Hi, welcome to McDonalds, my name is Andre, how can I help you?
Hi, welcome to McDonalds, my name is Andre, how can I help you?
Robert Gray
Tyler Sanders
Yeah can I get two double cheeseburgers and a crispy ranch snack wrap?
Matthew Torres
I dont know, can you?
Charles Edwards
A filet-o-fish with a mango smoothie to go please
Luis Gutierrez
how long you serve breakfast?
Ryan Brown
only dubs get their orders.
Chase Garcia
"wow, you're a darkie who is actually working for a living and not out on the streets killing people. "
"Here's a tip: "
Wyatt Kelly
lol nigger
Jack Price
.... good show. Good show.
You have made a powerful ally this day, sometime soon you shall stand at the right hand of the one who shall create or destroy the world. Hold true to this saying, and I shall find you.
Hudson White
Can I get a Mc Gangbang?