Feels thread.
Alone on saturday.
What's her name?
Feels thread.
Alone on saturday.
What's her name?
she doesnt even know your name
>tfw no "her" in your life
that picture is my life pretty much
This tbh fam.
Stop being so self-absorbed and look outside of yourself for once. The ones who are most miserable in this world are those who feel sorry for themselves. If you feel alone, get out and meet other people who are lonesome.
Not OP, but how and where? Aren't the other lonely people cooped up indoors too?
Her name is Anna
what about her user?
Only person I somewhat opened up to. But now that I did, I feel fucking embarassed and cut off contact. He sure hates me now. I lost the only person that gave a fuck about me, because I'm such a coward.
It's pathetic if you ever started crying over the fact that you "Ruin everything in life"
Be a man and deal with it. Do not allow life to fuck you in the ass.
Stand up and value yourself more than anyone and never allow yourself to feel lesser or incapable. You have to take life and fuck her in the ass harder than it's been fucking you all your life. Just penetrate life.
Accept that you are ugly or short. That you have a small penis or don't have a job or a girlfriend. Accept it and deal with it.
Death is inevitable so might as well end it with the biggest god dam bang possible. Take the world with you dammit.
Pick yourself up and never forget what makes you so confident.
she didnt want to fuck me in the as with a blak strap-on
she called me a "fucking faggot" and left me for Chad "he's not a pussy and have a big dick"
Dubs i miss her so much
Marit. After 4 years, i'm still insanly in love with her.
It's been ~3 years since my last breakup, and I really don't have any motivation to get back into the game.
I don't feel like putting forth the effort to do online dating, and I have almost zero contact with females in my day to day life.
Is that some dune coon name?
It's a Norwegian name you wankstain
Fuck - my sides don't know why this made me lose it
So we're splitting hairs here?
Hey why don't feels bro's in here find out if your close and then hangout with each other and try to not be so sad. I have a good friend I chill with a lot but can't tell him a lot because he isn't understanding and is too stuck in his ways and thinks it's easy to just stop being sad and unconfident and stop addiction. I love the dude as a friend haute not a person to talk to about certain things. Got no one else though that listens though.
I'd be afraid whichever one of you spergs I met up with would be a hundred times sadder and more fucked up than I am and then that would just be uncomfortable.
>What's her name?
I don't even have a fucking crush.
New area, the areas dead, I don't know anybody and getting a job is a pain in the ass.
I suppose I just have to be patient but god damn the loneliness hurts.
Spent the entire year at university as very close friends. We would always shoot the shit, get high, relax to great music. I tried killing myself last month, and she just happened to be in the neighborhood. we kissed, and had sex. She stayed the night, then we did it all again. Truly the best 2 days of my life, not because pussy, because someone showed a genuine appreciation for my existence.
I asked her where we moved on from there
>she didnt know
I asked her if she was okay with seeing me again
>she didnt know
I exploded on her, told her how i felt, how frustrating it is spending 100% of my time with the girl i loved, who i had no clue how she felt about me. I decided I needed space to figure things out. Ended up snapping on her, because shes on my mind 24/7, and i just want any sort of attention from her.
In highschool i used to slay, but in college i guess i fell from grace. She is the only girl in the past 2-3 years i have felt anything for.
What makes you sad. I'll be honest I feel guilt I'm sad. I have a loving family and I'm not in need of money and shit but I just feel like a loser and just so lonely like I have people but don't really have anyone and I have no talents and no motivation to get up and learn a skill. Constantly have people tell me I'm smart but I can hardly do basic math half the time and could tell you the answer to anything I just know how to sorta shuffle a long and get by.
>Tfw weed and alchol don't do anything anymore
> now just sad no matter what I do
Are you me?
What's your name
Back in the day of no technology people read stories and heard legends that encouraged and influenced them to achieve their dreams and task and see them through.
You need motivation.
Her name is alejandra
her last name is hapsburg....
Her name is Roberta Paulson
I thought about just back packing the US or Europe or India and seeing what the outside world is like and trying to see if that would help motivate me at all but then again just seems silly
I feel you man. I study Marine Engineering, I have a girl that loves me and friends when I need them. But I feel lonely. I feel useless. Everybody does very well in class, and I am the guy that passes the classes with the lowest scores. I have anxiety, I am lazy and I have self loathing. I feel like my girl is getting tired of my bullshit. From outside it looks like I have a great life, but on the inside is a whole another story.
I went on a few dates with this girl, she just came out of a relationship, which normally should be a big no no. But she was very fun, smart and a qt.
She then got back together with a boyfriend, which fucked me up, since she's been keeping insinuating other things.
Now, three months later, she calls me at least once a week, crying, because of some bullshit he pulled off.
I don't know what to do. I've tried to just stop talking to her, but then she calls or comes over, all teared up and devastated. I can't just say no to her like that..
>I don't know what to do. I've tried to just stop talking to her, but then she calls or comes over, all teared up and devastated. I can't just say no to her like that.
Stop being such a beta faggot.
Take her to pound town, then cut off all contact.
>You're fucking with my head, I thought things were going great and then you shack up with your ex and use me as a shoulder to cry on? Come on, sort your shit out and get back to me because I don't deserve this.
There. If she gives a fuck, she'll get her head on straight and that will be that.
Sandra. Over 40 years old weirdly enough.
I am not able to express my emotions seriously without either turning them into fucking jokes or by denying them completely hence I am affraid to open to people for I am scared of them turning away from me when they find out who I actually am and realize I am not as I pretend to be
Uncommon enough that I'm not posting it to Sup Forums.
People travel to find themselves.
In the end they find out it's all in the mindset because people and cultures think differently. All you really need is motivation to see tasks completed.
You need proof that it is possible to stob being lazy and pathetic. That even someone with a shitty life can make the best of it.
Short, small penis, ugly, poor. It's your life and you gotta deal with it and accept it. Death is inevitable so stop denying it and accept it. Do what you want so go all the way. Complete your dreams or go out trying. Do be a coward.
Death is inevitable so might as well go out with a bang. The biggest god dam bang of history.
>gf leaves me
>don't have anythong else in the world
>buy cs:go
>'it will be like high school with mates! (who left me too)'
>it's just reddt kids playing dust2
you're doing gods work
why don't you buy some new thongs?
one of my favorite movies
My name's pretty uncommon too dude I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours
i'm not a tranny
Shit, my crush hasnt ever even looked at me. Probably doesnt know my name, never payed any attention to me even she was my classmate in elementary school and is in my homeroom in highscool. Kinda devastating but it is easier to just let it go because she clearly doesnt give a fuck and would just make me feel bad if I told her
I’ve been friendzoned by a girl I met on vacations
same with my name. If you got my name and the country I'm posting from, you can pinpoint my location.
women at work feel the need to mention a bf in the first two sentences when talking to me
this is what make people shoot up schools
I understand, mine just say every two sentences things like: " You’re the best friend i’ve ever had " or something, and when I try to initiate a conversation on the fact that we might be happy together she say like " Hahaha, thank you for this one " or shit like that.
My cousin is having a surprise party tonight. I just can't handle being "on". The depression has been crushing for a week now. Nothing is fun. I just sent my wife to make an appearance for us at the party so we don't look like total jerks. Now I am alone with the dogs. On Sup Forums.
my best friend is like this as well. I curse the day I developed a sexuality. It could have been so easy. Even being gay would have been easier to be honest.
Let's meet up and fuck.
It's ok. I got friendzoned by girl who later started dating my best friend
I'm American, but still, most people I know only know one of me. I think my name is kinda cool, but again, not one for a forum I'm not proud to be using.
You have dogs?
I would happily kill a person to be able to have a dog. You have no idea how lucky you are.
And a wife? God dammit I would trade with you any day. I'm sorry you feel like shit man. Let it wash over you. It will pass.
Keep it up dude, do you still have hope for you and her ? Does she’s still dating your best friend ?
I keep my hopes and expectations as low as possible so I can't really say.
And no, they're not dating anymore but they're really close to each other so I can't really be certain.
Why you no can haz doge, user?
Not that fag but my doge is one of my only sources of comfort. Along with alcohol.
Different user, but I can't have a dog because I'm stuck living with family right now, and they hate dogs, so until I can land a decent enough job to be able to move out again, I'm stuck without having a dog
You should be honest with her, even if she friendzoned you. You don’t want to try to tell her your feelings or something ? (I know it may seems a bit childish)
yeasss, why are yu being the fcking tampon for her feelings, faggot, leave her be or else
I´ll play cs with you, what rank?
In a family house, and they dont allow pets.
E. But I feel like he's way too good. That guy is pretty much perfect compared to me. I look like shit I can't talk and my personality is blank and boring.
He's spending time with me just because he feels bad for me. But I'm still falling for it every time I see him. I'm still smiling back and laughing at everything he says. And I can't stop because I'm an fuckig idiot
I did, frankly. But it seems like she didn't really care
Have you thought about using harder Drugs?
>I felt the same way until I discovered ketamine. Now my life is great
Yeah same I constantly joke about killing myself and being a loser but always with a smile and laughing really just a way to laugh I guess
They don't even like small dogs? My parents always hated cats when I lived at home but they're dog people. I don't hate cats, I like them just fine, but also definitely more of a dog guy. Pic related, shih-tzu master race.
These shih-tzu things aren´t real dogs, they are cats with more fur. Fucking get a real doge like a Doberman or German Sheperd!
Nope, they hate all dogs, because last time they had a dog, they were too retarded to train him at all, so he was a bit of trouble (he'd just bark too much, whoop de doo)
Kek he definitely acts like a dog. Everyone likes my dog, man, trust me. He's friendly as shit. Also, I live in a one bedroom condo so having a big dog here wouldn't be fair.
Her name is Sandra.
that's one cute pupper
Hey man, didnt wan´t to make your doge bad or so, I just dont like these small thing. (Could be because im 1.98) Cheers to you, what are you guys drinking right now to beat the depression?
Yeah that's unfortunate, man. Mine very rarely barks. If he does, I assume he hears something weird and is just confused. It really isn't even hard to train a dog, it just takes a certain amount of effort.
I'd literally kill some people if it meant I could have a german shepherd
He'd only bark when he needed to go outside and when he wanted to come back in, my family was too lazy to ever walk him
you disgusting little creature, you should watch the film "Scent of a Woman" with Al Pacino. Thank me later
Damn that's even more unfortunate then. Sounds to me like he was probably a perfectly good doge and it was your parents who sucked. No offense.
Haven't had a her in years user. Haven't had anyone to talk to apart from my mom for years either, but it's okay.
>Alone on saturday.
not a question, but yeah.
>What's her name?
No offense taken whatsoever, my mother was retarded and neglectful, and my father was outright abusive. And he was SUCH a sweet dog, he was a big fat coon hound, loved being snuggled
I know the feels, man
try tinder bro, I have a date next week
I was suppose to go to bed but I guess I'm staying here for a bit
One of my few friends just got a Doberman with his girlfriend. When im lonely or depressed I ask them, if i can walk with it. It really calms me down. Do you guys think that it is emberrasing to ask them 2,3 times in the week to walk with their dog? I feel a bit uncomfortable to ask that often?
no, she knows my name, she knows who I am, i just suck at first impressions. The train has left a long time ago so i settled for someone else, and then someone else, and someone else after that. So all I can do is make the best of my situation, and watch as the one I truly want be with someone else.
Nice, good luck user. Hope it turns out well for you!
I tried shrooms because I thought it would be a spiritual trip I did 8 grams but ended up having a bad trip where it was just loneliness and sadness. Just wanted to die the whole time even though I was with a friend just didn't feel like he was there also hallucinated that I was abducted by lizard people but no I haven't yet my family is literally a line of drug addicts and alcholics so I'm trying not to do anything too hard but I wonders sometimes of it would help