Took some ecstasy last night, and now i can't sleep. I am supposed to go to my dad's house in a few hours...

Took some ecstasy last night, and now i can't sleep. I am supposed to go to my dad's house in a few hours. What should i do?

Take some more

All out

sniff some speed

Fuck off and die faggot. No one cares. Can you not make a simple life decision without consulting Sup Forums?

Call it off. You will not enjoy spending time with him while coming down from a E trip.

I can, however, i would like to know what anons think.

You won't be able to sleep, if it's your first time or you took too much be prepared to be awake for the next 3 days. Once you finally do get to sleep you'll be out for a good 24-30 hours

get sick

I stayed up late last night at the bar but I'm supposed to do laundry today. What should I do Sup Forums?

Give me a fucking break.

eat well, take a shower, put on nice clothes. You will eventually come down and get tired while being at your dads house, but just sit it out.

do what this guy says, you don't want to be like that with your dad

Not looking to upset anyone, sorry

Clearly has never done E before.

Jebus christ. Go over to your dad's house, tell him you slept like shit because of anxiety about school, girl, etc. Then lay in bed and browse Sup Forums.

I have done E with my dad before. I have recently gotten a big promotion at work, and he brags about me to all of his friends. I guess i just don't want to let him down

Uhh ... That's meth bro

this tbh
works everytime

Well my personal experience was with molly but from what I understand it's pretty much the same thing. Did it with a tweaker I used to work with at the time and he gave me his regular tweaker dosage on my first time so I clearly od'd.

call it off.

You're gonna be depressed and wanna die yourself coming down of it. Remember to smoke weed to ease it

if you cant sleep and you took ecstasy, your drugs were laced with meth friendo

enjoy the comedown and remain calm

you will fall asleep....eventually....

meth keeps you up for up to 72 hours np so gl m8

My dad isn't too upset about it. I told him that I'm hungover as fuck. No big deal