Hey all you racist white fucks...

hey all you racist white fucks, yall dont even give a brotha a chance cause of his skin and you know what we sure as hell aint givin you a chance cause of yo skin! yall be talkin all that good shit on here talkin about nigger nigger nigger but in real life when u aint behind yo fuckin crusty ass keyboards yall be quiet as a mouse. see me walking by you and youll shut your ass up and wait to get home to type about it with yo bitch ass. yall could have yo little bitchclub but us real niggas gonna hold it down in the real world lmao

My friend from Africa gave me a black card. I say nigga when i want to who i want

you can't do shit



Shut up and get pack to picking my cotton, nigger.

What's the difference between dog shit and niggers?
When dog shit gets old it turns White and quits stinking.

What's the difference between a nigger and a snow tire?
A snow tire doesn't sing when you put chains on it.

As long as they aren't basque, I don't give a fuck


What would you call the Flintstones if they were black?

How do you stop a nigger from drowning?
Take your foot off the back of his head.

Why do niggers stink?
So blind people can hate them too.

Why are there no nigger astronauts?
Their lips explode at 50,000 feet.

How do you babysit a niglet?
Wet his lips and stick him to the wall.

How else do you babysit a niglet?
Put Velcro on the ceiling and tell him to jump.

What's long and black and smells like shit?
The welfare line.

what do you call a nigger hanging on a barn wall?
used farm equipment

how do you kill a nigger?
hide his food stamps under his work boots

Stupid white motherfucker dont mean shit

fucking tell yourself all day long "I ain't no racist" you're still white.


I don't quite believe you aren't bait. however, if I'm wrong, a pic+timestamp would go a long way in provin g it.

I don't hate black people because their skin.
You could cut the skin off one and I'd still hate it.


Do hate the white man, and the use of the word nigger because that deep down, you know your inferior?

>Racist white fucks
>White fucks
I stopped reading after that hypocrisy.

It's this mentality that keeps some African Americans from seeing the truth. Hate begins hate.

That was a misleading post. Too bad that was government interference.

"yall dont even give a brother a chance cuz of his skin"
>implying your kind deserved a chance


and the nigger leaves with a whimper

All niggers must die.hope your nigger mama dies in a drive by in front of you nigger.

Where do I fit in this topic if I'm a Mexican?

In front of the nigger, but behind the white man.

Niggers always sit in the back, we breed'em that way.


How do you take away a honky's will to live? You don't, they do it themselves.

>implying social equality
lmao @ this ignorant reverse racism ass bitch

When everyone taking the B8


I am huge, I am white, I walk past groups of black guys all the time. They always look scared, why is that?

Nigger nigger nigger
Stay mad, shitskin. If you can't understand the difference between a nigger and a black, you're a nigger yourself. Lmao

we know youre full of shit because packs of thugs dont feel fear even when they should. theyre like hyenas. gtfo with your skinny ass

I've never seen a scared nigga in my life. They square up to anyone.

yall trippin

Because just saying nigger to the majority of black people in the US gets, at the very least, nasty looks and a total lack of cooperation. The more common result is either a full out verbal fight or, worse, a physical altercation. The fact that a non-black person saying nigger, where as many black people call themselves and each other niggers, means a risk of physical injury is reason enough to call you a nigger. A white person won't get in a fight because they were called a cracker. A chinese person won't fight because they were called a chink.

Essentially, your argument is very comparable to this:

You will sit on your computer, talking about how violent a rhino is, but you would never go up to a rhino in real life and jab it with a knife.

When you are 6' 3" like me, have "White Pride" tatted on you and have arms bigger round than most guys waists, I guess it changes things. But, for you scrawny faggots, enjoy your ultra beta status LOL

Behind the honkey. Who the fuck is going to build this country if we die?

I've never seen one who can back up his bullshit.

you've never seen one

I see them all the time, I live in the hood.

The word is begets, not begin.

ya'll racist as fuck

Another thread, more nigger bait.