She may be the fastest girl in the pool, but she can't seem to outswim that hairline.
Katie Ledecky JUST
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cough steroids cough
What's that bulge behind her right arm?
Still would
5/10 would reluctantly bang
Almost all swimmers have terrible hairlines. Chlorine and having it pulled back/under a cap does that
Fuck you man. I have the same hairline. It's genetic and makes you look wise
Enormous tricep being pushed out by enormous lat. Swimmers have big, big upper bodies.
Worst than mine by a longshot desu
she doesnt even look like much of an athlete compared to the other swimmers
but she swims like she's got a turbine in her ass
Definitely not for everyone. But the swimmers tend to be tall, and I love tall, strong women.
They remind me of myself.
Fuck off leaf
I would kiss her on the lips and whisper America the beautiful in her ear as I massage her after a race
The ugly ones are always the ones to chart the podium
>makes you look wise
This is what people tell you? Hahahahahaha.
Don't feel bad, at least you're not a turbomanlet like me.
That's what roids do to a person
You should have that cough tested
guy on our swim team's fair blonde/white hair would turn greenish blue by the end of the season
Its just an ill fitting track suit
It's different when you're a '''''''''''girl''''''''''''
Bro, it's normal for guys at some point in their lives
What's it doing on a lady like Ledecky I have no idea, bad genetics or roids b/c women aren't supposed to have male pattern baldness lol
People keep saying this, but I don't think they realize steroids don't turn women into men anymore. They have evolved past that.
Most of the hotties you see on Instagram are personal trainers in a gym somewhere, and they are all juiced up to their eyeballs. They don't look like dudes.
Katie just happens to look like shit (compared to what we're used to seeing on TV). She's a hell of an athlete tho.
what a handsome young lad
I'm sure he'll steal some young lady's heart some day
Their looks are not marketable so they do not worry about their appearance or how they are gonna look in front of the cameras at all, they focus completely on what they are doing and fully give themselves, the most attractive athletes who are not only known for their skill but their looks too actually do worry -even if just a bit, if they are looking bad in front of the cameras. That little bit makes a world of difference.
all 4 look natty and to be expected from a trainer...
you wanna see "obviously roided but still feminine" look no further than ricard pianoman's wife
Her interview and behavior lead me to believe she is a teeny bit autistic.
Where have you been, son
>look no further than ricard pianoman's wife
You're going to have to be more specific because I'm seeing 2 or 3 different chicks with him and some look more virilized than others.
Who /wouldfug/ Katie
You fags can criticise her appearance all you like. Just remember that she's still a teenager and has already won medals at TWO olympics AND helped to destroy the ring in the fires of Mount Doom
She looks like the kind of girl I would think I have a chance with, but when I approach her she turns me down so I go home and cry
maybe it's the swimcap + the chlorine?
>she's still a teenager
That only makes it worse
Someone give me a link to the video pls. The kikes on Jewtube won't let me watch it.
isn't she 19?
she looks like a 40 year old man in this picture
You can see her slowly metamorphosing over the last few years into some dark fairy tale mermaid shit. If I eat a bit of her flesh it will kill me or make me immortal.
> spend lots of time in pools
> pools have lots of chemicals
> chemicals are bad for your body
I wonder why her hair is all fucked up guys
It's still way more fucked up than other swimmers' tho. Even older swimmers who are just as obsessive about training, like Katinka.
its the chlorine
>balding girl in my class at University
>balding girls are my weakness
>tried to ask her on a date
>asked her to go and watch Batman vs Superman
>Only thing I could think of saying was
>'H-Hey.... Lex Luthor is in the film before he went bald haha, but Jesse Eisenberg isn't pretty enough to play you before you went bald'
>she gets mad
>calls me a wanker and pushes me
>tfw no gf
>tfw I still watch her everyday
Can't watch Katie Ledecky. The memories are too painful for me lads.
>balding girls are my weakness
you can just shave your head
i pass
don't care, she's fucking amazing.
how insecure can you get? jesus
depends on what you take, if you just want to be lean and good looking + have a bunch of muscles there are many alternatives for women that is true. if you want to enhance strength and performance you will most likely still have to go with anabolics and therefore have the testosterone-related side effects.
What is it with Americans and their German/Polish surnames that they can't pronounce correctly?
I was under the impression that names ending with -cky were Polish or Czech or something, and the c is more like an s or tz sound.
But I keep hearing "le-decki" and it makes me cringe. Isn't it "le-detzki"?
hey did any of you guys watch ledecky cuck your country's swimmers in the 400? hahaha, you idiots why don't you feed your children HGH like we do
>when you realize what finally happens to sloth from the goonies.
Oh damn hahhahahahahaha
Officials at Ellis Island didn't give a shit about spelling or pronunciation. You told them your name and they'd write down what they think they heard in as few letters as possible.
How do we get Michael Phelps and her to have a kid? It would secure gold for USA for years to come.
we don't need to turn to lebensborn until our doping gets exposed
I want to hold her hand and massage her lats
Why does that bother you so much, manlet?
Have a look at one of the world champions in women's Jiu Jitsu (a sport with almost no drug testing and is well known for doping)
She doesn't look too manly, even with significantly increased muscle mass over what she had a few years ago.
And compare her with Gabi Garcia who passed drug tests recently and who is pretty much the epitome of what people think of when they think of a roided out female athlete (she did use them in the past).
There is still the possibility Katie is on some stuff that isn't known too well yet and can't be easily detected on a drug test (and also has some side effects that can't be hidden as well).
It's pronounced however her family pronounces it. Original European pronunciations don't have much relevance in the US.
>2008 and 2012
>Lolo Jones
>known for her looks
>and choking
her father is a multi-billionaire
would impregnate just for that desu
it's literally what steroids do
>hurr durr she's just THAT exceptional muh 'murican gurl
stay delusional
your mad
She looks ok in some pictures and then like a middle aged male Jewish lawyer in others.
She's kinda cute
she has christopher nolan's hairline
hey, thank you (:
I would. I totally would. She could wring me dry with her legs and kegels.