with an hero when I was 13.
3. Not learning violin.

i apologize for calling you an idiot.

Buy a cheap one and use youtube. Then you can make your concerts and whatnot.

It's never bad to learn proper music. Don't get too hardassed with technical bullshit.

23, GF of 1.75 years, just finishing my 2 year degree.
1. Not switching to CS major after 1st year.
2. Getting in a long distance relationship when I was 18 and letting it last 3 years. Jeez fuck me.
3. Not joining a band or something.
4.Not ditching above gf the moment I thought something was a miss. So like year 1 out of that 3 year shit show.
5. Not pursuing some other long distance relationship with a girl out of my dreams. Half Egyptian, Half Venezuelan 10/10 beauty that loved Disney movies... She might have even liked me. Perfect freaking 10. A unicorn.
6.Not applying myself in school or finding adderall to help focus.
7. Being to prideful to ask for help in any situation.
8. Wasting time with anime and video games when I could be ruling the world.

Buy that banjo motherfucker

use youtube, great teachers 5 free

job that i love
fulfilled dreams
no regrets

Honestly, I have no idea anymore. I'm not going to quit the program though. I'm not paying for it since I essentially work for the school.

I'm just more pissed that she dumped me after all that work we put into getting her above academic probation.

whats next?
you got plenty of time to lose it all bb

17M,single,9th grade dropout,6'2 210 pounds live with parents
1.spend 16 hours a day on computer
2.shower like once a month if that irl friends
4.masturbate like 10 times a day

No worries. Sometimes being called names by anons on the internet is just what we need to get out of a slump. So, thank you.

Definitely. Nothing fancy for now. I know a couple rolls already. I'm rusty as fuck because I haven't touched one in 10 years.

I'm on it!

Thanks guys. ;_;7

32, married, father, unemployed, HS graduate only.

-Not going to college
-Not accepting that promotion at my job a few years ago (it would have given me valuable experience and looked great on my resume after my company closed down)
-Drinking so heavily in my early to mid 20s
-Drinking and driving
-Hurting all the people I've heart
-Smoking a pack a day for 10 years
-Letting myself get so fat. It's a lot easier to just not get fat in the first place than it is to get un-fat.

Didn't you rationalize that since she was a bitch she could do exactly what she did?

I can love my doggo, care for him, tend him and even sleep on the same bed and even expect protection. But at the same time I can trust that without training I can leave a beef on a table the fucker will eat it whole.

>Bitches ain't nothing but whores and tricks.

I'm 19 and a few months away from a long distance relationship. Smart as fucking fuck, so much potential for the future, beautiful as fuck, and I really really like so many things about her. Should I do it?

I think that I should include that I'm trying to be a doctorfag, and I'm pretty sure that I'll have plenty of options for a girlfriend, but I really like her. Advice, user?

19, didn't complete HS

Not regretting anything. High school made me an introvert and socially awkward.

Job is easy, 3rd year, +$35k/year
Travelling everywhere
Gym 6 days a week
Surrounded by tonnes of new friends
The balance between social, work and independence is phenomenal
Stopped playing computer and basically always out

Im enjoying myself too much

You're still young you cunt. Get to the gym and get that GED.

>spending friday night on Sup Forums crying about the past

fuck this thread and fuck you crybabies.

Do Oreos tasted good when you fry them?

Also, will you stream when you an hero?

I like you.

Never too late. Get yourself a banjo

>Chocolate Maker
>No degree
>Pretty happy, active, bang sluts, live in a cool part of the country, pretty decent musician on multiple instruments, live in ideal location to survive infrastructure collapse in America while you NYC Boston fucks are literally eating eachother alive I'll be on.

1.) Not appreciating free education when I had it. Whether that be classical music, skiing, or that period of time in highschool when colleges look for promise in a student

2.) Not exploring more of the east coast when I lived there/getting into noise and punk scenes more

3.) Being too jaded to let myself fall in love

that's exactly me.

25, had some very financial difficulties

now I got the position that I was expecting to get 10 years before, making 6 figures.BUT I kinda lost the taste of life, now I'm tired of my job and all I wanna do is literally nothing

>But at the same time I can trust that without training I can leave a beef on a table the fucker will eat it whole.

Actually, that's a great analogy.

Well, without going into the details, I'm comforted in knowing she's literally just a token female in a generally male industry. She wont go far, I know her. Call it petty but it's a good feel nonetheless.

>Post above yours
>Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks

Get that to your skull.

Also, marry only when you have the control of the relationship.

I will also add, being a chronic underachiever since about 6th grade. If I could only make myself try...I still can't. I'm a major loser.

never tried friend Oreo's and never gonna kill my self my brother did tho he went to prison for 7 years when he was 12 for stealing a soda and stabbing the clerk at a 711

1 not trying more in high school
2 attempting to interact with anything
3 not finishing my book'
4 attempting to start a lets play channel

I like you too.

Your craft brings me joy.

This. The jews have been holding me back my whole life too.

my problem is that, once I like someone, I'm really faithful. I don't need the physical aspect of the relationship, and there's an actual chance that it could go somewhere. I'm really trying to inquire about the advice that /b could give. Sorry, user, but I'm not all that interested in the opinion or advice of a generic 'bitches ain't shit' user

Old fag here. Just got by bachelors in Physics. Avoided all student debt. Just got job at ARL. But no girl :(

>spending Friday night on Sup Forums shitposting in a thread where anons reveal their human side

Wew, thank goodness you're better than everyone or your post would look pretty sad.

Stop liking everyone!

Understood. As far as I care to know, jailtime is living a nightmare for as long as you are there.

Next, how do you make to weight so much while fapping? I can't cum without losing like half pound on the next days... not sure if that might be related at all, but I have had that impression since years.

22 yrs old, student (1 more year to finish uni)

1.Not saving money ( I had rich grandad who gave me a lot of money and I spent it all with my gf and friends)
2. Rejecting my ex.
3. Declined job oportunities becouse I tough I have my life arranged.

>Wew, thank goodness you're better than everyone or your post would look pretty sad.

What I like about being an user is that niggers like you see right through me.

you just made me fucking happy.

You're great.

41, married, 3 kids, master's in engineering.

1. Feared my parents growing up. Cost me so much, including the love of my life.
2. I hate my profession and wish I hadn't let people talk me out of doing what I really wanted to do.
3. I can't quit my job or change professions because I make great money and my wife doesn't work (INB4 lazy cunt - she takes great care of the kids and house).
4. I wish I had stayed in my adopted home state and hadn't moved back to where I was born.
5. I never fucked a 10 (but fucked two 8s at the same time).

well i spend all day sitting in a chair eating snacks im surprised i only weigh this much. want pic?

1. Recently finished high school
2. No dreams, ambitions, aspirations
3. Only wants to have a job i enjoy and a family i love
4. Relationship with gf of over a year ended not too long ago
5. Was deeply in love
6. Not sure what to do
7. Want to die

Thank you.

I need to get into an industry that isn't dependant on getting rare cacao from unstable countries though . Rye booze or something. Im good at food science. Got a good pallate and taste for science.

No clue how I possess this knowledge having dropped out of highschool.

My message to you all, im not superrich. But I am valuable. Learn about things you're passionate about. Get passionate about something and read about it. Then read about it some more until you find the horizon. Then invent a new way to approach. Exploit people's inherit interest in exclusivity. Generated false exclusivity and profit.

Most importantly master your environment. I have hiked through the mountains around me and listened to the earth. I mean like 100+ mile trips unsupported. (No I didn't forage and hunt) that's down the road.

Idk what I'm going on about

>didn't went
do you regret that poor grammer?

Ok homie. Floor and crash if you like. You ain't coming here to make a feels thread because you get cucked beyond redemption.

37 BS about to start Masters.
1. First marriage I was young and dumb.
2. Dropping out of school back in the day.
3. Not chasing my dream in my early 20s I could of and dropped the ball.
4. Not traveling.
5. Not having that threesome cause I loved that one girl. Again young and dumb.
6. Not fucking more girls. I had chances and was always in love with some bitch.
7. Not spending more time with my dad before he died.
8. Not finding Sup Forums until 2007.
9. Not fucking OPs mom.
10. Not fucking moot in the ass.
However life is good most times. Not rich but have a job most want and make good money. Married to a good cute woman. Life could be much worse.

23, government career $50k with guaranteed raises for the next 5 years maxing out at $70k, 2 year degree, in process of building a house

1. Not dating that girl in high school
2. Jumping straight into the work force at 21 and not living a little
3. Buying stupid shit and not saving so I could afford a lot more shit for my house outright instead of financing it

That's it

you're awesome. keep on keepin on

Go to the gym or by weights and start working out. Fuck other bitches and move on. Oh get a job and go at least get a 2 year degree.

The ONLY regret I have is this compelling urge to come to this internet cesspool several times a week. Are the people here really what the world is becoming? Thank god I only have a few more years till old age takes me.

Why? I'm intrigued on the NEET thing.

Seems like a dreamland, but at the same time I wouldn't be able to enjoy some things I do enjoy now.

As a whole, my life sucks, I hate my job, I have no worthy relationship, no achievements and nothing at all.

Being NEET is worth it?

>No judging
I wanted to let you know I'm judging you.

What do you do?

Oh and get a job and at least a two year degree.

Fixed your Grammar train wreck. Not to convincing with language like yours.

23, gf of 7 years, terrible job and part time student

only regret is not asking some girl out in 3rd grade.

You've got years to go before you've officially failed. Write that book or another. Or anything. Just write stories so you can call yourself a writer. Or anything. Get a portfolio going, no matter the quality, because you will improve.

Guys did you realize that this made us realize that we can make everything we want? Or we choose fear or love, its that simple.

No worries, user. I'm gonna take your words into deep consideration. And I have a lot of other reasons to start a feels thread, instead of one about a grill

21, Air Force and full time student going for BA. Single.
1.Waiting so long to lose my weight
2. Turning down the girl of my dreams because I just got out of a relationship
3. Not joining the military sooner

49 Doing well
1- Not getting that degree
2- or any certs
3- Using emotional crap as an excuse to underachieve
4- Using the same to go from a ripped physique to a fat slob.
5- Not fixing this before 50

Check those.

Either way no. The next generations always have to carry the burden stupid fucks like you left, and when you are called on your bullshit you retort to tell how much better shit used to be handled in Ye Olde Times.

As to why you are here, I don't know for sure. But I'm here because people here are real people, they don't have to facade or make shit up.

We can troll and laugh our sorry assess, yet we can be full homo and make a thread where we share our feels and other kind of menial shit.

31, single, no kids, high school drop out.

Only major regret I can think of is a contract that I took last year that I fucked up royally on. Lost a bucket load of money and my reputation took a major hit.

Chiropractors are parasites. KYS for even considering it seriously.

Fuck her to your heart content. But never trust her beyond her nature.

Women are bitches by nature, if given the chance she'll take half your shit.

Nice try U.S army. Im not going to enrole to any army

Well the thing is i have something to fall back on if something happens to my parents i have a uncle whos rich and is willing to take me in if i get a job at his company.But im bored all the time and hop from one game to another spending way to much money on it.and i stink atleast i cant smell my self and prob gonna die early due to heart failure or some shit,

BTW Married , kids, Working in IT

29, traveler, associates degree, single
-not banging more chicks
-not leaving my ex-gf earlier
-not quitting smoking earlier
-not being motivated to do shit
-being worried about what my parents think
-getting an std
-visiting this site

have you tired modafinal..I like it and not the meth jitters either

43, Happily married except the wifey has almost no sex drive whatsoever, so I end up masturbating 5-10 times a week. I have a Hitachi Magic Wand with a vibracup attachment that fucking ricks, along with my Tenga Flip Hole. Had my first heart attack at 40. Just waiting around now for the next one to take me out. Not particularly happy in my line of work. Not very successful in business, but I like to help people where and when I can. 2 kids that I love. 2 jobs, working 7 days a week sucks ass.

40something cant remember
current regrets
minor: sticking my dick in crazy (fucking love my fucking kid tho - shit is awesome
major: accidentally falling into a long term business situation when i need short term cash fuk me shits tight chasing your dreams and hard as fuck and thoroughly satisfying but im hung on a string waiting for this long term shit to pan out and its all subject to shit around the world way beyond my fucking control
also major: sticking it out with some neurotic cunt for so long and letting her unhappiness ruin shit god i shoulda left fuck her

39, sysadmin at giant megacorp

Not finishing college
Going to prison
Being a felon
Wasting my 20s

20, male, single, working at my dream job

1. could have fucked so many more girls if i werent so socially awkward back then

thats it

23, student, working part time as a tutor (for chilluns, not college level)

>Not doing more as a teen, more parties, more girls, more sports, more adventures, etc. I spent a lot of time just sitting at home. I still did some fun stuff, but I feel like I half-assed it.

>Losing touch with all of my friends. I'm terrible with time management and also a bit shy/awkward so it's hard for me to make time to hang out with people outside of work/school. I make friends easily with people around me but somehow it just doesn't work out when I have to actually make plans and go out of my way to see with them.

>Wasted the first 3-4 years of college just fucking around, failing stuff and changing my major twice. Again, terrible time management. Everyone my age is graduating and starting careers, I'm still in community college and living at home.

In general, most of my problems have been from mis-managing time and pussyfooting around shit. I wish I could have been less intimidated by stuff and been more assertive and proactive.

The upside is that while I was wasting time at school I was doing other things so now I have exponentially more life skills than most other college students. I have adult work experience, I can cook (actually cook, like with spices and shit, not just rice maker and microwave), fix cars/equipment, wood and metal working, some gardening/farming, take care of kids, all kinds of stuff.

I'm an after school program tutor. I started at 18 just as TA, but now I have my own class of 3rd graders. I also worked nights/weekends/summers at a resort, doing maintenance during the day and security at night. I spread myself pretty thin and even though I was fucking up at school I was learning a lot elsewhere. Dealing with kids and drunk adults who act like kids really cleared up a lot of social anxiety and lack of assertiveness for me. Now I walk, talk and act like a fucking man, not like a kid and everything is so much easier.

31, unmarried but together 10 years, 1 kid, 85k basic. degree.

Not trying hard enough in high school to get into med school.
Not fucking THAT girl.

36, married, 1 kid, 115k salary, ~80k bonus for last 2 years, high school diploma

1. Spending so much money on hookers in my 20s
2. Not saving money in my 20s because of #1
3. Attending an art college instead of studying computer science
4. Not finishing art college
5. Not investing in nintendo last year when my friend told me it was $10 per share

you are strange

20, Nursing Student,Cashier at Home Depot. 5'11 230 lbs (Down from 270 in March)

-Not taking more AP level courses, specifically Spanish and Psych

-Not being more assertive around M and R

-Not getting a job sooner

-Not attending class for all of my 2nd semester. But then I would not have met M... So...

I don't really care about the sex, it's completely a mental thing for me, so much so that since I like her, I haven't thought of another girl as pretty. I might take a bit of a poll here, but would you wait and see how things pan out with her, or try to get a grill at college? I have to say that she's definitely something special

How to not be social awkward I swear I'm not autistic but I just don't get people

Couldn't be more wrong I'm a sysadmin. Looking for more bank, not bullets.

29 (30 next month), married, Bachelor's and two Associates degrees, no kids.

1) Proposing to and marrying the first woman that let me stick my dick in.
2) Not focusing more on myself and my health
3) Spending too much time and money on video games I end up hating
4) Not saving any money