So when are Spaniards going to start complaining about being regarded as spics and not Europeans...

So when are Spaniards going to start complaining about being regarded as spics and not Europeans? Everyone seems to be demanding visibility in Hollywood, and it would be only fair to not have them miscast as spics anymore. Pic related is from Spain and looks the farthest away from a mexican chicano than an asian man to a white guy.

This is a mexican.

we don't care enough about this shit

Mexico is white

>brown eyes

Nah, still sudaca-tier.

then why is he with the irish flag on his belt?

lol he mad
Brcause thats what the belt looks like. Its got all of the flags. (^;

>the most emblematic mexican character is played by a spaniard


gosh it's almost like thousands of years of intermingling has created a diverse gradient of people across spain and latin america. if only Sup Forums was around 2000 years ago stop all the race mixing.

Only certain parts are. I'm from Baja California, which is one of the whitest states in Mexico, and it is still only about ~40% white.

>the most emblematic mexican character is played by a moor

Build wall

He'll build the wall as soon as you pay him.


Spain is whiter than you, americuck

eto... Soy cubano viviendo en España, saludos desde canarias.

Yo astur. Pero es innegable que los canarios son practicamente sudacas.

Que dices tio, se nota que en tu vida has venido por aquí, los nativos canarios fueron casi que exterminados junto con su idioma y reemplazados por españoles, aparte, la mayoría de los inmigrantes que vienen y se van son los negros que suben a Francia. Si es verdad que hay muchos tiraflechas y han infestado con su musica asquerosa, cosa que han hecho en cuba, con la bonita música que teníamos.

Based Xabi Alonso. Would totally bang, no homo

Look at the 2010 Spanish national team. Maybe 3 guys have the same complexion as him and 2 of the three are Basque as well. It makes sense for Spain to have people the same complexion as North Africans. Everyone doesn't just suddenly become white because of the continent change.



nigro do you live under a rock? have you seen based Benicio? or suave mf Bardem? . Just because Viggo was born in the US, but that famm is technically Spaniard

I bet you are from that dumpster named Tijuana. 40% , try something like 20% of the population in this state is non white mexicans, but that doesn't even compare to Nuevo Leon, or based Jalisco those states are basically white town. South and Central Mexico , are the places where basically aztec and mayan cultures are pretty much still alive, they still keep mostly pure their race, probably because skin color and height aren't helping them score blondes or tall men/women. Anyway , Baja California is so white we have the first place in AIDS per citizen nationwide, come to baja, eat tacos , do some drugs , go to a strip club get aids, die happily