Anyone use this?

Anyone use this?

Trying to jerk off, but it seems like really low res. When I close one eye, it works fine. Any help?

Watch some pirate themed porn

I use a different one, but the problem is, I dont have an app that can view it in vr mode. Any app suggestions?

Try repositioning your eyes op

Close one eye, and rub some Gorilla Glue on it.

I ordered this. Cant wait to get jerking.

What is this called?

Tried Badonk VR and it worked like a charm.

Download '360 vr' from the appstore. Then type '360 porn' on your favorite torrent site. Open your video file using the app. 'Vr' is not really a good experience imo. Even the semi high end ones like Samsung vr lets you see individual pixels.

Literally in the exact same situation OP, got a steathVR headset and all the porn I watch looks like it's in shitty as fuck quality, even on my phone that has a 2k screen

I spent the money, and got one of these. I guess you get what you pay for.

The difference was the quality of video. Pornhub and the like just can't offer a decent experience. Badoink and other sites do.


Spent the money? They gave those free with the Samsung phones during a long promotion.

Why didn't you tape your phone to a sawn-off egg carton OP?

In all seriousness, if you can only see clearly when you close one eye, one of your eyes has poor vision.

Read the thread.

I did. It says it seems low-res but when you close one eye its fine. Is this the newest bait thread, or something?

If so, congrats on being a faggot for a few minutes?

Fuck i died laughing

>When I close one eye
doesnt that remove the entire point of stereoscopic vision

you fucking moron?


gtfo samefag go to a mirror and brofist yourself

it cant fucking work , human eye doesnt see from that close

Plot twist: This is actually also the unknowing pentuple schizophrenic samefag

>human eye doesnt see from that close

And so is this

Try the occlus. Got the dev kit at work on a top end PC, fucking amazing. Brought the headset home for some 'testing', faptastic.

That would make it septuple so far.

And we are entering samefagception territory

It might have been clumsy wording, but he's right, the lens isn't supposed to *focus* on obects like, an inch away.