What a fucking surprise

What a fucking surprise

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this goes both ways when i say this but who cares?

The moment trans people are "accepted" this savages will start to push for pedophiles to be accepted as well.

Fuck liberalism I am a Trumpeter now.

Do these people have some sort of RSS feed to let them know what the issue of the day is

>Fuck liberalism I am a Trumpeter now.
welcome to the darkside, they turned me too

who cares?

When will they do a captain America movie where Hydra tries to release a virus that will turn all males into faggots so they can take over the world?

le slippery slope take away my internet freedoms buisness man

That'll be the sequel to the one where Red Skull comes back and declares the US should build a wall to keep hard working Wakanda refugees out

What a surprise that the concept of two men being friends and not fucking is completely foreign to these whiny gay guys.

I want a Mexican Red Skull named Sugar Skull who tries to take over Southern California

Hey, read the op pic again, the guy is lamenting that Disney will not push for the "can of worms" that is that "pedo" discussion.

It is already a discussion in his mind, that is fucked up. The normalization of pedophilia already started.


but it always happens, you must be underage to not remember. 10-15 years ago they would ask for only "basic humane things", now everyone and everything has to pander to them.

I sense that red pill sliding slowly down your throat

not a slippery slope, they're already doing it

also sarah nyberg and a few other sjw defending pedos one even giving photos of his daughter to cheer one of them up

Degrade the concept of friendship by enforcing all relationships as romantic. Push people away from each other by denying the concept of platonic love. Divide and destroy.

>precedent = slippery slope
Liberals everyone

Wow Salon.com a literally who site interviewed a paedo who was also child molester

I'm tired of crybully millennial tumblrites and their overwhelming desire to make everyone in fictional stories trans, gay, disabled, or minority, or oftentimes all of the above.

The VAST, VAST, VAST majority of people are straight, cis, and not disabled. The originating country of all these stories is predominately white. Nothing is stopping them from making their own stories with all of the above features. Hell, I don't mind if characters do change. But seriously, Cap doesn't need to be gay.

dont pretend it wont spread

This. I don't get why everything needs to have romantic implications.

but there is obviously a difference between a pedophile and a child molester, right?
I'd categorize pedophiles with gays and stuff. It's not like they finish their dinner one day and decide they want to be attracted to kids.


i hate how they always say we 'need' more black/gay/whatever ppl in movies. Can anybody explain to me how we NEED this?

Well to be fair straight people has been doing it forever when it's a relation between male and female.

Fuck faggots.

Why is pedophila an "unfortunate Pandora's box"? Sound like Blob lusts over that preteen boipucci.

Then again, have you seen the guy? Makes sense.

Why is a character being gay inherently more interesting than being straight?

See this attitude Is already here, pedophiles are monsters and if they EVER act upon it they should be raped to death in jail and if they never do they just still be castrated for good measure.


the thirstiest motherfucker in all of boston folks smdh

We don't. Don't sweat it, because all these people will dry the fuck up soon.

Is male friendship in film ruined forever?

>if the EVER act upon it
thats what im saying. they obviously should in no way ever act on it, but they are not instantly monsters for something they cant just switch off. they need therapy

Yeah its called being on Hipster Welfare.

Salon got shat by virtually everyone for that article though. Stop fighting a strawman, it's sad

Women are horribly confused by the concept of friendship.

Honestly, it's more women than gay guys.

It really boils down to this: They find Evans hot. They find Stan hot. They want to see them fuck. It's really no different than guys wanting to see two hot women kiss.

However, guys wanting to see two hot girls fuck admit that's all it is. Just pure fap fantasy. To these girls and homos, that's not good enough, so they try to disguise it as being progressive and wanting representation.

It isn't. These people aren't interesting but they think talking about this shit makes them interesting. Which makes it more interesting to them.

>works 100%

And Peggy was just his BFF, right?

>narratively appropriate decision

I didn't know Bob was a 16 year old girl. Does he feel that way about all the male characters that show friendliness towards one another in LOTR, too?

Or how much he loved kissing Peggy's niece in Civil War. I don't know her name, but he got a stiffy after.



>marvelcuck is a cuck
yeah no shit

>girls and homos
It's almost entirely herbivorous straight white men and lonely white women.


if you weren't underage fags you'd know that the push for the acceptation of pedophilia already happened during the 70s and failed miserably

it's gearing up for a new generation.

>le slippery slope
>liberals still think this is a fallacy

mousedrones will never stop eating shit

there's no sign of that happening other than a few alt retards spouting that gay people having the right to get married is the same as fucking toddlers, cats and dead bodies.

oh yeah and that one website article, ahhh the right wing

Jesus Christ. Just write some slash fiction, masturbate and let the kids have their movies

>just one website

Says the guy posting on the board dedicated to feminism and cunnyposting.

You forgot muslim, leftist and cuck as descriptive

now off to Sup Forums you go cancer

I used to be a Hilldog/Cruzmissile that felt the Bern, but I am a true Trumpeter now!

Gay pedophilia is objectively more harmful than heterosexual pedophilia. Prove me wrong.

>the push for the acceptation of pedophilia already happened during the 70s
it did? Where can I find more information about it?

Wow and they're all linked, what a surprise. You even managed to make the connection yourself, well done!

probably a customized google news or startpage

I dont think modern people understand what love is.

They are so unhappy with their shallow empty lives, yet will not admit their true faults. You see it in movies, books, music and television.

Pride has clouded their judgement and they dont want to fix themselves; so they have decided that people should celebrate their faults and never suffer judgement for what they lack.

Basically, the Christians and other religious people are right and these people dont want to admit it. Love only means something if its an appeal to a transcendant source.

>he's been with two women
Fuck off.

You're the one making the claim, prove yourself right first

>Send short 140 character max massages
>Instead we get literal faggots posting entire blogs on there seperated by "..."

I absolutely love SJWs...

... Because they are good goys.

>narratively appropriate decision
>Bucky and Capt both born in 1920's
>Berlin was the leading city for homosexuals during the 1920s with clubs and even newspapers for both lesbians and gay men
>Germany, the enemy, the capital of homosexuality
>The times were much more conservative, especially in the military

Yeah makes a ton of fucking sense

I can say nigger all I want and there's nothing you can do about it





cowboy bebop
lord of the rings

Captain America
Marvel flicks
Chris Evans


These people would then support hydra

Shoving fleshlights up your ass
MTF FTM heterosexual porn with ugly people
running from a gay pride parade

Feminine dicks
The military

>he has to stick his cock up another man's asshole or else I'm offended
These people think with their ducks/cunts their opinion is not valid to anything

> this savages will start to push for pedophiles to be accepted as well.
That would make them pretty popular on Sup Forums tho.

Fingers in my Ass

Dicks in my mouth

Jackie Chan..

Goddamn it!

>gay friendly

>Things I fucking hate for $500

Literally who?

Glaad are the Peta of gay rights. Embarrassing. Lgbtqi silent f have enough representation in media.

I'd only campaign for the media to represent them more honestly. Lesbians are always beautiful young nymphs instead of angry fat bald dykes who commit domestic abuse and are incapable of raising children properly. Likewise, gay men are portrayed as overtly straight. Most gay men are cry babies. Not straight men with a lisp. As for trans, they should be more often portrayed as suicidal angry tantrum throwing man children. It's not that all lgbtqi folks are like this, but media does present them as straight people to avoid being branded bigoted against the community for portraying them as what they usually are.

The call for existing straight characters to be suddenly gay is embarrassing. I'm already invested in caps relationship with the Carter girls. Him kissing her and the cut to his bros smiling was the most humanistic part of the latest capeshit desu

Gay Lesbian and all degenerates

All pedos should kill themselves

Do people not think men can just be friends anymore?

reminder that slippery slope isn't a fallacy

I'm still sad

my wife's boyfriend


If he's so ok with it, why doesn't he go gay? He seems to think it's a thing you can just flip on. Go ahead, prove people right and finally have sex. Win-win Bobbo.

>twitter post starts with "so"

>trying to reason with literal fundamentalists
godspeed you user

they already do.
After gays got marriage, since they were already accepted since like the 70's, the new thing to push is: being trans as trendy topic (but only MtF. FtM are monsters or something like that), pedophilia being legal (so you better groom little suzy before going to cdonalds, I bet old dirty stand would like to take her to the bathroom), and islam (because it is the female.friendly relig... i mean, race)

>movieblob supporting shit because he projects homolust onto cap/bucky friendship
>movieblob confirmed for having no friends as a child

I think bisexual Steve Rogers can work, but mostly because I'm a faggot myself and it would be some great fanservice for me.

Gay Rogers is retarded, he's obviously been sexually interested in women. Bisexual Rogers is plausible, though. Besides, it's the best sexuality, so it would only increase is cool factor.

firendly reminder that you literally can't outlaw paedophilia since even the paedo himself has no control over it

I'm quite sure nobody will ever, EVER try to say molesting children is cool and dandy. Unless a woman does it ofc, that's perfectly acceptable even now and it's fucking shameful

I think its best to keep your personal feelings out of capeshit. You are not them.

in normal society: male companionship and friendship is normal and healthy, does not necessarily have any sexual meaning

in modernist deviant society: literally everything is homoerotic, including sports, fictional characters, even people that are against gays are just secretly gay
when will this meme end?

>it's a /lgbt/ shitpost troll episode again...

but that's true user

So how much of this "Steve should be gay" thing is people actually pushing for more progressive portrayals in movies and how much is just Tumblr fangirls pushing for their ship to be canon?

>slippery slope isn't a fallacy
>when liberals wanted to let women vote, conservatives said, "what next, letting animals vote?"
>when liberals wanted to let gays marry, conservatives said, "what next, people marrying animals?"
>but this time, the slippery slope argument isn't a fallacy! Really!

weak bait