What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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she became an attentionwhore

nothing this was the best possible result m8

Too much black semen during her off time

>This is the most famous gymnast of all time

Why do people bother with this sport? It just doesn't seem worth it

Lol fake tits fake lips fake eyelashes and fake hair

Oh and fake nails lmao

>plastic surgery and/or botox
>dark hair
she was cute and hot and now she looks like a cheap slut

became a twitter/instagram whore.

I see your point, Chile.

Went from being qt to....that.

Would you guys fug Maroney, even tho she's a thot now?

Oh please, none of you would turn her down.

Absolutely, I wouldn't stop until I'd gone through a 24 box of durex.

>those tits
>those lips

literally nothing went wrong


>Not unloading gallons inside her.

I could say that about a lot of women who ended up less than admirable

dem jugs tho

nice moustache

That picture triggers me

is this supposed to be the same person?

did she JUST or UnJUSTed?

lets just remember together the old qt mckayla


she was developing well as it was, now she's just another fucktoy

She looks gud. I want to suck the cancer and sadness right out of that titty mole.

Of coruse not. She's incredibly bangable due to her slutty behavior.

I just don't respect her.

>Kind of girl you want to hold hands with


> dat DFC

why did she thought balloon tits would look good on her?

>of all time
Are you 12 and what is this?

I don't think you know what you are saying user.

she looks the same you fucking idiots, the angle makes her lips look bigger than they are. Also, she isn't in the Olympics anymore, so she's put on weight, thus her tits got bigger. You guys need to go out more


How's her foot game?

>she looks the same
You need to get your eyes check

Delicious Flat Chest?

you don't suddenly develop tits, lips or an ass like those when you're near adulthood, even with putting on weight

if it did happen like that, I wouldn't have to console my daughter about her B cups

i'll explain why to you Pedro and I'll make it easy to read as well.

1. She's gotten fatter as a result she now has a higher body fat% (making her breasts and ass bigger)
>2. She's also gotten older, her features are showing more.
3. shes fucking wearing make up in one picture, and the other no make up, how stupid must you be, Juan?

> I wouldn't have to console my daughter about her B cups
Pots pics of daughter B cups

So does she have an insta or snapchat...


Are you seriously asking such a dumb question?

Not arguing definitively, but there's been actual studies that have shown that intensive gymnastics training tends to suppress puberty in girls.


Oh mama

God bless

yeah, but not to that extreme of a degree

So uh, what did happen to her?

Did she get dicked so good she became a slut?


dat herpes mark




you mean what went right?

those dick sucking lips, senpai

>implying you wouldn't destroy her


She has 0 lips

She just insinuates them a lot.



This is dfc user

that has nothing to do with the fact that half the olympic committee already has

>you will never get paid to rub female gymnast

Not anymore m9

honestly peek her instagram she's completely different

better imo but waaaaay different

I find the jewess to be more attractive, probably because she seems more like a girl next door.

McKayla just become your typical instagram slut who happened to be a professional gymnast once upon a time



ITT: Pathetic neckbeards talk down to an Olympian after realizing they haven't done anything with their lives for the past 4 years.

why does she look so fake and plastic

idk mayne since it's not sports related they're on pretty even playing fields

Fucking hell it's been 4 years since this gif. What have I done with my life

holy crap i honestly thought she was one of the kardashians at first.

what happened to my once young and innocent waifu?


she's a babe now we're just commenting on the progression of a once great athlete fuck off m8


i've doubled my salary since 2012 and i'm now dating a girl I feel no emotional connection to and i still come to Sup Forums nightly, same as I have since 2009


I have accomplished more than her in relative sense. She's "famous" but still isn't known outside her own country.

>What went right?

Fixed that for you.

she looks the same on her insta

why do girl next door types always end up as sluts?


You could say that about a greasy hole in a wall

it's depressing senpai why

Because all women are sluts, some just never get the chance to prove it.

and I don't have to take the wall hole to dinner, dates, or buy tampons at weird hours of the night.

Those bedroom eyes
She was always a slut waiting to happen you plebs

Womanly post

Repressed childhood/puberty urges finally surface when they get older and more independent. They're finally allowed to pursue cock like they'e always wanted and now their parents, coaches can't do a damn thing to stop them anymore.

You do realize that picture is shopped, right?

Womanly post

Good post

who hurt you user

He's right

She's still pretty fuckin cute. Looks healthier now and actually learned how to put on makeup properly.


o fuq

I saw her Instagram recently she look thicc. Did she inject silicone in her ass? It definitely looks bigger now.

it was always THICC

she's a dime I would cum buckets inside her

pics for comparison?

She probably did get some injections, but some are shopped to make it look bigger and have a waist.

how fucking retarded are you people?

She is finally able to go through puberty, have her period and not have to weigh 85 pounds and be strong as fuck

so yeah, she's going to have some fat on her body for once in her life

fucking mongoloids, this is why you fucking millennial idiots never get jobs, because you're dumb as the day is long

you mean what went right?

christy mack post war machine lookin ass