Hi, I'm Rick Harrison, welcome to my Pawn Shop, what can I help you with?

Hi, I'm Rick Harrison, welcome to my Pawn Shop, what can I help you with?

Other urls found in this thread:


Best bleach?



How do you go sleep at night, never knowing what's gonna come through that door??

mah boy Billy found this in muh yarrrd.. yall think it worth somethin? dukledoo.

I've come to check your dubs

nice trips, ive been here all summer and this is only my 2nd tme seeing it, good times :)


It's difficult. Ive managed with heavy use of prescription sleeping pills which I buy off a guy Chum Lee told me about.

that theirs a live dinosaur egg. Let me call my expert on dinosaur eggs.

Ok it's worth 3 million dollars but best I can do is $50. It's going to take me months to sell it and i'm running a business here

Clorox. My bleach has told me on several occasions that Clorox uses the perfect ratio of chemicals, whether your cleaning shit stains off your tile floor, or chugging till you see the light.

Not sure who the fuck this guy is, I'm OP. Anyways he gave you the wrong quote. There's not much of a market for dinosaur eggs, and it'll probably sit in my shop for years before I can get a guy to even consider buying it. Best I can give you is five bucks.

well I be dammnned. ducklefuckingdoo. I can't sell that piece of dinodoo egg for five bucks boy. i need to get at least 20 bucks for this piece of gem boy. duckledoo. yiiihhhaaaa!!

probably chumlee fucking shit up again as usual

My man.

Hey I have these dubs, wanted to see how much I could get.

It seems to me that what you have here are not dubs at all, but indeed they are singles. Let me call my buddy who specialized in dubs and can check these.

I actually do have dubs, sir. I'm looking to sell these fine numbers for 30k.

Alright, sorry we couldnt make a deal. Unless, of course, you want to trade it for crystal meth. And in that case, youll have to talk to Chum Lee

Yeah, b-but it is in neat condition. $50?

Nice doble Duba there buddy xd

I'll meet you halfway. Halfway between my price and zero. $2.50. Take it or leave it.

thhaaaank yuuuu :D
shek dies dubs btw >>>||||


Alright you damn kids, buy something or get the fuck out of my pawn shop.

Hey I'm looking for battletoads

You guys got.... Battletoads?


Lol K

>Inb4 inspect element
I'm on the Samsung browser on my S7 so can't do that shit. Or at least I don't know how.

Unfortunately, they are singles too. They were making them in every ten numbers, from 00 to 99, which are quite valuable, but singles are just worthy as much as the single digits of a double-digit number.

Unfortunately, we're all out of battletoads. We threw them all out after you assholes kept calling me.

This is the shit of George Washington. I've been keeping it in my garage and suddenly found it again. I'll sell it for 1k or more

Hey do you guys have battletoads?

Hey Rick

Yeah I have an original civil war era sabre with a description, it is believed general Lee was using it during the battle of battletoa-


Let me call my guy who is an expert on George Washington's shit from people's garages. He's on the phone right now. He says that this item here sells at an auction for around 5000 at the least, and that's in shit condition. This one here is in mint condition and it looks great. Unfortunately, there's not much of a market for mint condition George Washington shit from people's garages, so I'll give you ten bucks.


Hi, what can I do for ya?

I found this thing in my grandpas basement. He is a ww2 veteran. It could be some kind of a bullet of a rifle, but im not sure? Can you tell me something about it?

Do you have battletoads?


Ok, it is quite crusty, not smell at all... Shit could be priceless, but on teen sibling's panties or something similiar... I have to call expert on shit, I would ask for it on Sup Forums.

How much for these trips?

No, but we do have a door over there that you can kindly walk through, and we also have a security guard over there that will shove you through it if you don't want to.

How much to Deez trips?

Hey, I am looking for toads that battle, I'm don't remember what they are called...

What can i get for this?

Sorry those are illegal in the United States, so I can't buy it.

Fuck off Rick this is my thread now

15 bucks?

Lets get our battletoads Sup Forums

What can you give me for the used and abused slut?

Thread? What thread, this is a pawn shop...


I need a word from my diamond expert, David Greedkikevich.

Don't fucking play with me

Fuck sake, I'll have to accept it. The trips have spoken.

Are those fruit loops? This thing is in horrible condition, I'm going to have to get it restored now. I'll give you two dollars.

Hello mr gold ur daughter is pretty hot

Look, there's no big market for used and abused sluts, it is old model and have a broken hymen, valuable especially for collectors.

I need about tree fiddy

Sir, please leave or I'm gonna have to call security. I have an expert on mentally ill patients if you'd like.

>I want to sell you this authentic Star Wars object,
>It belongs to you for 100 000 €

We can talk about prices

You just said $3... D:

I saw one of these at a garage sale for free. Youre not fooling anyone. Goodbye.

I've found this disembodied head that is sucking an upside-down disembodied penis. It claims to be from another plain of existence. How much is it worth?

That was Chum Lee, he has a bit of a cocaine problem at the moment and he technically doesn't work here.

Got an all gold bugatti veyron here. Looking to sell. Says wraps on the window but thats only to fool niggers into thinking its not true 14k gold. Got the receipts from the work Fort Knox's mechanic garage right here! What do you think, Rick?

I'm looking to pawn this image.

Hey how much can you give me for this thing? It's been in my family for 3 hours I'm pretty attached.

Wow, I really really REALLY like this image! I'll tell you what, I'll give you $5000 dollars if you let me save it!

I can see this piece of shit wrap job peeling at the edges, and with that many miles, it's just depreciated in value so much. I'll give you 10$, and I'll throw in a free voucher for 5% off your next purchase.

About three fiddy

It's all yours friend

Oh, could you make it $2.75?

Thanks Lori!

Fuck off, Chum Lee. Sorry about that, he doesn't work here so he can't legally buy stuff. But Ive already saved that image for fair rights use, so no thanks.

God damnit, I was THIS close!!!.

Is this worth anything?


I'll meet you halfway, $2.375 (we round down by the way)

But this one is authentic. Steven Speilbergman gives it to me when I was a kid. I can accept to sell it for 99 999 €

I'll buy it fo tree fiddy!


What is this, the 1940s? Everybody and their fucking dog has a camera better than that on their cell phone. Fuck that old ass obsolete piece of shit.

Let me see, mint condition, but obsolete design. It is worth straight on market about 7-8$, because it is not even exchanged for gold at demand of the bearer. What about 4$?

>Putting a SHIT gold wrap on a Buffaro Peyton

Maybe, MAYBE if it was somehow a good wrap that actually had a luster like gold then we could downgrade the punishment to lashes and permanent loss of all driving and car ownership privileges.

But putting THAT wrap onto a car of that quality and cost? Pour molten gold colored plastic down his throat.

I know the internet says it's worth 2 grand--but I have to make money too. I'll give you 20 bucks.

Steven Spielberg isn't going to help you rip off a pawn shop, buddy. I'll give you 4 dollars.

Okay, let me just meet you over there and I can write you up.

Ah hell Rick, I mean I'm really attached to this, but uhhh I'm in Vegas and I need money to feed my crippling gambling addiction... I'll sell it for 5.

Well, I can give it to you for $99,910
But that's as high as I'm going.

Alright, tell you what, I'll give you $4.50 and I'll throw in this $1 poker chip that might still work at the Mirage.

4,5$ and I prepare the papers.

Still waiting on that deal for the head OP.

Chum Lee, I swear to god, stop trying to run this pawn shop into the god damn ground, I don't care if youre in between jobs or in between prison, if you try to buy one more thing with my money, your ass is out on the street.

Looks like it gives some pretty good head, I could use this thing, how's 10 bucks?

Yeah, sounds cool.

Heres a solid 24k gold shit that my dog took not too long ago. What do ya got, rick?