Doping makes the Olympics better.
Prove me wrong.
Protip: You can't and your argument is a moral one.
Doping makes the Olympics better
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morals are literally the only reason they aren't allowed though
Yea morality is my argument....morals are fairly important
and it's not even a very good moral argument
also I find it very funny how people who haven't done an hour of competitive athletics in their lifes assume they're experts on what constitutes as "cheating" and what doesn't
You don't even have an argument though.
Go home gamer girl
colbert said it best in one of his books.
Athletics are for my entertainment, athletes are performers. Therefore Performance enhancing drugs are really entertainment enhancing drugs.
not an argument
There are health risks.
My body, my rules
elite level competitive athletics are a health risk
that's the problem. legalizing doping would more or less force every athlete to take drugs or to stay irrelevant
It's not interesting when the winner is decided by who has the best dope, no one liked the TECHSUIT era in swimming where the fastest suit won 90% of the time
>every athlete to take drugs or to stay irrelevant
this is different from the current situation how?
you don't have a clue about PEDs
Not a bad thing. Rivalry is the purest form of personal enrichment. The value of the games would increase because of the additional personal sacrifice it takes to be the best.
Garcia @2.62 against Jo Konta is just silly.
They're basically the same player except Garcia has an edge mentally that Konta will never be able to get. If you look beyond recent results the odds just don't make sense
Murder makes the olympics better.
Prove me wrong.
Pro-tip: you can't and your argument is a moral one.
I mean, you're not wrong. It would certainly make them better from an entertainment perspective. But it is inherently against the spirit of the games.
Doping seems awesome in theory, but it would just turn sports into a pharmaceutical race. Which ever country could develop the best drugs would win.
apples and oranges. doping improves athletic performance. murder has nothing to do with it
that's not how it works anymore. all the low-hanging fruit have been picked and the current system favors those who can throw the most money at developing drugs that don't show up on test. the most effective stuff is cheap and available to everyone, but shows up on tests
>driving innovation
Not seeing the problem here
Murder does improve results though, kill all the people better than you and you get gold
Olympia is about nations coming together peacefully, which is why its all about being better than someone else
>Olympics will be carried out between Pharmaceutical corporations teams in the future
fuck yeah, prepare for the biannual Bayer onslaught
I'd dispute the word better. It would make sprinting faster, it would make jumping further etc etc etc, however that doesn't make the game are better. Better for me would mean more parity/unpredictability. If you showed me a robot running 100m in 8 seconds I wouldn't be impressed as it would be doing what its designed to do, the same if a sprinter went under 9 seconds because they were legally doping, it wouldn't improve viewing.
Watch the paralympics and watch all the WR's fall because its still a fairly young movement and it hasn't plateaued yet...that shit isn't entertaining.
Relative athletic performance is improved if you kill your competitor.
I could win the 100m dash tomorrow if morality is out of the equation.
Olympic motto is Citius, Altius, Fortius, a.k.a "Faster, Higher, Stronger". Killing athletes who are faster and stronger than you is on the whole detrimental to that goal. Murder is incompatible with Olympics. Doping is not because it makes athletes stronger and faster.
doping should be regarded as an honorable sacrifice for the sport, kinda like athletes fucking themselves to finish a race then getting praised.
While you're very right that is the motto, the Olympic movement is a long way from where it was when the motto was written. Its like the retards in America who quote the 2nd amendment, or people who quote religious scripture.
Cherrypicking. Ideals like liberty and freedom of speech are still valued. If an idea is old, it does not automatically make it bad.
Sacrifice is a key component of the ancient Olympiad
Why not just have two versions of every event? One clean and one doped? It will double the length of the games - benefiting the host city - and we'll get to watch people do the 100m sprint in under 8 seconds.
>implying 9.58 is clean
>Doping makes the Olympics better.
No it doesn't, it just makes athletes better
If it doesn't change the relative level of competition then it has no impact on the quality of the Olympic Games. If it does (and it does, because access to and funding for doping is unequal) then it actually makes the Games worse by distorting results further.
Assuming the Games are clean now (lol), then adding doping would change nothing. Everyone would improve relative only to themselves and the level of competition would be the same.
Robotics makes the Olympics better.
Prove me wrong.
Protip: You can't and your argument is a moral one.
This is the most hilarious failure of an argument considering what we're discussing. If this were true people should be as interested in an elementary school footrace as in the Olympics providing it's competitive.
>it has no impact on the quality of the Olympic Games
Are you dumb? World Records are exactly what improves the quality of Olympic Games. People want to see elite athletes breaking the limits, superhuman performance. Doping improves the quality of sports, and in all sports you follow the athletes are doping already.
This is interesting, though it would very likely it's own competitions for it to work. Think Paraolympics, Olympics and finally let's say Augmented Olympics
Everyone doped the playing field will be leveled and only actual technique will set apart athletes and also consider the safety having a medical staff monitoring the athletes
This should only be at a pro level, semi pros shouldn't dope
semi pros shouldn't dope
How would they know they were semi pros unless they doped? They would have to reach their peak while doping. You can argue that they could know based on how they did vs. old Olympic times, but would someone competitive enough to consider the Olympics really rest before trying doping?
Cheater detected
Well in my mind I was thinking over regular team sports so if you were in the AAA or AA league in baseball you wouldn't be part of the team's doping plan until you make the first team in the majors
Yeah it'll be harder in the Olympics. Good point, user.
i think having a different league in some sports for people who cheat (doping, robotics when the time comes) would be cool as hell, definitely entertaining to watch.
>and your argument is a moral one
Are you saying you don't have morals? What kind of lower primate are you?
>it does not automatically make it bad.
Or good, evolution of ideas and principles is key.
People don't want to see limits broken by super humans though, they want to see what the natural human body can achieve. If you allowed doping it would make records uninteresting. O look Bob has found a new chemical formula that is better than Bill's, awesome.
>faster higher stronger
So I take meth to make me higher, faster, and stronger, before I kill my competitors. Still in th Olympic spirit brah
Much less so when one isn't on lifespan shortening and long term body crippling drugs
The Olympics is about personal skill aand fitness, not about who has the best superman laboratory.
>moral argument
literally kys
>an american who is pro doping
well, i for one am shocked
>base your career on doping
>get caught
Literally wtf are you doing mate?
Why not just make separate Dopelympics and Dopeb Owls for sportsman who are willing to pump shit into their bodies?
It would be interesting to see how much is human body capable of with the help of modern science and the research could help in fields other than sport too while still being funded by people that just want to see men run faster than ever.
>It would be interesting to see how much is human body capable of with the help of modern science
We already have that, it's called pro cycling
You now realize that if they didn't try to control doping every athlete in every sport would look as roided as Ronnie Coleman and die young