Other urls found in this thread:
really makes you think
why is germany playing against themselves?
>bare feet
disgusting whore
honestly, why do the non-muslim girls wear bikinis? there's clearly no athletic advantage to such a skimpy outfit, its just lewd. they should have to wear tshirts and shorts like the indoor volleyball girls
They're used to it
are you fucking kidding me
The slime looks like she's about to one inch punch that ball into the stratosphere.
>someone honestly thought this would be funny before posting
>tfw they try to pull this shit in swimming
big ass tho
It's the uniform for the game.
like it would be radically different
Is this from this year?
>he doesn't want to see this
spotted the tanned german
No fucking around, I could see them trying it and succeeding. The IOC is basically infiltrated anyways
>that's the joke
those were banned
>bare shoulders
>head uncovered
absolutely haram
also most teams stopped using the speed suits and went back to more traditional cuts. turned out they were gimmicks
>swimcraft 1 campaign selection screen
Am I a cuck if I feel bad for them?
They went to the olympics, tried their best, probably had a blast in Brazil and now they will return to thir country only to marry an old guy and never see sunlight again or get stoned
Old Germans vs New Gemans
Too much ass
l o w t e s t
Irish vacationing in America spotted
welcome :)
>too much ass is now a newfag spotter
really makes you think
Are they still playing?
>watching beach volleyball
>mom comes into room 'wat are ya watching user"
what do you do?
>the shit surrounding that fucking suit
tell her to get out of my room and pull my pants up in shame
Do you really think these women participate in this game to show off their skills and athletic prowess?
Really makes you think, huh..............
Too Much Faggot
>never see sunlight again and get stoned
sounds like my every day desu
'Mum? You're alive?! Oh my god, it's a miracle! Just let me finish spaffing my jibber here and we can catch up'
I-I-It's just background noise, mom
>I'm watching beach volleyball
Hello Paddy
Dead mum fag spotted. Lmaoing @ your life
poor bantz aus. for shame
>constantly digging suit from ass.
I approve
get a grip Egypt this is ridiculous
>That flag
>This shit tier banter
I'm disappoint
Is she using the wolf fang fist on the ball
nice to meet you, british me
those hips tho
just put a paper bag on her face and some strawberry or anything flavor related thing on her pussy and eat it
i don't think you know how annoying is to have sand inside your shirts and shorts also how hot it gets with them
Seriously if the girls wear bikinis why aren't the men shirtless? It would be fair
Equality is if the men wear bikinis, or the women go topless, or the argie team sit on my face
Found the b user
But the men are move covered up then the women and not sexually objectified.
>Not equal
Someone post a webm of egyptian women's beach volleyball ass
Are you drunk or retarded?
wtf I love South America now
This pisses me off, they get to have different attire just bc muh diversity
what if you make up a religion which obliges you to sport a dildo helmet?
Will they allow that too?
see any team can decide to not wear revealing outfits
spotted the irish inmigrant
>It was a virus, mom, I got scared and my pants slipped down a little
this happened last night
>dad walks in
>"oh it's the beach volleyball, I love watching these girls jump around in their bikinis"
>"y-yeah me too"
>a bit rude
I thought it was pretty funny lad
When will they try to put women in the pool?
What are you, some kind of fucking gay faggot?
Honestly fuck this
Is Egypt a Muslim nation? I never new.
wai..wait a minute
you're already pretty much completely covered in shit during fencing anyway.
pick 1
Based CBC live stream. I never new I didn't know the rules to tennis and volleyball until I watched it with no commentary.
They have nice countries around their borders at least, Libya, Sudan, Saudi Arabia.
>For the first time in American Olympic history for all sports someone wearing that shit on our female fencing team
>And her last name is Muhammed
T-Trump 2016!
>all those (You)'s
Good job, Patrick McCormick!
Yeah I don't get it. Don't they wear a helmet with a frontal metal mesh?
Try less
You'll get it >eventually
It's not the outfit, it's the principle behind it.
what. The fact that muslims are allowed to be US citizens? we get it. its always been that way. Mainstream media is just propaganda shit that annoys more people than it does good. Trump when?
gays not welcome
>See this pic on the local news
>Come to Sup Forums for thread about it
You guys never let me down.
i fuck your mother
Don't they wear a mask?
Can always count on neckbeards to be triggered by everything.
This place is more like tumblr than anyone would like to admit.
wtf is this real? who gives a fuck i hate fucking muslims shit like this
ireland where'd you get that usa flag
>I'm not triggered when I see oppressed people
That's very unamerican of you
Who won? The bikini girls?
Easily. The Egyptian team looked uncomfortable with all that shit on them.