Game Schedule Monday 8th Augustus

Game Schedule Monday 8th Augustus

09.00 Serbia – Greece (Group A)
referees: Mark Koganov and Joe Peila

10.20 Italy – France (Group B)
referees: Radoslaw Piotr Koryzna and Sergey Naumov

11.40 USA – Spain (Group B)
referees: Adrian Alexandrescu and Peter Molnar

13.00 Hungary – Australia (Group A)
referees: Boris Margeta and Filippo Gomez

19.30 Japan – Brazil (Group A)
referees: Nenad Peris and Xevi Buch

20.50 Croatia – Montenegro (Group B)
referees: Georgios Stavridis and Daniel Gerrard Flahive

* local time

Current ranking:

Ranking Group A
Brazil 1 - 2 (8 - 7)
Greece 1 - 2 (8 - 7)
Serbia 1 - 1 (13 - 13)
Hungary 1 - 1 (13 - 13)
Australia 1 - 0 (7 - 8)
Japan 1 - 0 (7 - 8)

Ranking Group B
Montenegro 1 - 2 (7 - 4)
Croatia 1 - 2 (7 - 5)
Italy 1 - 2 (9 - 8)
Spain 1 - 0 (8 - 9)
USA 1 - 0 (5 - 7)
France 1 - 0 (4 - 7)

Serbia getting refwatered like there is no tomorrow

normally it's the opposite way round


fucked up thread lads sorry name should be the title

>Greece about to choke harder than Chokeatia

serbia loss incoming

>The city of Serbia

Hungary I request you go easy on us

all >our athletes should just give up, to be honest ffffaaaammm

>being this delusional

>implying we are not on the same team

The match between Croatia and Montenegro is at 2AM. Man, who decided this shit?

america and speaking of the USA they are shit...

Both the USA and España goalies need to be replaced

this.. that goal now just now..

love how they didnt even bother hiring a commentator.

I've seen highschools field a more intelligible side than the USA side.

>Those zoom ins on the US goalie every single time wondering how anything happened.

He literally couldn't catch a damn cold, he forces skip shots and then fucks up the block.

Like what else do you want.


How long till next game?

Why does every player and coach look like a total douchebag?

it's starting now

lel beautiful clothes

That US and Spain game killed all my interest in watching Water Polo this Olympics. Thanks.

Because Water polo attracts cock cubs who like to see how much they can get away with

Watch someone better, our side is horrible this year.

Cocky cunts *

They're all a bunch of Ivy brats wondering why their daddy hasn't paid off the refs yet.

The only good ivy league team is Brown, the Naval Academy, Stanford, USC, and UCLA are all better than the rest of the ivy league too.

you could say that the men from Budapest are Hungary for the gold medal


excellent joke

but really, that should be your olympic bid slogan

>we are Hungary for the olympics


very good

qt zászló még mindig

don't be like that babe

na te is ittvagy gec

im trying not to, but I know the USA can field a better side, which angers me

>letting in a cross goal skip shot

what am I watching

Elléphetnénk már, mert megint elbasszuk a végét

"Bawww USA is here getting cucked by better team so I wont watch this sport"

>Traveling in the car all day
>tfw no way to watch water polo


literally the only time water polo is televised in the USA...feels bad man

Waterpolo is aired on TV during the year. There are club competitions.

in your country yes

In the USA, we have to go to the comps themselves to see them.

Even then thats difficult for me to do since im in the middle of the country, and some of the better teams are along the coasts.

Both are garbage this year m8, go watch Hungary or the ex Yugos instead. Greece vs Serbia was a good game for example.

Well I meant to say there is a lot of streams on the net. Unfortunately waterpolo is not a popular sport in USA.

This or you just come to Croatia to watch some matches.

Surely you can watch the world cup as well

How come Xavi Garcia was not called for the spanish team? He is the player imho

Ill have to keep an eye out for those streams

I would be down for road tripping to Croatia for some games, could be a lot of good fun

never really know when its on actually

I guess im just a horrible person dammit

Is this the goat sport to watch for women? This must be their beach volleyball

>It's another fucking Hungary chocking episode

the amount of underwater fighting leads to alot of suits being pulled at/off...

don't think so, their bodies aren't very visible for the most part

>looking while doing a backhand

what are you doing!?

hello darkness my old friend