Iron march edition
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r8 my pure aryan gf
nice try rasheed
*goosestep's towards you*
We Kev posting
Can't wait until I'm old and capable enough to get a puppy
need a bf
Why does this FASy woman have such a knobbly nose?
*walks into thread*
>tfw tumbled too far down the neet hole
Now you understand that equality doesn't exist.
Women joining the forces don't have to have their hair shaved off like the lads do.
That's fucking ridiculous. That's like me demanding a female cut her hair short
Tell her your an Irish pagan and the Dagda demands all Irish men be bearded.
Give me one reason we shouldn't have a state mandated program in which single people are matched up with people from other ethnicities?
It would help tackle the struggles of multiculturalism.
it's this big
because I hate coloureds
Because white people would get the short end of the stick
>because I hate coloureds
because whites have nothing to gain and everything to lose tbqh
>cover letter for a part time retail job
fuck off
>identify as a black man
>immediately pair with a blonde, blue eyed white woman
Heh, nice try though
>state mandated program in which single people are matched up
wouldn't work
but I'd go for tax incentives for interracial couples with children
well hello there /brit/!
Oh yeah, what about the racists who are already in a relationship with someone of the same ethnicity?
Me seeing Meshuggah live this Friday
>No multicult gf
Good point. Might have to break them up. Also schools should be segregated by gender/race.
So all the white girls would go to school with only non-white boys, and all the white boys would go to school with only non-white girls.
anyone remember aniseed balls?
used to love those things. but i can't fucking find them anywhere
>swiggity swooty comin for that booty
why, yes!
I did a 50 minute interview for a christmas job as a stockroom worker in harvey normans
>he doesn't have a premade template for cover letters
Don't you have a newsagents nearby with all the jars of sweets?
>state mandated program in which single people are matched up
ah yes very good sign me up for the National Girlfriend Service, or NGS for short
Business idea: arranged marriages for everyone
no the newsagents near me were replaced with a Subway and a Betfred about 5 years ago
only if i get arranged with you :)xxx
I'm going to become a teacher lads, I got a place at a uni for a PGCE course. I'm so excited.
located a satsuma lads
looks like talks aimed at sending all the yanks back to /cum/ have failed
shame desu
I've already suggested making your own /brit/ specific language
imagine a girl that sincerely liked me haha
We should all learn Welsh.
Hopefully no bratty 15 year olds will cry wolf and accuse you falsely of rape / sexual harassment thus resulting in you losing your job, becoming a social pariah and potentially even being imprisoned.
>voluntarily going near women and or teenage girls
You reap what you sow.
Would be interesting if there was a small group of people who spoke Welsh solely because of their involvement with Sup Forums general
It is to become a primary school teacher.
Not a fucking chance mate
Swedes should be ostracised around the world 2bh
>a primary school teacher who browses the 'chon
When you're walking along and it's dark out, do women cross the road to avoid you?
the lunch
>someone got upset that I hadn't voted yet
>those racist xenophobic bigots
Great guy to leave your kids with.
>Billboard showed two girls wearing hijabs, a head covering worn by some Muslim women, celebrating Australia Day in 2016.
>The electronic billboard at Cranbourne, in Melbourne's south-east, was part of a Victorian Government campaign to promote Australia Day events in the city.
ah yes, melbourne
best endz in london?
just lie mate
Taken down by the advertising company who didn't want to deal with the influx of calls, not by the government la
The entire state is one big embarrassment
Just finished Crest of the Stars lads, was alright desu.
thinking of spending a tenner on amazon for 24 boxes of sweets lads hmm what do you think
makes me sick when governments and stuff do shit like that
I literally cannot watch anime
The characters just don't reflect my image of real human behaviour
>tfw to intelligent to realize I'm dumb
I bought two boxes of this stuff on amazon the other day, it's as good as I remembered.
I'll assume you can't watch anything where animals or inanimate objects can talk then, or c
any sci-fi or anything with magic or the like.
probably because it's not real mate
the end where you leave
So it's been taken down, which you conveniently omitted.
Bit tired out
Sup Forums affect
who is your favourite keion
nice, this is what i want
the best thing to ever come out of america
HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT but not real thing
just made all the lads at work laugh by stealing a joke from Bad Neighbours haha
ayy lmao
t. Rasheed
It changes nothing, the point was that the government saw fit to put it up in the first place. The billboard owner saying "fuck it, too many people are calling" doesn't matter. There'll be more no doubt
is melbourne actually bad or are you aussies just being drama queens
ah yes club photos
me at the back checking out the arse
Never had one desu, do like lemon sweets though.
if you've ever been in a club photo you don't belong on /brit/
very good post
haha this is 100% legit
I figure it's because anime uses eastern display of emotions as opposed to the western which I'm used to
I can watch animals and inanimate objects talking, but anime just feels weird and eerie
me on the left
they're the perfect sweet. a soft outer layer, with a harder but still very easy to crunch and just the perfect amount of sourness
It's London 2.0 in most ways 2bh, the only major difference is that they're still the second city to Sydney as far as most of the world and most of Australia is concerned, pisses them off to no end
Moot works at google now, what is he doing there?