OP here from the last thread of posting my gf

OP here from the last thread of posting my gf.
To the user asking about the military..
It depends on what you would like to do after your military career. I defiantly do recommend the Marine Corps because we are held to a high standard.
Which MOS were you thinking about?

shut up and die faggot

shut up and die faggot

thank you for your service, sir

shut up and die faggot

or you could not waste your life, get a proper education and select a field that is actually worth something and go make a shit lot more than the borderline minimal wage these fags are going to cuck you with.

>found the liberal

Don't be a marine. If you do, the rest of your life will be spent beating your dick over how great you are for choosing to join the navy's retarded army.

Found the hillbilly.


Sorry I didn't use the correct regional form of 'poorly educated no hope retard'

You know, you're a lot of talk for being someone who's done nothing with their life. I'm assuming you have a GED?

Post dick in uniform

How does it feel that the Peshmerga are doing a better job

I don't think you get to cast aspersions on anyone else, Mr army guy. Enjoy your probable future career as a homeless dude!

I've managed to go my entire life without enlisting so I've got something on you, chum.

Essentially the same thing just more christian

For real, dude you guys are being trashed.

You could at least get the branch right bud.
I'll make sure to throw you a few dollars when you're pan handling on the side of the road.
Military experience + college > your GED.
Oh yeah, my college is paid for. Enjoy your financial aid and government assistance.

You've managed to live in your moms house for your entire life, so what do you have on me?

You should join the marines so you can be the military arm of capitalist imperialism and sell some of your best years for PTSD and the promise of VA assistance that will never be enough :]

Your entire country has managed to start wars that they couldnt win 3 times consecutively sending its patriotic heroes to their deaths, why the hell would you join that party

Married dude with my own debtless home here. Also a job that is unlikely to ever kill me. Also I don't huff my own farts.

Calm down sailor!
>Most homeless are veterans :)

Because regardless of how I feel about politics or a war, I signed myself up to serve the country which has granted me all the freedoms I have.


Military "experience"
Inbred retarded shit for brain patriotic amerifags is definitely an experience i dont want to live

Something wrong, soldier??

Serve your country by serving the people man.
Be a doctor.
Be a lawyer.
Be anything that actually helps what matters in a country - the citizens.

Join the navy so you don't have to use shitty cast-off gear. You might even get to serve on a real aircraft carrier instead of those dumb baby ones.

Joint the Foreign Legion or SAS so they will teach you how to be a soldier. The US forces are pampered like babies, all ego and when someone gets hurt they all fall down with PTSD.
The reason why US forces are plagued by PTSD is because of their "wear my heart on my sleeve" bullshit, you need an army that kicks that femboy bullshit out of your system not encourage it.

There goes another waste of life. How many times did your mom try to abort you?

The military a stepping stone for any of those jobs. Tons of benefits that can get anybody where ever they'd like to be. Plus, it's one of the best times that I've ever experienced.

wich service?

The marines are great because they pretend they're the service that gets shit on but the dod caved when they decided to ruin the trillion dollar F-35 program with a retarded VTOL requirement. You know, in case ww2 happens again and they need another Henderson field.

>pampered like babies
Please go through USMC boot camp.
It's the hardest thing any individual will go through, mentally and physically.

Lmao experience in the military will maybe get you a leg up in a police department and even that is because of the idiotic idea that a guy trained to kill is a good choice for a peace officer.

>Sniff sniff
How do you even get that tiny dick in your own mouth?


That's why I've known Marines personally who've gone through college to pursue their masters degree in various subjects.
Any job, looks for military experience, but hey I wouldn't expect you to understand.
Go protest about cops killing criminals somewhere else

dude just get a skill you can transfer into the civilian world so definately not infantry. Besides if your smart go into the navy and be and electrical engineer, when you get out you will have the smarts to do anything you want. Just a word about marines and army: Its total control and will likely fuck your personality up and inflate you ego to when you actually believe your better than everyone else. but whatever you choose dont wrap yourself up in the whole "im an american soldier" bullshit, just makes you look like a fucking douche-canoe

It's tough out there... This one time, during Operation Worthless Dirt, my unit was pinned down by Arabistani street peddlars trying to sell us toothbrushes and trinkets made out of the rubble of their homes. We must have killed thousands but they just kept coming... We would have held fast but when we had a moment to eat... We didn't have any good MRE entrees...

Have you ever been stationed in Korea and if so how many of their children have you personally raped?

Im a solicitor the past 6 years in a law firm here in ireland without needing to subject myself to milotary experience but hey, you do you man.

besides marines are fucking batshit crazy, thier whole identity and sense of who they are is installed in their psyche and is nothing more than a little symbol that is meaningless, just like a cubscout badge, all bullshit desinged to make you believe your invisible so you will willingly go to your death on the battlefield. Same with people who get their ranger tabs innthe army, its a little piece of fabric that holds no value in reality and inflates their ego.

Join the marines for a chance to die in Syria in the next couple of years!

Marines get 3rd rate training.
My training exceeded SEAL training.
Tie a marine up with ropes and full body kit and chuck them in the water.......and they will fucking drown.
If US force's training was anything special you would see them setting world records in athletics.....they don't......because they just want an expendable brain dead Orc to chuck some lead around......No country can afford a force which takes 5 years to train to reach peak physical ability and then 3 hours a day to maintain. They want some brain dead moron that they can train to operate weapons and who is physically fit. They trained you to assemble shit and point to targets and press buttons an triggers and dig holes.....not to have awesome physical ability.

Um, excuse me, his moth... I mean, his DI told him marines are the toughest.

Coming from 2 famous Navy Seals, but hey, what do you know?

Lol Chris Kyle was a pathological liar

Mhm. 300 marines could definitely do that. Right.
Just because a dude was a soldier doesn't make him not retarded.

Id argue it maked him retarded but hey what do i know i ain't american

I train harder than you... I got 5 X seal training fag. You suck.

Marine combat deaths in Iraq: 867

>With 300 mariness, you could probably take over Iraw if you wanted to and get rid of ISIS completely

Lmao, wonder why hes not a general yet, hes got the stuff. MUH REENZ

Not the infamous Chris Kyle who allowed an ambush to rile him, then went back to his base and took a few of his mates back to the ambush site.....doh....and then got one of them killed and then had to run away....run away......then when back home and thought it was a great idea to expose people suffering from PTSD to loud explosions as some sort of reverse psychology..........just keep training them.....we wont even need to muster an army.

Fuck you used the most brain dead Orc that ever lived to support your argument, what a dufus.

>Chris Kyle
>bad ass
Killed like a dog by fellow soldier.

>Marine Corps
>high standard

What a load of shit. Let me tell you about the Marines I know.

Marine 1 is a trailer trash wannabe gangster. This is *BEFORE* he joins the Marines. When he comes back, he's a totally whiny emo bitch and it turns out he was a closeted fag all along. FYI he's currently a meth head.

Marine 2 is a normal dude. After he comes back he's a complete psycho. He does a shitload of super fucked up things and is currently in prison.

Marine 3 is a whiny little mama's boy bitch. He joins the Marines and quits well *after* basic because they won't let him party when he wants.

So much for "high standards".


>OP trying to convince people to become a soldier