Why are korean women so good at archery?
Why are korean women so good at archery?
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I was thinking about it, it must have to do with and old tradition. I don't watch Kdramas but from the images, many characters use bows in the dramas that are set in the past, which is different from knights and samurais that fight more with swords.
After they won so many medals the sport gets momentum and got popular in the country.
why are korean women so qt?
plastic surgery culture
They need to snipe a man until they are 30 or they are fucked.
They all use the same same surgeon.
>stereotype that has only existed for less than 10 years
>magically coincides with a boost in plastic surgery
God, I am so glad I'm not Korean. What a fucking worthless culture.
>kpop image
Please leave koreaboo, sage.
It's due to their slant eyes
They're used to guiding tiny rods into a target with surgical precision.
>blaming all Koreans for the actions of Worst Korea
You dumb nigger.
>surgical precision
I like this post. Have a (You).
why are they so good at erecting my dick?
Haven't you seen the SVE vs KOR handball match today? They are ass ugly as it is possible to be.
Are her nails going to get in the way?
Post more qt gook
dude it's Australia the extreme shit posting..
and Japan who always hate on korea lmfao.
Every time korea is mentioned, "Hurdurr korea surgery!!!"
It's the only thing they can come up with to argue. So, you're telling me your country is this sad that you have to shit post other countries to feel better. LOOL
And wheres the attack on japan women? They're horrendously ugly as well. Oh right, this is a weeb website, always defending Japan like its your duty to. Fucking pathetic.
>They're horrendously ugly as well
They are still miles ahead of average american 600kg """""""""womyn"""""""""
Here's the brit shit poster again. Loool
I bet he just came back busting a nut to some disgusting undervalued dirty jap porn.
begone shitposter, Trump needs you to BTFO CTR on reddit to make america great again, do not disappoint him
Why don't you go to a Koreaboo website then?
Still prefer Japs. Only reason is because they have more porn.
Practicing for the korean reconquista
Korean sound better than Japanese
Hangul is easier than hiragana/katagana
Seuol > Tokyo
Korean girls are better looking than japanese girls
Korea never committed crimes against humanity against China
Because this thread is about Korean women, genius?
For the record, Japanese athletes are fugly too.
Koreans are definitely the most high test and bro tier of all the Asians, why is this?
There you go. You just said it for me.
"Because of porn". Adding more undervalue to women. All japan has is that, anime, and ps4 games lmfao.
And the fucking weeb has the nerve to say "worthless culture" to korea.
at this point you have to wonder how much of her face is plastic.
>Hangul is easier than hiragana/katagana
Kanas are piss easy.
>He hasn't seen the Japanese volleyball team
She shot right in my heart
Lol, I did. Nothing special.
Probably just their bodies are pretty good
>t. grandson of a comfort women
You seem upset, Mr. Park
why are you white people arguing about koreans? you guys are fucking pathetic.
>be ugly
>get surgery that makes you hot
>'huehuehueh you're still ugly because you used to be ugly and even though you're hot now you're ugly it doesn't count huehue'
wtf sense does that make. you wouldn't fire your accountant just because he didn't know shit about accounting before he went to school to learn it.
Who's the girl in white?
You don't plan on having kids with your accountant, do you?
It's time to go Moo Yeol.
To me it's not that the surgery makes them ugly, the surgery just makes them genetic and robotic as fuck
There are not even good. I saw the matches to qualify for the Olympics hosted by Japan. They purposely put the Japanese team with the weaker teams to win 4 easy games and lose the other 3.
I'm buddy, I'm Vietnamese and I think Koreans are a bunch of pansy ass retards. You cry all day about "muh Japanese oppression" yet to never occurred to any South Korean military men in Vietnam that Vietnamese were fighting against occupiers. Koreans are a joke nation.
Suck my dick, Kim.
>Having kids instead of fucking hot girls regardless of what they looked like 5 years ago
Because American soldiers have shown them what REAL men and women are.
... you plan on starting a family with every girl you fuck?
Lol now you're trying to patriotic by adding "muh country fought too!"
You suck my dick
literally, those weapons are came out from Halo?
Where did you get such high quality caps of this event? All I can find are shitty 480p youtube links.
Your point?
I know you're Brazilian and thus automatically worship Japan because you have no self-esteem or pride, but those women are not attractive by any stretch of the imagination.
(1 and 7 could look pretty good with a makeover, though)
Asians specialize in boring, repetitive, precision non-sports
all thanks to Japan
You know, it's funny because you should have a better reading comprehension of stuff written in English than me.
I'm implying the exact same thing you are;
i.e. there's nothing special about the Japanese volleyball team.
baka senpai
My bad, you're right. I'm just so used to BRs worshipping Japan that I didn't even think a BR could have the opposite opinion.
wtf I love Brasil now
I know it's early but I couldn't believe how empty the seats are. I know archery isn't the most popular but at least when Panam came to Toronto they had the most turn out to any event.
so ur saying that the weeb population here in Sup Forums is mostly BRs?
I may consider leaving forever now. Wtf?
What about weightlifting?
Well right now I'm at 0 (zero) so... maybe?
tbqh senpai
vietnam has a ton of support from communist china and russia
korea was pretty much uncivilized, next to nippon
thats not oly....
Pick one you filthy casual
I know it's the idol thing. I just want source on OP's file which seems way better than what's on Youtube.
>crimes against humanity
>against China
pick 1
they are used to helping guide tinny things into something
>Why are korean women so good at archery?
Did you see the korean movie "The Host", nigga? Korean chicks kill mini-kaijus easily.
How other countries can even compete?
>Korean sound better than Japanese
Why are they so kawaii :3
Going through this whole thread as Gook makes me wonder what you guys look like in real madrid life.
stupid gook
I wanna marry a qt Korean.
Why do they pull the string into their face in archery? Looks so silly
>Korea never committed crimes against humanity... or against China
You're a whore, darling.