Guys, does the Olympics suck so far? I feel like a host who is paranoid that he's throwing a bad party.
Guys, does the Olympics suck so far? I feel like a host who is paranoid that he's throwing a bad party
Yes, it's empty as fuck. All the events feel dead as fuck. You need a large crowd, otherwise it just doesn't feel like the "greatest stage on earth".
There's been good matches and wr setting already.
It's been pretty good.
It's pretty terrible
I don't know... Some WR, Phelps doing one more time, Bolt maybe will achieve it... But it is still missing the remarkable moment.
It's shit and I hope after this we can go back to civilized countries hosting.
I'm especially mad that you built a rowing course in a terrible location so that the first day was a literal shitshow for athletes who have dedicated their lives to the sport.
It's like literally an average olympics so far, so stop being so self-deprecating and paranoid Brazil. It's no fun bullying you when you don't fight back.
>poor country in economically crises
>the Olympic park located in isolated far place
>the cheap ticket even to irrelevant sport is about off 20% of minimal wage here
I suprise to much people, maybe they put some people to don't seems to empty.
im having fun watching it, and honestly, i speak for everyone (including Sup Forums) im glad there havent been any happenings
i wish brazil was better at futbol
learn english
Not nearly as bad as the media was trying to predict it.
Still, it hasn't been great too.
it should be cheaper to Brazilians or even free. Since your taxes are paying for the damn thing...
don't see any differences with the london or beijing games
don't let the trolls get to your head you insecure monkey
It has been very good so far imo. Attendances are poor though. Why aren't the locals supporting the games. Many events only friends, family and other athletes in attendance.
yeah, the conditions on day 1 were pretty awful. so many Olympic rowers catching crabs, Serbians capsizing. It really was an insult to one of the greatest sports on earth. For that, I hate Brazil. Other than that, I'm sure the other events have been fine.
pretty gud/10
Not your fault a lot of great athletes decided Zika was a convenient excuse to not risk their body for their country.
pretty meh
feels very boring, dnno why. UK olympics were much more exciting, but maybe that's because i've aged
>expecting a third world country citizen to spend money on an extravagance like the Olympics.
this is why the Olympics should only be hosted in well-developed countries with lots of money. it sounds bad, but if this really is the greatest stage for athletics on earth, you have to make the venue reflect that.
doubt they pay taxes
You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.
I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.
Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.
You nigger.
You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.
You are the Baltimore of South America.
Go fertilise the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.
Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.
>feels very boring, dnno why. UK olympics were much more exciting, but maybe that's because i've aged
I feel the same way but maybe i've grown out of it as well.
Don't listen to the autists and racists from Sup Forums. The olympics are great, all my friends from around the globe think the same. Some are there as well.
que porra de jogos Brasiu
cycling has been great
Top kek
>being a cuck
All the relevant events are at 4 am and there are no replays. So yeah nobody is watching here.
This desu, I can't wait to try these cycling roads myself. I'll probably break a few spines on the way but it'll be fun.
Its not the yellow from the egg and i dont feel the Olympischer Geist yet. But im sure it will be good
it's pretty good, don't worry and enjoy
With all the negativity being spouted by the media weeks before the Olympics actually started, I expected it to be a shit-show. It's actually been alright though, a few mistakes here and there but overall not bad.
I live at walk distance from the Olympics. I didn't went because of the price.
Seriously, R$600-800 to watch some medals events. JUST FUCK MY BUDGET UP.
>minimum wage ticket
No. I spent a total of R$200 with WC tickets (3 games).
Fuck the olympics
I think the games are bretty good so far. Good job. Lot of qts.
I enjoy it more than boring footbal Euros.
Nah, it's only been several days.
the olympics always suck
No matter when or where we play there is always brazilians monkeys booing us IN EVERY FUCKING SPORTS. You cannot even keep quiet during tennis, you act like fucking subhumans, no respect for anything. I honestly hope the whole world see you for what you are right now. Fuck you. You act like is all friendly rivalry and you insult us even with our anthem like a dirty Roach posting dead soldiers, uncivilized people. Portugal should enslave you again.
I hope Brazil never host anything again.
literal shit, the whole thing is a joke
Get fucked argies, remember those chants? It's your own fault.
Fuck you, I bet you're one of thoses favellas niggers doing it.
Go celebrate your first Gold Medal in football-OH WAIT you suck even in that.
Those races were goat, and the TT will be.
Crowds are shit except for weightlifting though. Rowing started bad but the course looks good when it's flat.
Overall, it's ok, it's still the Olympics.
I just have no sympathy for Argies. You come to our country and start chanting stupid and racist shit, joking about neymar spine, your hooligans beat innocent people, you trash everything when you lose, your police and fans beat the supporters of brazilian clubs when they play in argentina, etc.
You are just bitter people and i hope you get even more upset because of the boos.
Well, it's a good job this bullet 'fired from a favela' at a police drone 'was travelling slowly' when it hit the horse media tent.
>muh racism
Yes honestly now I'm glad our hooligans beat the shit out of your monkeys, go back to the jungle, Poorzil
If anything you guys should stop coming here, many are still here even after the WC and i bet a lot more will stay too after the Olympics.
BRs don't go to Argentina, so you should not come here too if it's so shitty.
Well, you shouldn't host anything anymore then.
Why the fuck we don't build a wall around Brazil? Your best gift to humanity is zika.
The cycling and boxing has been great but the crowds are dead
tbqh I don't think you could afford the cement required for such a wall.
You don't build a wall because you need us more than we need you. You are the little bitch in this relationship.
Anyways, enjoy the boos. Booing anyone other country is poor form, but every argie deserves to be booed.
Crowds in Weightlifting were pretty good all things considered, and all weightlifting events have been amazing.
Swimming also has consistently good crowds
>Booing anyone other country is poor form
At least you admit it.
This shit is what Olympics is all about and that's why it's so boring nowadays, there's no rivalry , globalism is fucking everything up.
I can only hope that china can start some major shit in the southern sea so we can get to watch some nip X chink showdown in 2020.
Long story short, Sup Forums was right again.
Well the atmosphere certainly isn't nice in most events I've seen. The croud not only boos and jeers Brazils opponents but turns events without them into a booing competition between groups of monkeys in the stands
I like it better than London because I'm not watching the cancer NBC coverage. THANKS LEAFS
>there's no rivalry , globalism is fucking everything up
yeah, because Cold War Olympics were such fun, not.
Well some people disagree with that...
Might turn out better than boring London olympics if the athletics events can draw a good crowd and atmosphere.
Still miles below Beijing though, didnt bother with the olympics before that so cant compare
"too much noise!"
"such big lines""
"not enough people!"
We will always feel like a paranoid host, even if we aren't hosting anything.
Which were the remarkable moments of London and Beijing?
London has celebrated it 10000 times. You guys are very possessive about those events. WC in Africa? LIONS! Olympics in Beijing? POLUTION! TIBET! Sochi? CIRCASSIANS! Putin portraits! Olympics in Moscow? Boycott!!!!You will always be very elitist, but we will always fight that.
aside from the horrible opening day
Everything else has been alright. My dad is the for the 2 weeks. Hotel competition increased and he was able to find a cheap one. I was going to go but someone has to take care of the business. I won't be surprised if his dick gets destroyed. He has an fetish with Brazilian girls
absolutely does not suck. If anything, the media has done everything to downplay the off-field crap that Rio deals with every day.
The only thing that has irked me so far was the Chinese judge dicking the Taiwanese lady weightlifter. It was awful.
They should secretly film the rooms at the Village tho and make a nice reality show about that. It would never get past the lawyers tho.
who knows,maybe ISIS will show up to fuck up shit
he needs to wear those special condoms with vulcanized rubber.
>this meme
You're 15% more likely than a Brazilian to get AIDS with your ghetto sheboons and trailer trash
Ri alto aqui
>You are the Baltimore of South America.
That bad eh