Im going to be committing suicide this friday, ask me anything, OP will actually respond this time edition

Im going to be committing suicide this friday, ask me anything, OP will actually respond this time edition

Do a flip faggot.

Why? Would you consider not doing it?

y tho

why Friday?

live stream it faggot
also what method?
if building do a flip!

How will you do it?

Will OP livestream it? If not he's a faggot.

what reason?
what method?
what are you doing until friday?


reply fast

Why not monday? No one likes mondays.

Please don't do it op. I'm sure there is one reason to live. :)

Do it Monday dont ruin your landlord / maybe family/ maybe freinds/ maybe cats? weekend

Do you have a decent computer? Would you give it to me?

Hope this helps you faggot

Only do it if method is that bear.

do you have a medical condition or are you just bored with life

Thats grizzly

dat bear tho

why do you feel the need to tell us?

that was bearly funny


I'm thinking about killing myself too OP. What's your motivation?

Don't do it! Please seek help! You can get these urges under control and lead a normal life filled with happiness and fulfillment. I was in your shoes at one point.