Who else is rooting against team USA because of this faggot?

Fuck this UnAmerican fuck

Strip him of his citizenship and leave him in Zikaland

Lol, you're a flaming faggot OP

You like cheering for traitors?

America isn't a country full of traitors and cowards.

See what I mean

What has Thunder done after that final lost against Miami Heat? nothing. The franchise showed no ambition and Kevin Durant did the right in leaving them for a propper team.
Besides they already betrayed Seattle fans once. It hurts? deal with it.

What part of the American spirit does he represent?

He ran away from a challenge. No one in America likes that shit. We take things head on and confront them like men.


Lol, sure you do faggot. That's why you spend your time sitting on your ass talking shit about other people like a gossipy bitch

Go root against the US like a cuck somewhere else

>Chokelahomo Shitty

Will OKC not be butthurt?

I Don't know. You guys ran away from Saigon pretty fast.

Seems Pretty american to me.

Thunder fan rooting against USA Basketball here.

Venezuelans gonna spit in his mouth and give him the zika

What's up bro! Me too.

Fuck USA Basketball.

It is known that >we are the only ones that can stop team USA, but >we ain't feeling it this year so deal with the gold.

Just take it like it is and expect OKC to be the next 80s-90s Indiana Pacers.

didn't realize he is the only player to ever leave for another team in free agency

Again? Get a better hobby.

these two are far worse

>mfw this assravaged choklahoman

I don't blame KD for leaving. Literally everyone in Texas Jr. is a fucking retarded bumpkin.

You guys want him? I'm sure he'll be a fine contributor to the Swiss economy


>Who else is rooting against team USA because of this faggot?
Just rooting against team USA on principle. Is that fine?


Fuck off. No one blames him for wanting to play on the best team in the NBA.

Everyone is blaming him for joining GS. He could've joined any other team and it would've looked better


Fuck KD

im more pissed at that nigger who posted his dick online an embarrassment to a nation to behave like a fucking zoo animal


You can root for him to suck while still rooting for USA to win

please have mercy big dick muricans

>still being this assblasted
why are cucklahomans such flaming retards? Get fukt pocahontas.

>America isn't a country full of traitors and cowards

This thread was lame when you posted it yesterday. This isn't the Soviet Union. He isn't obligated to play in Oklahoma for the rest of his life because he was drafted there.

We believe in the free market in the America, and he exercised his free market right to explore employment elsewhere.

>free agency
>having anything to do with the free market

The free market decision would have been to stay in OKC and make more money, instead of making less money

>a penal colony

>the free market decision would've been doing this thing I wanted him to do


The free market is all about maximizing your potential monetary returns
Durant chose the option that didn't maximize his earning potential

Therefore, he didn't choose the free market wise decision

He's not going to stick around in a 9 year relationship with no ring. He's not your mom.

I don't think you know what 'free' means.

He's a traitor to OKC, a city no one gives a shit about. He's still an upstanding American citizen.

>leave all American OKC
>for Mexican dominated California
>to play for a Chinese majority fanbase


He left a shit hole, don't kid yourself.

So places that have very little foreign born and speaks 100% American English is a shithole?

Nope, not all of them, but OKC is.

>ruin the 4th of July for millions of fans
>upstanding American citizen

Dude took our most sacred day and turned it into a media circus when he could've avoided it.

Best case US wins but he shatters his femur AND comes down with zika.

good point

You're ignoring all other economic values apart from monetary.

There's a reason that shitholes have to pay more to keep employees than nice cities. There's a reason that homes in areas with good schools cost more than homes in areas with shit schools. There's a reason that 1,000 sq. ft condo in San Fran or NY is going to cost you more than a sprawling ranch house in bumfuck South Carolina.

Oklahoma City is garbage, m8

I didn't know the Warriors were in San Fran or New York

The discussion was about how everything has economic value, not just currency. Perhaps this is something that eluded you when your received your 48th ranked Oklahoma education.

Oh Oakland is great lol

My mistake

And the economic value of the Warriors over the thunder is?

He left a shit team to go where he actually might have a shot at winning a championship, how can you blame him? who in their right mind would stay in a shithole like OKC anyway

>He left a shit team to go where he actually might have a shot at winning a championship, how can you blame him?
To be fair, OKC outplayed Golden State until they choked. They had the talent to win a championship.

you know who to root for pham

>He left a shit team
Thanks for coming out and admitting you don't watch basketball.

Perhaps he thinks California is a better place to live than Oklahoma
Perhaps he thinks it's a better place to raise a family
Perhaps the Warriors' organization is better run or more flexible with his needs
Perhaps he just hates Oklahoma because it's full of hicks and human garbage
Perhaps he values winning and thinks he has a better chance of being a champion with the Warriors

His reasons are his own, but he still made them. He'd rather be with the Warriors than the Thunder, and exercised his free market right to make that decision. Welcome to America, land of the free.

Hope he enjoys the CA tax rate


Apparently the CA tax rate is worth it to get out of OKC

I'll be honest. I was irritated that he left to GSW of all places. But all these chapped assmad cucklahomans are started to make me enjoy it. Get rekt literally worst state in the union.

No one gives a shit about the nba

then why are you posting about it?

>implying Commiefornia isn't 1000x worse

We knew he was leaving the second harrison barnes turned into shit

I hate his fucking slanty banana face. He looks like an ant.

He didn't leave a shit team, and Golden State doesn't need him to beat the Cavs. Him winning a ship with the Warriors is as impressive as me winning a ship with the Warriors.

I'm rooting for USA specifically because of Durant. I go to UT which is where he played college. Definitely gotta stick with my lads.

But you'll never be on the warriors

The entire south is the descendants of confederate traitor scum. We should have killed those shits when we had the chance instead of showing them mercy.

I don't know if you grasped the point.

>college over country

So you'll be willing to cheer for a traitor because he shares a school with you?

>Who else is rooting against team USA because of this faggot?
Sounds like OP is the traitor here

>Team stealing faggots complaining

Nice flyover city you got there OKC.


how the fuck OKC fans feel betrayed that KD left when they wouldn't even have KD in the first place if the team didn't betray Seattle

It's still cowardly as fuck and if he wins it doesn't count, but OKC has no right to complain whatsoever

Or KD is still the traitor...

You don't think for one moment if KD could make money overseas, he wouldn't go?

does KD = Timothy McVeigh?