Beatles before Sgt. Pepper is shit

>Beatles before Sgt. Pepper is shit
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Isn't the meme
>Beatles before Rubber Soul is shit

they are shit by today's standards but at the time this was the the accepted norm for music

Yes, generally pre-Rubber Soul Beatles is where people draw the line. Which is odd since I think Help! was just as good as Rubber Soul.

Early Beatles have the best melodies in pop/rock.

A Hard Day's Night is their only flawless album. Every track on that album is equally great. Their later albums were more adventurous, but they always had one or two clunkers in there. AHDN is a perfect album.

I think you mean the Beatles after Sgt. pepper is shit, and basically a warm up for Wings.
the songs George wrote were great, John pretty much gave up, Ringo was looking forward to his new career as Mr. Conductor, and Paul / Linda went full pussy ass wankery

I think AHDN Is the better movie by far but the Help album is better than HDN. Although both suffer from a terrible closer track, I'll be back and Dizzy miss lizzy

>Beatles before Help


>Help! was just as good as Rubber Soul.

I think I'll Be Back is one of their best songs

uhh, what's the bad track on Peppers, Revolver, Abbey Road or MMT (EP)?

Rickenbackers are such nice looking guitars

Doctor Robert

>Sgt. Peppers
Good Morning Good Morning

Blue Jay Way

Abbey Road might be flawless

I can't explain it because it's autistic as fuck

whats wrong with BJW?
your mother should know is worse

only nu-males think this

>popular music is better now than it was in the 1960s

why do they always put their hands on their headhpones

prove me wrong

Plus doctor Robert is not really worst song in revolver. That goes to I'm only sleeping

wow kill yourself
not even joking

>I'm only sleeping
>worst song

people on this board usually agree with that. some may even say george was the best. no one seems to like lennon.

>I'm only sleeping
>worst track
>blue jay way
>in any way bad
>doctor robert
>worst track
fuck you both, I don't even know what to say to you

>Ricky Nelson cover
>Not the Everly Brothers' original

It is flawless but I like the high points on some of their other early albums better. "I Saw Her Standing There" and "Twist and Shout" are two of the best opening and closing tracks ever, respectively.

A friend of mine actually only likes their early music, with exceptions here and there. I like all their stages equally.


>Implying it isn't Love You Loo

>your mother should know is worse
this is the biggest plebbitry I've witnessed this year

didnt lennon play saxophone?

I don't think so

Paul played the trumpet for a bit as a kid but traded it for a guitar, you might be thinking of that