Does he really want to be president?

Does he really want to be president?

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even though that film director had some valid points i don't think trump is that smart

Classic libtard: it's bad to say you want people to die, and that's exactly what I'm doing! But it's OK when you're a libtard.

Enlighten all of us to when Hillary actually threatened to kill a president/future president of the United States.

Careful. If you piss him off he'll accuse you of being Jewish and call you a cuck


It's one thing to say you want someone to die, it's another to suggest to an audience that they "take care" of the problem. One is a criminal act, the other is just human nature. I hope you choke on a pretzel and die.

I hope he wins.

So trump said someone should assassinate clinton?

Your average trump supporter.

The video where he states it is right here:
Second amendment is the right to bare guns

I've been watching US politics closely
How come any american would vote for someone that blatantly lies to your face? Talking about Bill Clintons wife
I mean Trump might be radical but its still better than selling the American heart and soul to corporations once and for all, right?

Yes. He suggested that if she gets elected that maybe the "second amendment people" could stop her from electing judges. After saying that if she was elected there was nothing we could do to stop her from picking judges. He wasn't talking about blocking the vote through filibuster. It was a sly suggestion that we "take care" of the problem. A wink and a nudge. Not cool. That's incitement. Plus the last thing we second amendment people need is another shooter. How did the Brady bill get through? Yeah. Let's not do that shit again.

I didnt hear him say someone should assassinate clinton

Care to prove intent?

And he's not associated with corporations? His big claim to fame is what? Why do you think he's kissing Putin's ass?

Watch the video and his mannerisms. It's not legally beyond a shadow of a doubt, but if you're not an idiot you caught it. If he was anyone else he'd go to trial. Unless it was a comedy club and it was so over the top as to not be considered serious. Then agsin even Bill Hicks never suggested that someone else kill the people he hates for him. He joked about doing it himself. Even so given a different venue he'd be facing chsrges. Trumps walking a very thin line. Some unhinged supporter could very well do as he suggests

>may 2008
>said she was remaining in the dem primary through CA vote even though Obama was gonna obviously win because "we all remember RFK was assassinated in California in June"

>f he was anyone else he'd go to trial
Sorry, you seem to have Hillary's legal standard confused for Trump's.

That's not a threat or suggestion. It's a statement that shit happens. It could be interpreted as a threat, but in context it was not. In context what trump said was. Context is key. I'm not even a fan od hers. She wants to censor video games.

They both should be locked up. But this isn't a thread about her.

>Yes he wants to be president
>No he's not a good candidate
>No neither is Hillary
>Yes we're all fucked
Mfw I think about this election cycle

Photoshoping and taking words out of context.

Also even if we go with the idea that he insinuated assassination Hillary Clinton overtly did the same thing in 2008. FFS she actually used the word assassinate.

Trying this hard to "correct the record"....

But he didnt expressedly state that.

It's neither. The picture is out of context, but he did make the gesture at one point. Unrelated. The words are NOT out of context.

Now I know you're lying. You didn't read any more of what trump had to say or it would be obvious he was talking about the 2A voting bloc, because that's literally what he was previously talking about. Fucking moron. suck the media's dick a little harder.

How blatant does he have to be? He suggested that if anyone threw a tomato the audience should knock the crap out of them. That's incitement. If Bernie Sanders said any of this you'd be outraged. Why is trump held to such low standards?

>"encouraging assassination is bad"
>encourages assassination

Same thing can be said about Trumps comment given the context was about pro and anti 2A S.C. justices.

As one of those 2nd amendment people he was referring to I get multiple petition signature requests daily to combat anti 2A legislation.

You are interpreting Trump's comment through a cloud of bias because you decided he was literally Hitler months ago.

That being said it was a poor choice of words that regardless of his intention and the obvious context would serve as easy ammo for the Clinton campaign.

You must not know what this means. Go back to CTR, shill

I watched the entire video where he said it, for context. Entire speech. I couldn't believe it.

How is what Trump said a threat? Second amendment people could mean anything. Could mean voters, members of congress or the supreme court. It definitely doesn't mean be violent towards someone because you have a firearm.

That's your typical progressive asshat logic, for you.

They are though because the context of the conversation was the political power of pro 2A groups as it implies to the likely nomination of anti 2A supreme Court justices. He literally went on to talk about the political power of the NRA and their support of his campaign right afterwards.

So yea just printing that one sentence is completely out of context.

Cool story, bro. Needs more dragons.
>if you're going to lie, at least make it believable.

I got 99 problems but trump and getting dubs ain't one

Why do you think i wouldnt give bernie the same benefit of the doubt the law provides? And now your moving the goal posts, we are talking about his second ammendment comment. You were trying to make a legal case for his arrest, yet you havent provided a shred of evidence that he committed a criminal act.

This is what is going on in America

The republican needs to get back in power to reaffirm their grasp on Oil in the middle east.

They did this from the late 70s onwards, Ford was first to institute an American presence in Afghanistan to combat the Russian peacekeepers there.

They taught the Taliban how to fight against Russian troops.

Then a democrat won, Carter, until 1981. However the Republican damage was done, Ford had gotten a deal with the Iranian Shah for cheap oil for their help in Afghanistan.

However that sparked an uprising of a new caliphate in Iran, and Ayatollah Khomeini took control of Iran during Carters presidency.

People blamed Carter which it wasn't his fault at all, and then Reagan was sworn in.

Now why Reagan?

Because he was popular, he was a face, he was someone the government can control and if anything goes wrong the people would forgive him. And that is exactly how he became president and why he stayed there for 8 years.

He could have easily been there another 4, if allowed.

He was the face of the American power struggle in the Middle East, putting Saddam in power, paying $1 trn to him in various amounts, giving him weapons, chemical and biological weapons to take on Iran.

Then the Iran-Iraq war happened, and nothing was gained, just deaths, hundreds of thousands of them and no ground made.

This caused hatred among some Muslims, that the Americans were pushing themselves into affairs they weren't a part of.

It is essentially what created Al'Qaeda, because the Bush family was dealing with the Bin Laden family over trade deals etc, Osama of course was a staunch supporter of Shiite politics left his family and wen't to afghanistan where he collected some taliban groups to form Al'Qaeda.

Bush snr took over for 4 years and carried on the trend, and was a hand in the Davidinian massacre at Wako Texas, which resulted in the largest Terrorist attack in the US before 9/11 by Timothy McVeigh.

..... cont

Please dont

She's just smart enough to do her dirty work behind the scenes.

Fucking kek
>assmad Bernie bro on the loose
>butthurt that we don't just lock up people he doesn't like for not actually committing crimes

Yeah, the picture related was posted by a moron. I'm not on either side. But I have to choose the lesser ever. If he didn't mean to say it then I don't want this man as our leader speaking for us, because he's fucking terrible at it. Either way I have to question his competence. If the British prime minister said this shit he'd be voted out. No confidence isn't a legal reason for impeachment. Reagan's a prime example of this. Man had dementia while in office. Not a thing we could do about it without first going as far as to declare him legally incompetent, like you would if your grandma was flinging poop and only his family could do so unless he broke a law. Which he did with Iran contra, still not enough. So what would it take to get a president out for incompetence?

>putting Saddam in power
>Ronald Reagan

>Hussein took power 1979
>Reagan inaugurated 1981
Ronald Reagan was so powerful, he went back in time to install Hussein as dictator

Please shut the fuck up until you actually know something.

No. We don't want him too either. It all a big show because hillary isnt competing with anyone who stands a chance

Clinton then was elected and for 8 years he brought back stability in the middle east, some good deals were made, things were quiet as they could be.

We all know about Lewinsky etc, but the main point was, spending on silly shit was down, the economy had a chance to recover.

And then appeared Bush Jr, who then reintroduced the American "control everything" in the Middle East attitude, and some of his actions resulted in the 9/11, you could see it in his face he knew his actions done a couple of months previously would result in this, and it became a reality.

The Banks, Corporations etc were loving it, controversy sells. And in came the large Military Contracts again, more spending... sympathy votes from the civilians because somehow it looks like the Republicans were the ones doing something about terrorism.

However it wasn't until Obama, that things were getting done again, and Osama was finally taken out, this splintered into Boko Haram and ISIS of course.

However the main point is, whenever something bad was going on in the Middle East, republicans were at the forefront.

Now once again, the republicans are desperate, the democrats once again reduced spending somewhat, and now with a new face and people who love him, Trump is the new Reagan.

And what will happen? Anything the Corps, Banks and Republican higher ups would like him to do.

So voting for Trump will mean more hostility in the middle east and more terrorist attacks on US soil and elsewhere.

All because the Republicans want to control the Oil and military contracts.

Don't be foolish America, vote for someone else other than the Republicans or Democrats, even though the demos are the lesser of 2 evils, the other groups would be better for the US both foreign and economically.

>giving the president this much power
Sure the pres is the face of America, but that doesnt mean he gets to declare war when he is pissed. So what if people laugh at us, or get upset. No one will ever stop business with the usa. It is a non issue

No one's trying to make a full legal case. He walked the line. Question is if he's saying this shit to get out. Running for president is good for business, being president could be very bad for it long term. Especially if you Carter it.

Voting doesn't even matter in America.

>spending this much time
>not using it to buy more tin foil
Can you even into conspiracy?

Liberal retard doesn't see the irony in that post...(I want him as president. Because fuck you commie liberal assholes.)

sounds like a cool guy to be honest

Fucking shit, what is up with all these asshats? Oh yeah, I'm on Sup Forums
>25th Amendment
>Section 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
If Reagan really was suffering from dementia, they could have removed him.

Dude. I want a do nothing president. I want one, nobody works with, i want one that makes me laugh and cringe every week. We dont need another president pushing an agenda, give me 4 years of nothing. Let this country heal.

can the president even declare war on his own?

He actually does have the authority to declare war. He doesn't have the authority to authorize a budget for it, but he can declare war and through executive action order a nuke strike. No one's ever done this, but he has the authority. The biggest hurdle has always been budget appropriation.

You obviously have no idea how the nuclear football works . No one man has all the power. This is the usa

Like Khomeini they had power but were not IN power.

There is a difference.

Saddam did start his office in 79 you are correct, but it wasn't until early 1982, that the US backed him to be something more, to become a major power in the middle east.

The US helped his brother seek out his opponents and he had them executed in 82, to reaffirm his power in Iraq.

That is the Power I am talking about, not Presidency.


Well maybe Hillary will be like her husband and be just that. A president who actually does very little.


>first woman president
>do nothing
Yeah right, just like the first black president did nothing huh. They have to swing for the fences

>He actually does have the authority to declare war
Not according to the Constitutuon, retard. Saying "actually" doesn't make it so.

He actually wasn't, he said in his first post that what trump said wasn't criminal.

He is arguing the case that Trump is an idiot and says stupid things that will lose him the election. To which he has provided ample evidence

>if this was anyone else, they would be arrested

These official documents would like to disagree with your sentiment.

Through executive order he can order it. Then the chain of cam can either follow or later be tried for treason. OK this is true. But who selects the men charged with the task?


don't forget about this one

>It's one thing to say you want someone to die, it's another to suggest to an audience that they "take care" of the problem. One is a criminal act, the other is just human nature.

I said in his first post moron

But that's not even the crux of the matter. Yes, I'm pretty sure that if he wasn't the presumptive nominee for the Republican party he'd have faced hell, but the question asked is why he'd say this shit.

That Sup Forums, right there is a fallacy of equivication i.e spinning shit
Fuck back to ur moms cunt


After posting a good 2 factual sets of posts.

I can see the majority of posters here who are American clearly, are idiots and are just them vs us mode.

They don't even care about policies, about economy, etc.. how fucking sad.

Well I guess it is their own country to ruin after all.

if average meant "picked at random" or "picked specifically for the purposes of pushing an agenda" or "picked specifically for the purpose of getting (You)s on the internet"

lol fag

No. It actually wasn't. He first said that if she was elected there was nothing those people could do to stop her from selecting judges then said but maybe the second amendment people could. Only later does he claimed he meant the lobby, which he had just claimed couldn't... And the mental gymnastics behind defending this makes my head hurt. Look, he meant what he said. Or he meant to give the impression at least. Question is of why he says this shit.

Not a coincidence that during the US War of Independence, the French helped out the Americans.

Fucking kek

mfw i don't live in t̶h̶e̶ ̶u̶n̶i̶t̶e̶d̶ ̶s̶t̶a̶t̶e̶s̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶a̶m̶e̶r̶i̶c̶a̶ burger land

Awww you salty much baby boy?

In the end it isn't my country's economy through rising National Debts, and stupid people voting for stupid things, where the government can redraw counties in states to force a win their way.

America is full of cock sucking and cucks.

your girly cries make my throbbing cock double in length

No. Your just retarded. FFS I don't even like Trump but the mental gymnastics to interpret this as "Trump said assassinate my opponent!" Is fucking stupid.

Just stop.

But did he?

In the UK this was common knowledge, even a TV satire show called Spitting Image made a fool of it, calling the segement "Reagan's Brain"

The brain was a symbol of the Presidents fading memory that people noticed was happening.

He meant the "second amendment" people could vote and organize. I can't believe how out of proportion this whole thing's got.

>insinuates someone else is crying while crying themselves
>must be American

that's what you amerifats call democracy? so much for MUH FREEDOMS

The second amendment was written for the purpose of giving normal citizens a way to protect themseleves from a corrupt government. Donald Trump is saying she is corrupt and the judges that she will put in place will be corrupt. You connect the dots feminist francis

Why would he say something that could so easily be taken out of context in that way? Do we want a president who could accidentally say something that could be seen as a declaration of war or simply alienates all our allies? No one outside od Russia is going to want anything made in America at that point. He's going to kill our jobs.
But we are getting off topic. Does he want to be president?

No, he doesn't and he never did. You've got people asking him over and over if he would ever want to be president... going back to the 80's. He always said no.

You've got more money than you know what to do with... and you want to be inconvenienced with running a country for peanuts?

Seriously... how stupid are people? Hillary is the status quo and it was decided she was going to be the next president years ago.

The election is nothing more than going through the motions. The illusion of having a choice.

The wall just got 10 feet higher

Well he did once say he was a friend of hers and liked her.

wow to a whole 1 inch?

Sheeeeeittttt son

you're retarded

Because your a normal, rational thinking person.

So he's suggesting that she should be assassinated?
Even trump supporters saw it.

As I have recently said Trump is the new Reagan.

A president the Reprublicans can use anyway they wish and come out smelling of roses while Trump takes the fall, just like Reagan did.