Vote for Paris 2024, it will best Olympics Games of this century.
Vote for Paris 2024, it will best Olympics Games of this century
>8 years away
>implying Paris will exist
Would they be the first olympics hosted by a muslim country?
France will be the third power in the world behind USA and China in 8 years.
Go back to school
inb4 people acting as if Paris isn't the greatest city in the world
Edinburgh is unironically nicer than Paris
Sure I would love to get shot by some mudskin frenchie IS drone
No barca 92 was.
It isn't? I went to Paris on a school trip once and it was fucking shit. Everybody in Paris is a rude, inconsiderate, obnoxious prick.
When was the last time a Muslim city hosted the Olympics?
Nope m8. There wasn't even immigration back then.
It's probably cause you're used to going to Benidorm m8
Learn real politic bro
There is absolutely nothing wrong with going to Benidorm on your holidays.
Paris is shit. Go to Rome if you want a city.
>unironically believes this
I was implying paris will have been blown up you stupid frog. Never quote me again
This. On our trip around Western Europe, my wife didn't let go of her purse until we got to Germany.
>800 years of spanish caliphate
>not a cucked inbred moor country
yeah sure
>foreigners in charge to handle the banter outside the internet
No, Munich 1972.
So muslim that one of the sport was shooting israeli.
>implying there aren't a million africans in france trying to rob cunts
would be worse than rio desu
>IOC will probably fix it so Paris will win
US should get it but LA getting it a 3rd time is boring as hell. A NYC Olympics would be GOAT if the city government stop being a bunch of blowhards. That how we lost the 2012 bid.
What's the difference between being a caliphate and having french kings?
If we were moors we would be killing people at your country.
Paris is awful. Insanely expensive to live in, every subway s tation and corridor smells like piss, streets barely smell any better, everybody is indifferent at best, rude on average. And the surroundings are just arab-filled commieblocks
You should be supporting me, Pedro. British people going on holiday to Spain is literally propping up your economy.
like they fixed it for london ?
No thanks, I'd prefer a destination that is safer than Rio
By 2024 France and Britain will hopefully have broken from the German yolk to fulfill their rightful position as world powers to the best of our ability.
Euro countries without good navies, funding, global territory, security council seats or nukes need not apply to this club.
In 8 years isis will no longer exist
>go to the olympics
>get blown up
>go to the olympics
>get run over
>go to the olympics
>get beheaded
The places you go are for retarded people and we make sure you don't go to nice places. You just get into some sort of casino or thematic park where everything is designed for you to spend money and not realizing what is outside.
If you like Benidorm you should probably consider killing youself as an option.
rome olympic will be much more based
the poor italians didn't host a major tournament for years
>Every non-muslim or non brown/black athletes are killed
>France wins the olympics with all the medals
>current year
>implying Paris isn't a nigger/Muslim infested shithole
Nice one
>leaving the house
munich back then wasn't muslim
wrong quote sry
at least we don't have sharriah laws ruling i our contry like in yours.
by 2024 they'll be 96% muslim and Sup Forums will be banned under rightful sharia law
still hurts
Korean tourists lost in a french ghettos, are robbed
The four Korean tourists got lost in a district of Saint-Denis trying to reach their hotel. They assaulted and robbed.
An orientation error that will certainly spoil the stay in France of four Korean tourists. These four people were robbed by a "group of individuals" after being lost in the Gabriel Peri-city, Saint-Denis, in Seine-Saint-Denis. They were attacked and received several blows and made themselves robbed but did not want to go to the ER.
Friday between 9:30 p.m. ET 22 hours, Korean tourists were trying to reach their hotel and have not found their way, said a police source. They found themselves in the Gabriel Peri-city, one kilometer from the Basilica of Saint-Denis where lie the kings of France, and that is the main attraction of the city.
Tuesday, "between five and ten individuals" have robbed a bus of Chinese tourists around 8 am near Roissy airport north of Paris. Several baggage and personal effects were stolen. Two tourists and their translator were slightly injured.
Nice copy pasta
Nah, that bid was NYC is lose and refusing to build the West End Stadium lost it for them.
Nah, IOC did fix the bid for Rio though. Chicago had the best scores across the board but the success of Beijing made them greedy.
>implying Italy can afford it.
>million of people on strike last month : government did nuthin
>a bunch of crazy muslim asking for sharriah law : o-oh yes let's apply shariah law like based england
That absolute denial
is prostitution legal in France?
it was barely legal 40 years ago, not now, but germany spain belgium and netherlands is, and those countries are very close to France, you'll enjoy I guarentee.
Security is of course a big concern, and I doubt they're going to give it to Paris.
Paris is probably the best city I visited though, I don't know why people are shitting on it so hard. Have you been to a megalopolis before? They're all overpriced and stinky and filled with brown people/lowlives.
> I don't know why people are shitting on it so hard
normies like it
Google Paris Syndrome
It will be a real blast.
It probably will.
After brexit, the financial institutions will all leave London and move to Paris.
the Japanese are fucked up anyway
The whole city smells of literal piss
Atlanta started with some nice fireworks
the homeless need to piss somewhere
and when you're drunk and it's 4 am you have to piss somewhere too
nothing wrong with that
Hi ahmed
> Dublin
> 12.5% corporate tax
t. Thomas Cook employee
Actually, they'll move to Glasgow.
Paris 2024: We're the only ones who want this festering shitheap on the global community
> LA 2024
> BLM shit everywhere
> chimping out like it's 1992 because muh racism
I think Rome or Budapest would be good choices. i don't really care about Paris or LA
Simply because it will be part of the larger Islamic State
Rome would probably bankrupt Italy though
the new mayor of Rome don't want the Olympics
we will annex London too
we've got an agreement with the 'religion of peace' mayor
Paris can't secure a simple Wednesday how the fuck could they promise a secure Olympics.
>french """police"""
>wanting the olympics in your country
wtf is wrong with you pierre/ahmed
plus the republic of france will be islamic by 2024
I hope we can implement a doping program (without getting caught like the ruskis) by then or this will be very embarrassing.
>implying the Olympics are not coming home
LA will be host in 2024 m8
It's coming home lads
>mass of protesters with reimforcments from San Francisco to demand racial quotas for all nations
>demands China be banned because they don't have a single black athlete
>demands to not give medals because every athlete's experience and performance must be respected
>cancel weight categories for sports because weight makes no difference, all sizes are the same
>literally give participation awards to everyone
That would be a class act.
came to post this
If we add Counter-terrorism squad competitions at the Olympics, we sure gonna get this.
Imagine the fun with all the squads from all over the world trying to kill terrorists in Paris in live!
(You lost one point if you kill an innocent muslim, 2 if it's not a muslim and 3 for a jew/hostage)
I'm root for the GIGN!