













got me









stop regurgitating the same videos you stupid faggots.


No need to shoot him lol


last thread was deleted by mods this is the dame dump








What was he doing putting is hand in front of it like that?







Fucking fantastic




Look! Her arms teleports to the ground












Seen it









I don't see anything








Think of us who doesnt lurk every rekt thread





Did he die?!


Haha wtf?

>see whatever you do don't put your hands in front on the gun
>like this


Hope that fucking nigger died



his gun has a laser sight on it, hes trying to figure out why it isnt working..... so hes using his hand to check it out. ITS THE FIRST FUCKING RULE OF GUN SAFETY. DONT POINT YOUR GUN AT ANYTHING YOU DONT INTEND TO KILL

true, but if the same video keeps getting posted for years, it becomes annoying.

Anyone know the story behind this?

Got me so hard

I would fake n gay all down her throat.

from eternal bleeding

i herd it waz mustard gas?

>on the run no one stops the fun


its always the bikers with the helmet

if i had a store in brazil i would make a sign "no faggots may enter"

Awesome the nigger steals the purse at the end


>Several officers
>Has a hammer
>Cops have tasers
>Shot him instead of tasering him