What are some neat ways to get high Sup Forums im running out of money and have no weed left

what are some neat ways to get high Sup Forums im running out of money and have no weed left

well you could always pick up grass and act high like those chirstians :D "high on jesus","high on life"

None with out real drugs


runner's high

Kratom, pretty cheap and still is pretty fucking nice considering how cheap it is and how quality it can be for the price, check out menthol Kratom on YouTube, or phenibut, or research chemicals, you can get rcs not too expensive

Autoerotic asphixion


Fire extinguisher, steal it from somewhere and snork that shit, feels great. Or glue whatever

fingering your ass and sniffing it

jizz into your own gullet

there was one solid suggestion

k2, huff sprays, sniff glue, markers, try and fake anxiety, follow up with psychiatrists, ???-> get prescription for benzos

Kratom works but short of actual shit, it might be the worst tasting thing on the planet.

And addictive as hell.

Kratom, Phenibut, or rcs is addictive as hell? Which one are you referring to?

Kratom, seen a lot of horror stories on it.

start up your car and put your mouth on the exhaust pipe and take a breath with your mouth, works every time for me.

Kratom has been known to be as hard to quit as heroin however this can be easily avoided if you just wait 1-2 days between each dose you take.

It's mushroom season.
Just go to the nearest meadows and search for liberty caps. They're all over for the next three months. There's a lot of guides out there for what to look out for.

scrape the resin out of your piece

Thanks. I'm not op but I am 2 weeks clean off of opiates and had heard about using Kratom as a substitute during dt. Glad I didn't fuck with it in retrospect.

Hey no problem. Kratom can actually be an effective treatment for opiate addiction bc no one has yet to OD on Kratom but if you have an addictive personality then it's probably just best to avoid it. Oh and also it doesn't show up if you're tested for opiates.