Watch sports in America

>watch sports in America
>every other commercial is some variation on girl power in sports or how female sports matter just as much as men's.

Anyone notice this is getting more and more prevalent? Don't get me wrong, I have no issue with girls playing sports, but they'll never matter as much as men's sports.

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The USA has like 65% women in this Olympcis

And? Maybe it's because most of the sports tend to be female oriented. Still doesn't change the fact that no one cares about female sports outside of the ones where men can look at their asses.

>most of the sports tend to be female oriented


None of these is right

We actually care more about female sports since they perform better than our guys. We are all talking about our female judo fighter

Lol don't get triggered

I should have said sports coverage.

Look at the most popular Olympic sports. It's usually female stuff like gymnastics or diving. I'm honestly not sure why other than NBC is always looking for the next American sweetheart, rags to riches story.

I'm talking about the US, though, where female sports are usually thought of as inferior.

Olympic coverage in the USA sounds fucking horrendous

Thank god for the based BBC

Because female athletes tend to be attractive and thus are good for advertising

>they'll never matter as much as men's sports.

they know thar. thats why they shill for them so much

>Olympic coverage in the USA sounds fucking horrendous

It is. They care more about feel good stories than sports.

I've resigned myself to just letting women believe whatever stupid fantasies they want. All it does is make it easier to make money off of them

Murrica really have the concept of "boy sports" and "grill sports". Just see boringball, the female version just have another name.

He means that american males are so scared of being thought to be gay that they gravitate to the manliest (read: most homoerotic) sports instead of the ones they actually enjoy.

Thats just because yous are shite. Relevant countries don't give a fuck about women's sports because our men are better at them at all of them.

How about some feel bad stories?

That's exactly it, though. NBC's stated goal in televised Olympic coverage is to rope in people who would never actually watch sports, but are all about reality shows and dogshit like that. Hence events being chopped up and time-delayed so they can be partially aired in between fluff pieces on that "primetime" show.

Why are Americans so sexist?

because women are stupid and fall for advertising easier

Look up studies on spending habits

Women are much more influenced by commercials. Just compare apple phones in Male vs Females.

Senior women age 50 and older control net worth of $19 trillion and own more than three-fourths of the nation’s financial wealth.

All TV advertisements are aimed at 50+ year old women. The woman empowerment shit is to get them spending money to feel better. Since at 50+ year you feel like shit and are sexually worthless.

Yeah, and it's fucking gross.

Why are Argies so bad at stealing islands?

>american muslim fencer that wears a hijab
>feel good story about how she finally found a sport she can play in which her entire body is covered because she's muslim

All that says to me is that Islam is a fucking shit religion that needs to get its head out of the fucking middle ages.

I'm all for it desu, I hope it encourages girls to play sports and get healthy. Muscle girls and toned girls are the best girls.




but user, it's their tradition

never mind that every other major faith has made major concessions to their traditions in order to adapt to changing times, attitudes, and interpretations

We stole thoudands of islands from Chilel

Messing with Britain was a mistake

Liberals believe they can coerce muslim thought to become more liberal.

The idea is that liberalism is dominant and will slowly transform Islam.

That is their plan. So they have to get on the good sides of mudslimes and show them the light.

I don't agree with this reasoning, but the liberal plan is to coopt islam and slowly liberalize it like they did to christians.

Today this shit finally will be over and male Rugby teams will start tomorrow. Finally.

>argies are actually top tier island stealers

>"Thank god for BBC"

The British national motto

BBC sport is literally the only good thing about that shit heap.

Doctor Who?


Football, basketball, baseball, hockey= men's sports

Soccer, softball, field hockey=women's sports

kek, m8
All that motivational shit will end up on their social media profiles at best

>Soccer, softball, field hockey=women's sports
U wot mate?

It's leftist agendas
This shit has been going on for a while now

>Anyone notice this is getting more and more prevalent? Don't get me wrong, I have no issue with girls playing sports, but they'll never matter as much as men's sports.

but most of your medals are won by women you fucking PC cuck

I was in the US a month ago.

The whole approach to sports in the country is fucked

>every single tv (except those showing golf) is on ESPN
>thus the only sport I actually saw that wasn't 20 second replays was golf

A lot cheaper to hire multi gold medalist Hope Solo than Michael Phelps

They figured out a long time ago men don't watch tv ads and they are not effective on men, women are gullible and easily convinced to buy shit they don't need, it's mostly just marketing.


this guy gets it

I for one support the idea that we once every fourth year get together and pretend to care about irrelevant sports, whether it be for men or for women.

>Thank god for the based BBC
Just rename that channel already.