Would the Ghost in the Shell film be better if they cast an asian actress as Motoko?
Would the Ghost in the Shell film be better if they cast an asian actress as Motoko?
Considering Motoko's body design is American, probably not.
Cast pic related instead
Asians can't act.
japs can't act for shit
scarjo is gonna fucking ace this
Japs are only one step above Nigerians as the worst actors on the planet.
Too bad Scarjo can't either, she isn't even the hottest girl in her franchise anymore
The fait it'll be shit isn't related to Scarjo's ethnicity. It's just that she's hurtful ugly.
maybe. She's a horrid actress though.
unless you're under 18 kys
Jesus Christ, she's a cutie
Why doesn't Hollywood work it's meme magic on her and give her a 10/10 body?
No, it always would be shit.
You can't adapt "anime" without totally changing it, it just doesn't work.
>anyone on Sup Forums being over 17
Of course not, I am actually glad they casted SJ as Motoko because her "acting skills" will certainly help to make the movie a huge flop and will serve as detriment for hollywood to adapt more anime properties. Though if is ended up as good as edge of tomorrow then get ready for the animekino phase of Hollywood.
Wayyyyyyyyyy to flat
No as it's wholly unnecessary to make a live-action adaptation.
This. Why people are having so much trouble with this, I do not understand.
It's like this specific detail straight from the series is being immediately discarded, it's baffling.
Motoko's cyborg body is supposed to be fairly androgynous, aside from the fuck huge tits.
Scarjo is way too fat and way too soft. You would need a chick with the body of Emily Blunt and an asian face to be the perfect Motoko.
Also, adaptation when?
>that disgusting motion blur filter
Blu Ray remasters are a fucking joke
Ghost in the Shell 2.0 is a disgrace tbqhfamilia
better question:
will the adaptation even name the major as motoko?
It would instill in me a degree of confidence that the production had a modicum of respect for the source material. I'm not sure if that means it would be "better", but at the least I'd be more receptive to the idea of it.
They can Americanize it all they want. They can change its setting to LA or Seattle or Omaha, Nebraska if they feel like it, but the Major and at least a portion of the Section 9 crew should be cast with Asian actors.
Who popularized this idea that the Major's body is Caucasian? It seems like a synthesis of the ideas that she can have different bodies and that her "normal" body is a standard human design rather than a custom build that someone thought up to undermine the opposition to Johansson's casting. Is it impossible for some out there to believe that the standard body-types for Japanese cyborgs would be Asian?
It's like naming a white dude Shaquille
Is there any role she's NOT perfect for?
She resembles the caucasian structure the most, not even in cartoony way but in semi realistic way as is the style of the anime.
Motoko in the 1995 movie was a white woman with black hair and blue eyes.
The movie will probably be a failure anyway.
>Who popularized this idea that the Major's body is Caucasian?
Masamune Shirow had a fetish for white girls and dark skinned guys (not even kidding), and much of his racier material reflects this.
A lot of it is depictions of white girls being railed by various depictions of black-skinned men, or monsters, or in some weird kink situations.
I'd say the origination of the "westernized" body type is from the creator of the source material himself.
anime character aren't made to look like real people retard
I don't care who it is as long as it's not jewhansson
Are you retarded or you just don't understand how human physiognomy works?
If Japan made cyborg bodies right now they'd probably be white.
It's anime, you don't need physiognomy, you just need to follow the stories to find out you're wrong, but it seems you're simply too fucking stupid for that.
When casting a movie, shouldn't likeness be the determining factor for a character?
>Would the Ghost in the Shell film be better if they cast an asian actress as Motoko?
Oh god no.
Have you seen the shitfest that is our live action adaptation of Attack on Titan? It's fucking unwatchable.
I'm glad hollywood is doing this movie right with Scarjo instead of another attack on titan fiasco.
That shit was just embarrasing to the industry...
No. A shit actor/actress who's a very good likeness would be a bad choice, just like a great actor/actress from an entirely different race than the character would be. I mean, I'm sure some people celebrate this as progressive, just like Elba in the Dark Tower movie but for fans this just shits on the lore of the source material and for no good reason.
>draw someone with clearly unique caucasoid features
>go as far as giving them blue eyes
>S-she is 100% pure japanese g-guys!
Seems obvious that you are just retarded.
No. Japs don't give a shit either, only Americanized asians and white SJW japanophiles.
What's this?
top is way better
There is a Japanese youtube channel where they interviewed random people on the streets and they all agreed that a white woman would fit more for Motoko and that white people in general looked more like Anime protagonists than Asians. Only obsessed Japanophiles and SJW with an obvious agenda will deny this.
>GITS is the only anime I've ever seen
>blue eyes are huge deal in a world where body mods are as common as tattoos now
>S-she is 100% not japanese g-guys!
Why don't you just do the world a favor and stop using the internet forever? You are dumber than a piece of shit, and not even in the funny kind of way.
NO, every live action looks wrong when actors are not white
That's a bad posture.
So much for athletic android.
You know, if they had cast a chink or Korean for the role, JAPAN would have been up in arms.
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1) Close Sup Forums
2) Go to your bathtub
3) Open the water
4) Let it fill
5) Go to the kitchen
6) Take a knife
7) Enter the bathtub
8) Use the knife to open your veins
9) Down the road not across the street
10) Stay quiet, soon your pain will disappear
in what world do anime characters look like real people?
I dig it.
Whats her americanized name going to be? Cindy? Fuck it just give the money to the japs and let them do it.
oh my god, those drawings do not look like real people you fucking retard
its another we wuzz anime episode from Sup Forums
No, the movie will be awful no matter who they cast. Anime shit should never be made live-action it just looks fucking awful
Nardo and Pinkshit are not Japanese though
kek this one is pretty convincing, tho
fuck off zainichi
Light is Japanese which just further helps hammer home that Motoko too is supposed to be Japanese, even if you can cherry pick some random image where a white person looks like a frame from a movie or the shows. I hope that's what you meant to illustrate because otherwise you'd look really stupid right now.
This is how an actual japanese male is presented in the very same Ghost in the Shell series.
The know how to draw themselves, they just prefer to draw white people because the Japanese are obsessed with whites and white features.
>hurr durr they draw caucasoid features because for them it is the standard Japanese human being and we are being biased to not see obvious Asian people on them
no, they're just lazy artists that rarely think about real people when they draw their characters
>This is how an actual japanese male is presented in the very same Ghost in the Shell series.
Here's another actual japanese male in the very same Ghost in the Shell series.
Yet in this work, they think about them enough to make them distinguishable when it's appropriate.
That user's example is all ready a counterexample of what you're claiming.
A japanese male of a caucasoid race in any case.
>Yet in this work, they think about them enough to make them distinguishable when it's appropriate.
no they don't just look at and now look attheir characters are always inconsistent. didn't you ever wonder why some characters have noses and others don't?
This guy for example looks like your average japanese male, doesn't he? After all anybody on any Anime made in Japan HAS to be Asiatic. Hell, he could even pass as a Vietnamite farmer now that I'm starting to drink the SJW kool-aid.
If by inconsistent in this case you mean don't all look the same, then yes. That's a good thing, unless you're obsessed with endless retread moe fapbait.
It doesn't matter what he looks like to you. It matters what he is. And he is a jap.
He is a white race Japanese.
Jesus Christ you're stupid, look at the noses and tell me what you see
Where's your source for this?
Different shaped noses, obviously.
Exactly where are you on the spectrum?
now look the majors nose and compare it to the others
Make your point.
If you draw someone who resembles more the average caucasian than the average asian (mongoloid), the chances are that if you have to cast someone for that role with real human beings, the more close to the original draw in terms of features will come from a caucasian person. How is this so hard to understand?
Having an IQ over two digits.
>faggot weeb chink faggot in deep denial
Jesus Christ, why are people comparing Japanese males of any age to the Major as some kind of ethnicity ltmus test are you fucking retarded, find another Japanese woman in the show then you'll have a fucking point, every GODDAMN THREAD.
her nose isn't human looking
That's not a source, that's an illusion very far from reality, my dumb little user. So do you have a source?
Her and about 80% of anime characters?
So your point is what?
That anime characters can only be portrayed by non humans in live action?
He looks more like the drawn version of a white person than the drawn version of an Asian person. He looks like the archetypal Canadian lumberjack.
It's common sense.
that most anime characters aren't modeled after any specific race when they're made
They are actually.
If you draw humans you have to draw facial features on them, giving them a general appearence of belonging to one racial group or another.
No, dumbass. His point is that for live action the story is what matters, not some low detail drawings because they are idealized and not meant to be accurate humans.
I doiubt that. Its more likely they model some generically and others heavily racially profiled. For source see any depiction of any black guy in any anime ever.
The major looking generic suits the fact she has an artificial body.
lol@all the weebs in denial
That's still not a source, user. It's a very simple word, you should look it up if you don't know what it means.
most of the time they give everyone white hair and marbled sized eyes, what race has those genetic features?
What race has trianglular noses that end in a sharp as a knife point?
What human race comes to your mind when you see this? You guys are being delusional.