Anyone here have Seborrheic Dermatitis?

Anyone here have Seborrheic Dermatitis?

If so I can totally cure you. I had it for over 10 years but now I am totally clear of it.

For the next hour or so I will answer any question if you have SD.

I had it start in my ears and it moved to my scalp and then sometimes it would flare up around my eyes and nose.

I found the cure that totally removed all the SD from my scalp and face permanently.

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This is how I cured myself: Baking Soda.

Baking Soda is Sodium Bicarbonate. It is a very strong Anti Fungal that kills the fungus which is the cause of SD>

The Baking Soda works because its Alkaline and Fungus cant live in an Alkaline Environment.

So you dust the Scalp with Baking Soda and the SD dies.

I've been told I have Psoriasis but it looks similar as shit to that.

yea its basically the same.

The Fungus that causes this shit is called Malassezia furfur.

It lives inside your Skin.

I had Colonies that lived in my scalp and then sometimes it would spread from my scalp down to my face during a flare up.

Like by my eyes and my nose

Where do you have it ?

Is this what the fuck I have? My ear holes get flakey and crust off. I have two spots on my scalp that do the same and some other inner corner of my eyes flake off.

How do you apply the baking soda? Mix it with water into a paste or anything?

Yes I hated that shit.

I had it for years and years. Crust always coming out of my ears and leaking a fluid .

It was so annoying to me.

The best way to get rid of this stuff is with baking soda.

For my face an nose I rubbed coconut oil on it and then sprinkled the baking soda on the spot.

The oil helped to hold the baking soda in place.

If you have it in your ears just put a bit in there with a water slurry after showering.

Yep. Same shit. Gets crusty, flakes off then it leaks and burns and itches for a bit. Rinse and repeat every few days. Annoying as fuck. I might have to give this a try.

>you dust the Scalp with Baking Soda
Interesting solution OP. I cured mine a few years ago by applying lotion daily. Nothing steroid based, that makes fungi get worse - instead something like pic related. It also works on my scalp.

yo I have the same thing.
all over my face and chest
here's what made it worse:
long hot showers
profuse scrubbing
here's what made it better:
just a light cleaning with a wet cloth
use lotion or moisturizer immediately after a shower (don't dry it first, leave it wet)
haven't had a breakout in weeks

I guess you had my experience ()
I also do it right out of the shower. If you let the skin dry before moisturizing, then it flares up almost instantly.

Just as a warning the Baking Soda will have a burning sensation with any infected skin.

Normal healthy skin will have no reaction. No burning sensation.

You can test that yourself.

But skin that has the fungus in it will have the burning feeling. Take this as a sign that its working.

What I did was Shower in the morning and then dust my scalp with the baking soda on all the bad spots.

And then after a couple of days it kills the fungus.

The fungus live inside colonies or Spheres in your skin. They infect the tissue like a cancer.

I had round raised red patches on my scalp but when I put the baking soda on them they died and left a hole there.

The hole healed up after a couple of days. It was fungus infected tissue in my scalp.

Was baking soda recommend by a doc or anything? Or something you tried out on your own?


I had it on my scalp and Shampoo made it WAY worse.

I had to switch to Dr. Bronners soap for my hair because the Shampoo made my scalp and face break out.

But then I started to put the Baking Soda on my scalp and it does a Detox of the scalp.

I noticed that my Urine was cloudy because of all the fungus that was getting killed and being flushed out of my body by my blood.

Hey OP i have it too, it flares up doing stressful periods, on the sides of my nose and under my eyes.

I use corticosteroids to keep it under control.

Never tried your solution, but i might, assuming it doesnt create mustard gas

Yes for Psoriasis rub the spot with coconut oil and put baking soda on it.

You will see a huge change in two days.

Its good to reapply the baking soda once or twice because it falls off during the day.

>my Urine was cloudy because of all the fungus that was getting killed
Thats not how it works, and urine isn't a proper noun.

Doctors prescribe antifungals to control SD and psoriasis.

But Baking Soda is a simple home remedy. Everyone has some in the Kitchen and its a really good antifungal.

It wont harm healthy tissue.

It will only attack fungal infections. Because its Alkaline and fungus cant live were its Alkaline.

Its not from the Baking Soda that your urine will go cloudy.

Its because of all the small bodies of Yeast / Fungus that are killed and then are flushed from your blood.

Basically protiens.

this is all good advice op
just remember to try ONE thing at a time.
lest you fuck yourself up

shit sucks

made me depressed when I was younger

Yea I got the Idea from the Cancer Dr. who cured people with Baking Soda.

Dr. Tullio Simoncini

But this also comes from the Zymotic Theory of Disease.

Its a theory that says the Environment is the driving force for disease and that small microbes called Microzymas are the cause for all disease.

This is an old alchemical Idea.

And the dead bodies of yeast/fungus are transporting from outside your epidermis to inside your blood stream... how?

I use hemp oil what is your magic cure

Use solubized coal tar extract

Your white blood cells are what kills the fungus.

But when your body and your scalp is acidic they cant do their job. The fungus reproduce too fast and the white blood cells cant defeat them.

When you add the Baking Soda you raise the PH of the environment and you make it harder for the fungus to live. It kills them off and the white blood cells move in to attack them.

When I put the baking soda on my scalp at first my Lymph nodes swelled up big time.

This is a sign that my white blood cells were on the attack.

They moved in and killed the fungus.

They essentially eat it. And then shit it out, and your body detoxes it.

Just to be clear there are different forms of this, the fungus seems worse my problem is dht testosterone in my hair oil upsetting my scalp, since cannabinoids are so great for skin and skin cancer I've have the most success using that or hemp cbd oil spray, I highly suggest anyone in this thread try this and see if it works, I use to alternate baking soda and organic apple cider vinegar and they fucked up my scalp, didn't work nearly as well as hemp oil either

that shit will give you cancer and fuck your kidneys

Any Antifungal will work, I used baking soda because its a really good one and everyone had it. Also because it wont bother healthy skin.

Cannabis is also antifungal

I have also removed over 20 moles and freckles on my arms face and chest with Cannabis Extract.

You know anything about removing dandruff?

I've had it for 3 years and it's so fucking annoying.

isnt it psoriasis?

Dandruff is totally related.

Its a fungal issue. Just sprinkle / dust your scalp with baking soda.

cool thread op... had this shit for years. so embarrassing. fucking head is flaking off.

Use Clear.
It actually worked for me

Same names for the same thing.

Fungal issues are very misunderstood.

Some doctors will tell you that they dont know what the cause is and others will say that its a fungus.

It depends on who is smarter of those you talk to.

Wrong. Increased sensitivity to sunlight.

How many times do I use it?

I used selson blue and it worked, but after a while it would just come back.

I formed a really bad habbit of picking at my scalp.

I had these spots all over my scalp and every day it was flaking off skin / scabs at the same spot and I would pick at them every day.

I got sick of it and I tried the baking soda because of the stuff I read on Zymotic diease ect. And I tried the Baking Soda.

When I put it on my scalp I felt some burning sensation at the bad spots.

But I put up with it because I knew it was working.

I slept with it in my scalp and sometimes it woke me up because it hurt when I laid my head on the Pillow.

But when I woke up and showered I could Peel a huge scab off my head and I had a huge hole there.

It felt really good to put my finger in the hole where the colony of fungus was and rub around lmao.

After a few days these holes would heal up and have normal skin there.

Mine's pretty severe, and it's been that way for almost 20 years.

I have constant dandruff and if I skip showering even a day my forehead gets pretty bad. Nothing I've ever tried has worked.

I think this was a leading cause of my Avoidant Personality Disorder and Depression.

I hope this works.

You have to kill the colonies of fungus that live inside the skin.

When you actually kill them they will leave a little divet or hole your your skin.

This and an itchy scalp. I've tried so many anti dandruff shampoos over there years, barely any of them work and some make it even worse, don't know what the heck it is

I had a spot on the back of my neck that was really deep in my neck.

It was attacking one of my lymph nodes and I had to reapply the baking soda and coconut oil for a number of weeks before it drew it all out of the deep part of my neck.

But it feels soo fucking great to finally get rid of it.

that too

but it's fucking toxic, better try to manage SB with something else

will it ever go away?


Man I need help

I have this exact same thing that OP had. After I take a shower, I manage to clean my face, ears, nose and hair from this white crust things. But after like, one hour, the crust returns.

I have A LOT OF THIS SHIT. Especially on my scalp. I cant mess with my hair because this shit falls off. I need some fucking help.

The shampoo only made things worse. I started to bath only with water because the shampoo doesnt help at all.

I cant stop having hot showers because where I live is fucking cold man.

Does anybody have any tips? I need help for real, Im getting so fucking stressed out. Help me out guys

Yea the hole / divit fills in after a couple more days.

I had a bunch of these spots on my scalp and the first time I was shocked.

The first one was on the to of my scalp where I put alot of baking soda and I had a bad spot of dermatitis.

It scabbed over and when I showered I peeled off the scab and it was like a hole in my scalp.

After a couple more days it healed up normally.

And on the back of my neck at one of the worst spots I had lots of little spheres surrounding one big spot.

It was like the little spots were spreading out from the larger one.

And each time I put the baking soda on my neck some of the smaller spots were drawn out of my skin and killed.

Holy shit. You had a HOLE in your scalp because of this disease?

I need to get treatment ASAP

I think i have this shit behing my ears. I scratch the dried shit off and it starts leaking some sort of fluid. Very random thread but thank you, I'm gonna see if this fixes it.

I used to have that and I learned sometimes it's because you use excessive amounts.

Try using only a couple dabs and comb your hair. eat less greasy foods.

Maybe you don't drink 8 cups of water a day

Stop drinking soda
Stop drinking alcohol
Try not to stress so much

>Thats what makes mine flare up

Yes I had the same problem for years.

Shampoo always made things worse because there are chemicals in the Shampoo that cause the fungus to flare up and get worse.

I had to stop using normal shampoo. But then I learned that the Baking Soda would kill the stuff living my my skin and it was not a problem anymore.

Not in my bone of my scalp. In the skin of my scalp.

It was like a divit where the fungus sphere used to live was removed and it left a hole there.

But the hole filled in after a couple days.

Its normal skin now.

I dont drink alcohol and only drink soda on weekends.

Theres no way I cant stress with this problem on my head

How do you apply the baking soda?

Does it make hair fall off?

Yea Diet is a big thing also.

Besides the Baking Soda I stopped drinking soda and I also started taking Vitamins.
I lost 50 pounds and got to a healthy weight.

But nothing changed till I put the Baking Soda on my scalp.

I also tried taking Probiotics.

Some of them made my problem worse... lmao.

The baking soda is what really fixed it.

Because it directly attacked the fungus that lives in the skin by changing the Environment to one that is Alkaline that they cant live in.

Seborrheic Dermatitis is a known cause of Balding in men.

But if you get rid of the Fungus that lives in your scalp tissue then you wont go bald.

No the Baking Soda didnt make me lose my hair. But it did kill the spots of dermatitis in my scalp that always made me pick at my scalp.

I cant think that having fungus living in your scalp is good for your hair.

The fungus live off the oils that your Skin makes.

They are called Subcutaneous glands.

Hence the name Seborrheic Dermatitis

I mainly get psoriasis on my legs and torso, thanks for the tip i will try the baking power tomorrow

Does the hair after the baking soda smell? Does the dandruff increase after the baking soda application?

Never take medical advice from Sup Forums, people here have no education.

Psoriasis is entirely different from fungal infections. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease related to arthritis (in fact, it often develops into full-blown arthritic psoriasis over time).

Since it's an auto-immune disease, funigicides cant help! If it's really bothering you, your dermatologist might prescribe you topical cortisone or b5.

The reason they are sometimes confused is that they are similar in appearance - at least for mild psoriasis. But treatment is different.

The only thing that might work with both to alleviate symptoms is anti-dandruff shampoo. That stuff is usually alkaline, i.e. good against funghi. But it is also very good at removing stuff stuck to your skin, it's just more aggressive. Therefore, it also removes much of the dead skin psoriasis produces effectively.

Please, if you have psoriasis, see a doctor about it, not Sup Forums. It's usually mild, but might cause joint problems etc. later on, so needs to be medically supervised. From a doctor, you will also get proper treatment (i.e. cortisone or b5).

Baking Soda is known for getting rid of smells.

Nope no smell at all. .

It kills the fungus that causes the Dandruff.

Dude, if this shit works you are the bomb! Reading about genetic defects and all sorts of shit. Got this after most stressful time and pissing me off big time. Trying it out for sure. Thanks.

When my SD flared up because of Diet I had spots show up on my Nutsack!

Doctors will tell you that there is no cure for SD or Psoriasis.

Because they only want to give you Treatments.

They dont want you to know these things are fungal.

They dont want you to know that Cancer is Fungus. Because then you will know how to attack it.

So do i just eat baking soda to cure cancer?

Dr. Tullio Simoncini put injection ports into peoples bodies to directly put the baking soda in contact with their cancer.

But yea its also a good Idea to raise the PH of the body as a whole by ingesting Alkaline foods. Or even by taking some Baking Soda with water.

Sometimes I use these PH balancing Drops called Plasma PH.

But I also use Baking Soda to balance by body / blood PH.

I test my urine with PH test strips to see how Acidic my body is.

If I am very Acidic I will use the drops or baking soda or just have a diet with more Alkalizing foods.

Sunlight(or UVB treatment), proper moisturization and an anti inflammatory diet are the best management tools.

Join the nopoo master race guys.

Haven't used shampoo or cut my hair since February. I used to have dandruff, red patches, white crust, etc. The worst part was how my scalp would become incredibly itchy as soon as I broke a sweat.

Also had a problem of my hair becoming very oily just 8 or so hours after showing.

Fungi consume the oils your scalp produces. Shampoo strips these oils, sending your scalp into oil production overdrive, providing fungi with more food. If you avoid shampoo for long enough, you can restore your scalp's natural oil production levels.

My routine
-Wide tooth comb pre-shower (to distribute oils more evenly)
-physically clean hair/scalp in shower with fingertips - blasting the area I am rubbing with high pressure warm/hot water
-rinse entire head with cold water before getting out in order to close up pores - this seems to have helped my acne a lot as well
-every 2-3 weeks (when my hair starts to get a bit tangled) apply diluted apple cider vinegar in shower - leave in hair about 5 minutes, then rinse. Feels just like I had used conditioner.

Over about 1.5-2 months of this, my hair gradually became less and less greasy until eventually a water-only cleaning left it looking as clean as shampoo had previously. I wore a hat during this period so that people wouldn't ask why my hair was so dirty.

Don't listen to this conspiracy theorist.
He's telling you cancer is a fungus and easily treated. Do you really think that big a conspiracy could carry on for a century? If baking soda helped against cancer, we would know be now. There's also a lot of genetic research into cancer and it's common knowledge that cancer cells are your own bodies mutated cells - they carry a mutated form of your own DNA. Cancer is not a funghal infection!

It's not just that DH and psoriasis are entirely different and require different treatment. The more important point is: if you really have psoriasis and not just dandruff, it might cause other damage to your bodies - joints being the most common problem. These things need to be monitored if you don't want to run the risk of suddenly not being able to walk more than 500 metres at age 50.

Sure, in most cases it's quite harmless. But it's still a significant risk.

Also, if this stuff works on your "psoriasis" you may not have psoriasis in the first place, but just a funghal infection. In that case, you had the wrong diagnosis. But instead of hoping that's the case, why not monitor and treat your psoriasis appropriately as long as that is the diagnosis?

No, that guy is stupid. Cancers are your own cells mutating to divide uncontrollably. Har nothing to do with fungi.

>Cancer is Fungus
don't change Sup Forums

Half True.

These micro-organisms are Pleomorphic.

That means that can change from being like a Fungus to being like a Bacteria or a Virus.

Cancer kind of works like a Virus by infecting your own cells. And then it mutates into a Fungus and starts to grow things like Tumors.

>not using nutracort and icaden.

"Your body" does not have a global pH level. Urine pH varies, depending on lots of factors. For instance, it becomes more alkaline the more concentrated it is - simply because the nitrogen complexes in it are alkaline.

Just because there is more alkaline stuff in your urine does not mean there is more alkaline stuff in your brain, stomach or leg muscles. Those are independent! There is not even a general correlation such as "your bode is generally too acidic, so it excretes more acids". Instead, the alkaline compounds of urine are created by the kidneys. Acids throughout the body's cells are neutralised with salts constantly without excreting them.

That means that ingesting some sodium bicarbonite will temporarily lower the pH inside your stomach by neutralising stomach acids - hence it is used against heartburn. But those acids in your stomachs are not in any way connected to the acids inside your blood or cells.

If it were possible to significantly alter global pH you would die from it. Cells are very strict at regulating it, as they would not survive in the wrong environment.

Fungus is clearly an intellectual being in terms of how it will behave in regards to stimulus. The brain works in a similar way. Cancers are controlled by small brain type mechanisms that have real goals to kill the body and infect cells to grow to further dopamine production for itself or whatever.

For real cancer is like a code, just like our genetics. It's controlled by some external mechanism that can affect your cells DNA to the point where they can become secretly malignant - wouldn't your body automatically purge them otherwise? I just find the idea of cancer fascinating.

The Cells do but blood does not. Keep researching you are getting closer.

All Disease is cause by tiny micro-organisms that live in the body called Microzymas, Protits, Somatids, or like the great Alchemist Paracelsus called them, Elementals.

They are nano sized microbes that become parasites to the body.

They can change from acting like a Bacteria or a virus / fungus. Because they are Pleomorphic.

You can only detect them in the blood with a Dark Field Microscope.

Because Bright Field scopes are not capable of seeing them because they are so small. They dont have the resolution.

You lost all credibility with this post.

I am an Alchemist, I am used to people not understanding me.

Cancer can't "infect" anything since cancer is just a term used to describe animal cells that has failed apoptosis and begun uncontroled cell proliferation. Since the failure to die as programed is caused by gene damage, all resulting copies will share that mutation and thus also fail to die. This over time forms clusters of the kind of cell that mutated. that is called a tumor. There is no fungi involved.

Think of the scalp like a Petri Dish.

The malassezia furfur likes to spread out from centralized positions.

During a flare up it would come down from my scalp to my face.

It can be mobile in the skin but it also takes up home like base camp.

When I started putting the baking soda on my scalp I noticed that the fungus retreated into its core colonies.

It went into defensive mode and tried to survive.

yup I have it, it pisses me off.

This works very well, but I don't know if they sell it outside of Italy.
No corticosteroids and no side effects.

You lack even a fundamental understanding or cancer.

that's really fucking cool, im hyped to try this myself. though i am resigned to living with my condition at this point so i don't have much faith that it'll work in all honesty. Nothing else has so far.

When I dusted my scalp with the baking soda I usually did it in the morning after a shower.

It was like Chemical Warfare to the fungus that lived in my scalp skin. They hate it and it drives them out.

how many times per day? and measurements?


Never went to a dermatologist but Nizoral + tea tree shampoo has staved my flakey scalp away 100%

Do NOT put baking soda on dermatitis - it turns into a form of mustard gas.

Well I would put it maybe once or twice on my scalp. Once in the morning. And then maybe add more half way through the say.

I was liberal with putting it on the patches on my scalp. I would sometimes rub the spot with coconut oil and then pinch some baking soda and put it directly on the bad spot on my scalp.

And if i did that for two or three days it killed that spot and i could pick a big scab off it and healthy skin would start growing on that part of my scalp.

I had spots all over my scalp, The top, the front, both sides and the back.

I had to put it on those spots for a few days at a time.

The burning feeling means its working.

would forming a paste and lathering it also work?

Sometimes I was sleeping with the baking soda in my scalp and when my head was on the pillow and the bad spots were getting mashed down on the pillow it really hurt bad.

It woke me up and kept me from sleeping.

And the back of my neck around my lymph nodes was feeling swollen.

But I put up with the pain because I knew it was working and it was killing the fungus that was living in my scalp.

Now my scalp is totally clear of the bastards.

When it was on my face sometimes I mixed baking soda with the oil and rubbed it on my nose and around my eyes.

After a couple of days those red spots die. And the skin peels a bit and then healthy skin grows like normal.

You just have to put it on any of the red patches for about two days and you see the effect.