Do you agree with this question...

do you agree with this question, the only sports whites win medals in are sports that have a class/money barrier that prevents people of colour taking part in.

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What? Every highschool and collage in GB has a pool. A public pool as well, open to anybody. Your picture in relation to your question is utterly retarded.

class has nothing to do with it, but black people are generally terrible at swimming everywhere

Not at all. Is this why swimming events trigger Yuros so much?

No. See Golf. Tiger fucked up through.


Imagine if Africans had the the money to afford top tier cycling equipment. East Africans would DOMINATE road cycling and West Africans would DOMINATE indoor track cycling. Whiteys could wouldn't be able to COMPETE.

swimming has got to be the most boring """sport""" to watch


what kind of mentall illness do you people have to be so obsessed with skin color?

But then we would need to confront the reality that races are not just a social construct and that there are physical and physiological differences.

So it can never happen.

>top tier cycling equipment

You mean round wheels?

yeah but the lessons/equipment etc. it's the same with most white dominated sports, look at tennis, when two women of colour were able to compete they dominated the white players.

Real answer is dressage.

we have black swimmers winning gold

Holy Shit!! Imagine a load of BIG BLACK CREW in rowing. Their STRENGTH and POWER would DOMINATE whiteys!!! Good job it's still the preserve of inferior rich white boys


Swimming speed is based on torso length. White and asian people have longer torsos than blacks, which is why they're better swimmers (this is all on average, of course).

Golf is not an upper class endeavor at least in the US

We have golf courses owned by the city or state that anyone can play on. That's where Bubba Watson got his start for instance (he's from poverty)

They frequent Sup Forums and usually watch cuck porn too

it really depends on the sport, for instance: sawker in America is a very rich boy mentality, and the ODP pools are full of rich kids with sub par talent that plague the system. While hand egg is quite the opposite, where top programs are willing to pay for the poor to play (under the table) for their athletic services.

Tiger isn't black though.

A top tier bike costs over 10x the average yearly wage in Africa

Coming from an Italian...

>anyone can play on

as long as they can keep up with the extortionate green fees



whites dominate it but spear chucking is supposed to be a black thing

Yeah, pretty much.

It has been proven time and time again that black people are better athletes.

Give me a couple million pounds and 50 black kids and I could train at least one of them to smash Phelps records.

Theres a fair few ethnic tennis players and they don't dominate.

Football is the poorest poor fag game in the world and mostly dominated by white people.

thank god we are not born in the USA. they are literally obsessed with skin color.

they have the resources, and we keep hearing stories about their great minds that continuously immigrate, why can't they develop their own bikes?

do you have some illusion that people bolt don't have money?

>Every highschool and collage in GB has a pool.
Lying paki cunt

if african countries were rich, the black men would win everything.

Only like $20 a month and usually not charged for kids (at least at my local one)

>britpedos at it again

you have a point

a kenyan did just win the tour


......not even that guy you responded to but seriously how did that make any sense at all? Trump would be ashamed of you.

that's Verona isn't it ? I think for one of their own players too, funny

In the real world it's quite different. White people don't give a shit, asians don't give a shit, mexicans don't give a shit, even gays don't give a shit ... the blacks though, they pull the race card almost immediately when something doesn't go in their favor.

You couldn't do fuck all, you fat Rasheed paedo cunt.

I think it has something to do with the other guy asking for 50 black kids. Still kind of a weak joke

You couldn't. The same biological factors that make black people better runners on average (shorter torsos/longer legs) also make them worse swimmers. That's why asians and whites tend to do better.

>fat ronaldo


>black folks don't swim

so there is that

Back in your box ya pencil necked faggot.

then why don't black guys just use their penis to swim quickly?

amazing meme you fucking kike, fuck off your flag is a lie.


>In the real world it's quite different.
Yeah I'm sure that you and all those other guys here are only pretending to be obsessed about race because ou're on Sup Forums, am I right

Paki, fuck off back to Karachi, you goat-fucking bellwhiff.

>finns use their penises to swim


I think part of it is they don't own homes with pools in them, don't live in neighborhoods with community pools etc. so they just don't get any swimming exposure from a young age

The one black guy on our Olympic team is probably from a middle class or higher background, which few blacks are


This is MY country.

When I was stationed in Aviano I got called nigger all the time, fuck off with this "we Italians don't care about race" horseshit


That's not racist in Italy.

Like the Suarez-Evra case, it just means "friend"

I never see Italians make threads or endless posts about black athletes, who is and isn't a cuck, BLACKED, etc. It's literally only Americans and brits

>Give me a couple million pounds and 50 black kids

Michael Jackson is alive and well in the UK.

'Negro' =/= nigger in Latin languages

yeha I'm sure when they were throwing bottles at me and saying "get out of here nigger" they were being friendly huh

Still waiting for the question


What the fucknare you talking about? Swimming has basically no equipment at all. as for lessons that goes for any sport. All you need where I live is £1 to use the local pool for one hour. That's it. Everybody can do it, and it"s open to the public 6 days a week.

>can invent flying pyramids but not a two wheeled non-motor driven vehicle



Fuck off, nigger.

Didn't a 19 year old black guy win gold in the last Olympics, after picking up when he was like, 15?

Just friendly banter, like Suarez.

You north Americans take everything to heart. Chill out.

>he thinks all you need is a pool to become an elite swimmer
When does school start again?

how is physically attacking someone just "friendly banter"

and I don't mean playful attacking, aggressive

this was in the 80s by the way, not recently

blacks cant swim. they can only drown.

they come down to the beaches on new years day and turn city beaches into no go areas.

hundreds drown or get eaten by sharks in the rural areas

Must have been some stray napoletani.

They're not really Italian.

I never said there aren't racist people in italy.

>Must have been some stray napoletani.
the racist people are those from the north east, literal italian rednecks.

Get out of here nigger

Swimming is swimming, you total dick. If you're good at it'll become obvious very quickly. You need naturally broad shoulders if you want to be good at swimming, since it relies on very strong upper body strength. It's something you're good at or your not good at.

I'm not gonna address your strawman argument. You know better.

>race is just skin colour goy

>Swimming is swimming, you total dick. If you're good at it'll become obvious very quickly
Not true at all. It requires A LOT of coaching to even perform regionally.

Swimming in favela waste water has a reverse class barrier and I don't see many blacks competing in the open swims

I'm a pretty good swimmer. Took lessons when I was a kid and I was on a swim team for awhile.

But yeah for the most part, black people cant swim. I think that shits weird.

Some people with certain body types/genetics, will always pefforjmbwttwr than everybody else.

The Olympics likes to pretend everybody is the same, but in each event there are people more equal than anyone else. Some people are naturally just built better for a certain things.

I was the OP you were replying.
of course in Italy there is racist people, like everywhere. we are just not obsessed by skin tone.
Also, Aviano is in the deep north, the most racist of all places in Italy, ruled by a blatantly racist party, Lega Nord. it is near Veron where this happened I am from Sicily so we are the niggers of Italy, but even here you could experience racism.
the fact is the obsession of the media on the subject, besides the Sup Forums flooding Sup Forums is suffering these days

It's swings and roundabouts m8. The only reason blacks are good at running events is because they're used to running 20 miles a day to get water for their village.

Football is the most basic poorfag game and blacks cant win shit. Regardless of le Argentina is black meme

That welsh woman who got the bronze had to move to bath for the national centre. 13 hour days, top strength and swim coaches, physics, thousands of calories a day. We used to be shit, threw money and time at it.

Yes, but 99% of these people start training before they develop their physiques.

Cuantas copas tenes boludo
Yo 5



Why are white men stronger than black men when it comes to lifting weights?

>people of colour

Blacks don't have the right genes to swim. Dense bones make them sink and relatively inflexible muscles can't then generate enough bouyant force

Tradition and pedigree. Strongmen competitions in white countries are hundreds of years old which leads to genetic selection and training perfection. Just the same as blacks are better at running and we argies are goat at football despite being shit at every other Sport and athletic activity

do you really want to have a serious answer?

it's due to limbs and torso length.
Black people of west african origin have longer legs and a higher center of gravity, which favors them in sprinting, while white people have longer upperbodies which favor them in swimming and I think weight lifting.
Probably the same things will affect performances in sports like boxing or wrestling.

It's probably also why white people tendto be more technically skilled in football. Shorter legs and lower center of gravity allows one to have better control of the ball regardless ofe one's foot sensitivity in feeling and touching the ball.

Brazilians are very very mixed, not only european and african but also asian and native american so each player can have any number of different characteristics.

Those good at endurance running are from east africa, and they are more different from west africans than blonde europeans are from aboriginals(seriously, the genetic variation in africa is huge and far greater than in the rest of the world). So to put them both in the same category as "black people are more athletic" is retarded.

Not even remotely true.

do you agree with this question, the only sports blacks win medals in are sports that don't have an intelligence barrier that prevents people of colour taking part in.

an intelligent and well put comment.
bravo compà

>people of colour
people of colour

what the fuck is even the meaninig of that

>moorish intellectuals

Literally none of these things require wealth.
Your argument only holds up for equestrian, golf, and maybe tennis.