Why did he get worse with age? shouldn't it be the exact opposite

Why did he get worse with age? shouldn't it be the exact opposite

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this guy peaked, several times

Everything get's worse with age OP. It's the natural order.

because he does childish music. It happens with every artists that does it, meanwhile look at people who do serious music. They just get better with the age.

Pop musicians are hacks, more news at 11.

>Everything get's worse with age


yeah nah youre a fucking retard

go to bed avant son

he doesnt get worse, he doesnt get better

Keep listening your baby music, kid

Syro fucking peaked. Produk 29, Circlont14 (Shrymoming Mix) and S950tx16wasr10 (Earth Portal Mix) have the most otherworldy moments ever.

He's not japanese.

No talent. Aphex Twin should listen to my compositions on my channel to learn how to compose.

Could Stockhausen be still alive?

post a link to your channel, m8

>Everything get's worse with age
>yeah nah youre a fucking retard

sorry to interject, but you're clearly 20-24yo; have had a limited few types of wine; have heard some facts about some wines and are applying to them to all wines; and seem to thusly think you 'know' wine.

not a huge cured meats fan, so cannot offer anything there.



the rave scene ended and he was forced to evolve into something else. his ambient stuff is amazing but he kinda started to fuck around after that. early techno afx is best afx.

afx doesn't make pop music you pseud

what's the point of "music" that you can't dance to?

Setting up a contemplative mood.

listening to it and appreciating the melodies.

>the rave scene ended
this never happened

this is b8 right?

Autismtechre is worse RDJ is IDM god in comparison.

>he doesn't understand the broad definition of "popular music" as-such, as opposed to its far narrower N*Sync/Britney Spears/Kpop sense

I like Aphex Twin and he clearly makes pop music user, albeit on the /somewhat/ experimental side.

If you say pop music instead of popular music, it's intentionally misleading.