System specs, show me your setup Sup Forums
what do you think about it? I plan on changing my CPU but dont know which one I could get.... I'm on a student budget though
Nice build, I heard the i5 6600k is pretty good for gaming and it's under $200
I may not like MACs but with a resolution like that I can't help but appreciate that
well, there's not much you can do on your platform. you will also have to change your mainboard and usually ram if you want to go on a newer platform. 200$ might be very thin right now...
what do you mean by changing rams? Add an extra 8GO or totally change them? Maybe I'll wait my first paycheck to get something correct
I think what he means is most newer MOBOs take ddr4 ram rather than ddr3
if you want to stay on your platform, yes. but if you want to go on a 6xxx series cpu you will most propably need to switch to DDR 4. but if you want to reuse it you need a h110 or b150 board
how do you get such low temperature?
By keeping my balcony door open.
sup guys
for what purpose is you dual clovertown xeon still running?
Holy shit what a monster of a build!
HOT build bro!
Get on my level.
>mfw I can't even play sims
why did you stay on win 8.1?
consuming electricity
that was serious shit back then...
Would have loved to get Win7, but the bastards in Microsoft weren't selling it.
that is fuckign cringeworthy garbage man shit.
i feel like ima spend hte next 3 days hungover with alcohol posision jus seeing that shit
Legit serious. What is wrong with it?
I can run anything i want with out any problems.
but why didn't you upgrade to win 10?
good shit
Oh so very moist
my shitty laptop
my multipurpose server
forgot to post pic, fail
Are you serious?
send help
from win 8.1? yes, i'm very serious.
S3 bitch! nice!
>show me your setup Sup Forums
Radeon 2gb lol
539 mhz ram
3.0 GHZ processor even though Intel is pretty good.
Best u have to show is ur windows 7
stay true dont do that 8.1 and above bullshit,
and i thought mine was bad
All we need is the first Pentium to complete the ritual
Cpu is at 4.4ghz on air not planning on watercooling anytime soon.
$300 laptop/10
specs you said?
1366x768 monitors need to stop
ma nigge
i have some very informative flyers on autism you can have, if you want them
i hope you use you gpus for something else than 1080p gaming...
>unidentified cpu
6850K ?
>unidentified ram
Not a pooter person but it seems ok?
Ofc, I have a acer x34 predator for gaming, just not attached atm.
The other 2 monitors are for my work.
Ram is Corsair dominator 3200
CPU is 6850k correct @4.5 ghz
well fuck
medion lol
Sure, I'll bite.
Doing some cooking huh?
More likely that speccy isn't reading the sensor data correctly. Motherboard sensors are notoriously idiosyncratic when it comes to how they report temperatures.
put some water on it to cool it a lil bit
Hah, it's not picking up my model number properly. CPU is an i7 6800k.
Here's mine. Any good?
yup good.
what do you use it for?
Wouldnt mind using it myself.
Unlocked i7 with a 960.
This shit triggers me.
not everyone likes crysis 3
Amd for the win
Low °C of CPU
ddr 1333 - still usable, not recommended for AAA gaming but still - usable.
yeah I just checked my mb and it definetely isn't 119°C
Agreed. My old system ran 24GB of it - was fine for most tasks.
Currently running 64GB of quad-channel DDR4 3000 and boy do I notice the difference.