what did google mean by this?
Silly rest of the world
Get fucked foreigners
> Russia not even top 4
Invade Crimea now you slav fucks!
Those little faggots never stood a chance.
I'm liking this Australia/Italia duo being in the top 5.
where's great britain?
>"great" britain
never stood a fucking chance
>top 3 national team of all time in soccer
>top 3 club team of all time in soccer
>best motorcycles driver of all time
>top 3 F1 racing team of all time
>swimming, volleyball, fencing, Judo, cyclism, rowing, gymnastic, skiing
Why are italians so good at sports?
I would like to sort according to per capita please
thank you
They invest in sport and ignore everything else
not true.
High Schools and Universities here do not have sports programs, for instance.
>highlight text
>press ctrl + f
>type in AUS
>shit bricks
>top 3 F1 racing team of all time
the car was being driven by a german vegetable tho.
>you're country is top 5 in the medal scoring
>you can't shitpost about it on Sup Forums because you're abroad in some slavic shithole and your flag is turned 90 degrees
I suffer
So you can continue to see your country nowhere near the top of the medal count?
>apparently being born (or having immigrated) in the same geographic piece of land as someone who did something great, entitles you to feel superior even though you didn't contribute anything towards that achievement
also: why did Germany send so many athletes if they all suck?
Holy shit, USA's obessions with Russia is pathetic.
stop eating ur media's propaganda