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What is this about?


is that a hooker?

Why not? I'd fuck her in the butt for a hundred bucks.

it's not a tranny is it?

she looks stoned

definitely is

red eyed to fuck

Well at least post nudes of the bitch bc otherwise wtf is this thread supposed to be about, faggot?


Olympic athlete fucks an escort. Puritan america loses its mind.

Are all pro athletes socially retarded or something? You always hear about them hiring prostitutes, trying to contact pornstars, and having their wives cheat on them. Bolt is 6'5, worth like $25mil, and is in peak physical condition. Not to mention he seems like a pretty chill dude. How on earth is this the best he could do. I've fucked hotter chicks than that and I'm a fucking nobody.

all the athletes are on juice, the whole event is a joke.

the athletes do not get suprise tests and if you are somehow stupid enough to get yourself caught by either using too much or not cycling off its your own fault. Even if Bolt was caught they wouldn't tell us it would destroy the event.

>most of your day is spent training
>lots of sleeping, eating, cleaning
>some athletes also study
>have to get the steroids
>have to play vidya

bolt fucks so many women, he takes lots of party drugs too

Still a nigger


A nigger you wish you were.

>doesn't know Usain Bolt
Do they not have TVs in your shithole country?