Coping with the fact that no one will ever like you

Coping with the fact that no one will ever like you.

How do you do it?

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I don't think it's that no one will ever like me, I think it's just that I'm at a juncture point in my life. The people who used to like me are falling off just because of distance, and I haven't gotten to the point I find my new crowd.

As to where I think you meant this thread to go, I guess I've just run out of frogs to kiss for right now.

I see what you mean about the certain point in your life. Did you once find it easy to make and keep friends earlier in your life? But now it seems utterly impossible?

That's what has happened to me. communicating with people and making friends used to be like second nature. But after high school I don't think I've made a single real friend. The few friends I have now (Who are slowly gaining distance) were all from high/middle school. Seems like something just snapped in my brain, I can't make a connection with people anymore.

I ride motorcycles wherever I want. I drive my car and truck wherever I want. I play vidya where I can explore. The escapism works. Kinda.

1. Get a cat and/or friends, for companionship.

2. Porn, for sexual gratification.

3. Get a job and/or an hobby, to keep yourself busy.

4. Let the hate for other people rise inside you, till you don't give a shit whether they like you or not.

5. Netflix

Really, I'm just finding it difficult to leave the house. After I'm in a conversation, it usually goes pretty well for me. What's happened for me is that I ran out of cash one class short of finishing college, and I don't see many of the college friends I used to live with anymore.

As far as your problem, it sounds like high school dumped you where I am right now, only earlier. Let me guess: you have a hard time finding motivation to leave the house, don't have too much human contact, aren't really sure what you're doing with your life besides floundering and trying to run damage control, and you're out of options as far as dating. You're working a dead end job that just barely covers your expenses (or none at all), and you know that in the long term you don't make enough to cover wear damage to your clothes, car, or body.

Yeah, shit sucks user. Best friends I have are my favorite uncle and Sailor Jerry.

I came up with a plan to fix it, problem is finding enough job to start pushing my life back in the right direction. I only have one class left, so I can redeem myself and fix my relationship with my family for about three grand. Should fix my self esteem while I'm at it, too...

I believe the lies, and hope for better days

lots of porn
eventually you become asexual and just feel the need to masturbate when your balls are too full

make shitty music, and work on my false bravado with the help of internet

Funky. Is your music all original? Gonna give you that follow because your a lonely piece of shit like me.

>get friends
You're miles ahead of me. If I could get friends my life would be awesome...But that's my problem. I've completely forgotten how to have a good time with someone and make friends with them.

yeah it's all original, i just make whatever musical nuggets my brain decides to shit out in between bouts of inspirational constipation.

No. I've never had issues with money. Right now I'm NEET until I start fall semester on monday. I'm turning 25 and have been mooching off my mom believing that i'll eventually graduate university... Sometimes I just want to drop out and get a job/move out. Nothing feels worse than walking across campus and seeing so many cliques and people smiling and laughing, while I feel the heaviest set of loneliness and depression I could possibly muster.

The more I try to make friends the more alienated I feel. I know I'm not autistic...but holy shit I actually feel autistic when I try to talk to people.

Well... my friends started as my enemies. We fought, and no one tattled. Mutual respect brought mutual interests.

I don't suggest you pick a fight, but ANY interaction opens you up to connections.

by liking people

>I know I'm not autistic...but holy shit I actually feel autistic when I try to talk to people.

I know that feeling all too well.

Best advice to give here; fuck em. Walk past, stop caring. Focus on your own shit, like you have a job to do. You don't have time for their bullshit.

If you can get to that mindstate, it'll make things easier.

Is it worse to be alone? Probably. But I know something else on the other spectrum that's shitty; realizing 'love' is a series of chemicals at work that you allow yourself to delude the reality around you with, so much so that it influences your perception of someone and alters how they influence you. Beyond that, the delusion doesn't last the same amount of time for everyone, and your brain will eventually stop making the right hormones randomly over time. Even the most epic love story can fall flat.. That's some scary shit. Meat computers and their chemical fancies are bizarre.

Hard to like people when I don't even like myself

Are you OP, user?

Can't get friends, get a pet.


Well, how have you been holding up? Hopefully, you're not completely alone although you may currently feel that way.

Alright I guess. I'm not really sure what keeps me going, but I still wake up every day and try to try doing my best. But I do feel really lonely when I leave the house. I wish I could just make one friend. I really miss having someone to talk to..

You just have a general sense of perpetual loneliness and alienation upon leaving the house when you have to in order to not just earn a living, but to survive, maybe for some sort of better quality of a day or life than what you're experiencing now?

Hope you're still here, OP.

Bumping for more replies

I leave the house for normal going to a bar, or school, or work if i can manage to keep a job. But every time I go out, no matter where I go I just want to go back home... every time I talk to someone it just feels more and more like I'm just not built to create relationships of any kind. People just aren't attracted to me, mentally or physically.

Yeah, i'm here


Do you feel that your social deficit is connected to problems that you can fix or are they out of your control? That you would need divine intervention to help you? Are you trying too hard to be outgoing and extroverted when you may not be fit for that, at least not now?

Do you feel that something about your appearance may offend or put off others? How long has it been since you had a friend or a love interest, especially a long-term one?

Maybe I am trying too hard..I feel like i'm trying everything though. If I just be my gloomy, quiet self, no one notices me. But if I try to be positive and smile, approach people and try to start conversations it goes no where and people seem to not want to talk.

I just really want to make a friend..But it feels like I'm not meant to

All the friends I have now are from high/middle school. I dress pretty casually. I wear whatever is comfortable. People have said I have a grunge style... The last real girlfriend I've had was maybe 4-5 years ago. We dated for about 2 years and things ended pretty badly. I've been with women since then but i've never had any of them turn out to be relationships. And with every new girl I meet I feel more and more hopeless when it comes to love and friendships

Grunge style from the 90s or for today? Maybe you need some kind of a makeover effort. An unlikely outcome could come from you saving the life of some well-off person, maybe a well-intentioned girl/woman that strikes your fancy well, who wants to return the favor to you in more ways than one and could assist you in that. Like the plot of "Pretty Woman," almost for your case. Just a thought.

I skated a lot in high school and went to a lot of metal i still kinda wear those clothes. I haven't found a style that I like I guess.

Are you looking in the right places for a friend if not something more that's desired? Are your interests too unique for these people to be drawn to you? Why not try venturing outside of your "tribe," so to speak? Security issues, perhaps?

Bingo, user. It just might be your outdated sartorial approach, albeit unique to you, that's potentially at the heart of why people are steering clear of you.

Bumping for more interaction with OP

Hope you're still with me


At school I either linger around the area where the games/otakus hang out and try to talk to someone there. But even there I feel unwanted, even though I love vidya and anime too.

If not there I hang around with people in my classes, we form study groups, and their nice people but I haven't made any real friends with any of them.

Maybe, I think i'm going to try and dress nicer from now on and see if that changes anything. I doubt it will, I really do feel it's got something to do with the me inside, and not the outside.

I'm still here, but it's 4 am and i'm getting pretty tired. I do appreciate you all talking to me. It really made me feel a lot better and I am going to try to see if changing my wardrobe help.. Thanks again. G'night

Also, evaluate your hair and make sure that your hygiene is up to snuff, and maybe for the ladies to sniff. Your welcome, OP, and I hope that you realize success in all of this. All the best to you, OP. Good night and a good rest of the weekend to you.