So are you retards actually voting for this braindead cunt or is it a joke?

So are you retards actually voting for this braindead cunt or is it a joke?

Other urls found in this thread:

Well look what y'all nominated on the other side of the isle. You can't blame a nigga for shit.

>You can't blame a nigga for shit
is that some kind of challenge

It's just a meme
Nice meme

She has the most experience of any of the candidates.

She has been ruthlessly and falsely attacked continuously by the right and bigots.

She actually has real policies laid out which would actually work.

So why wouldn't I pick her? She's clearly the best choice, and her being as much as 30 points ahead in the polls in key swing states says that others feel the exact same way.

"he who controls the memes, controls the future"-Adolf Hitler

better than this syphilis infected cunt


why im voting for hamarabi when he comes back from the dead

have fun living in a fascist state

This moron's voting for Trump. I couldn't possibly pull the lever for the Blob.

Maybe the fact that she's a pathological liar.

Maybe the fact that she's responsible for the sudden, unexplained deaths of MANY informants and women that old Bill has had contact with, my favorite was the one who was stabbed fourteen times and the coroner (who she owns) labeled the cause of death as a 'heart attack'.

Maybe its the fact that she's literally got brain problems and has seizures and cannot think straight most of the time.

Maybe its the fact she is literally owned by big business interest that just want to fuck you over.

Maybe you're just an uninformed ignorant nigger who blindly votes democrat in every single poll without actually thinking.

I havent made a decision yet, but im leaning to trump.

This is about insiders vs outsiders. They don't get any more inside than the Clintons. No Thanks. Let's try something new.

>Maybe the fact that she's a pathological liar.
She's actually told less lies that Trump. She has mis-spoken a few times, which the right counts as lies, but it isn't lying when you are giving out details based on currently limited information that you presently have. If new facts turn up later, then it wasn't a lie, but a belief based on the limited info available at the time.

>Maybe the fact that she's responsible for the sudden, unexplained deaths
OMG, Alex Jones much? I'm not even going to go into this because it's tinfoil hat land bullshit.

>Maybe its the fact that she's literally got brain problems
More right-wing lies. Her doctors gave her an excellent bill of health this weekend. Do you even read the news?

>Maybe its the fact she is literally owned by big business
Again more lies and propaganda being peddled by the GOP. Everyone knows that it's the GOP and their candidates who are the wall street favorites, and who have historically always been for the rich.

sorry about your brain injury

>some tired, vague bullshit that never gets explained, especially by her "supporters" who haven't an actual clue


>more tired, vague bullshit that never gets explained, especially by her "supporters" who haven't an actual clue

>"I mean why wouldn't I pick that? lol" XD

To hell with both of them. Fucking A this election has been a shitfest.

>this election has been a shitfest

You think the election is bad...... just wait until the presidency.

Lol go home shill

>still thinks hillary isnt a corporate whore
>still thinks she isnt in declining health
>still thinks the blantant lies she told the american people was her just mis speaking

sadly there is no other alternative to Trump. she is just more of the same,but Trump would be a threat to world peace and stability. Theres no other alternative.

I would rather vote for Hillary, that might screw up big time, than Trump, who certainly will screw up big time.
I rather play Russian roulette with a six shooter that has 5 bullets loaded, than Russian roulette with a six shooter that has 6 bullets loaded.

Clinton was not the best that the democrates could've gotten, but still way better than Trump.

still listening to fox repeat
still listening to fox repeat
still listening to fox repeat

Lol u are such a bad shill

>not wanting to see the world burn
Kek. See you on the battlefield.
Trump 2k16

So you seriously dont think clinton is in the pockets of big corporations?
Like you honestly dont think that?

How can we battle when Trump fires all the soldiers?

/ trump v. hillary debate

I forgot all battles are fought by state sponsored soliders

Mexico will pay for it

What lies have Trump said?
>"lol i dunno I just know he's a liar I mean c'mon $CURRENT_YEAR lollol"

>it's tinfoil hat land bullshit.
>"lol Whenever it's DRUMPHPTHPTHPH it's "tinfoil bullshit." Whenever it's me not being able to get my tranny bathroom it's a social conspiracy at large!!"

>Her doctors gave her an excellent bill of health this weekend. Do you even read the news?
>"We've ALWAYS been at war with Eastasia"

>Everyone knows that it's the GOP and their candidates who are the wall street favorites
>implying Trump is endorsed by the GOP

Oh but of COURSE he is whenever it suits YOUR argument. Kinda like how Hispanics and Asians are "white" whenever it suits your argument.

of course she is. just like ALL politicians.
are you gullible enough to think trump will be any different?

The whole election is a joke, in case you haven't noticed. Every election for the past 20 or 30 years have been. The difference here is that it's actually pretty lulzy. I'm just surprised I haven't heard both parties saying over and over and over again that this is the most important one ever, as they normally do.

If you sincerely support, and have faith in anyone running though, you are severely retarded. I'm sorry you are having to learn of this on Sup Forums.

>the ol switcheroo
That isnt what we are talking about. The user above called hillary being a corporate whore as right wing fox news propoganda. It isnt it is the truth. I wasnt talking about trump at all

>I'm just surprised I haven't heard both parties saying over and over and over again that this is the most important one ever

Sarcasm right? Because that's all I keep hearing from both of them.

>hasnt heard people saying this is the most important one yet
You havent been paying attention

"i saw thousands of muslims cheering in the streets of nj...."


>>the ol switcheroo
sorry, you dont like trump fan tactics used against you

Butthurt loser Trumpkin detected. Pro tip: Kill Yourself.

Actually, you're right. I don't really watch TV very much, so maybe my surprise is unwarranted. The last time I really watched the coverage was before the conventions.

>shill, shill, shill, shill, shill, shill, shill, shill, shill, shill, shill, shill, shill, shill

So we went from cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck to shill, shill, shill, shill.

You trumpies are amusing.

>again with trump
When were we talking about trump?

I don't get it. Please explain. Is it she has seizures???

Debunked pic. It is just a flashlight that he used (on camera) to light her way off stage.

>the guaranteed end of safety, security, peace, justice, freedom, and the economy

>says mean things about people

Herp derp better ignore everything I see and know and do what the TV says and vote for Hilary hurr durr

Why are you trumpies so mad? Trump's getting his ass handed to him. You might as well just give up, and vote for Hillary. That way you can at least say that you picked a winner for once.

I'm voting for international proletarian revolution. Barring that, I'm staying home and playing Zelda.

Yes even if it is a fake picture what is the point of it... A weapon? Did it imply she has seizures? I don't get it


It wasn't 'debunked' and it is for seizures. And, yes she does have to be helped to even fucking walk up stairs most of the time. She can't even fucking stand for 20 minutes.

The theory was that he was a doctor on hand to stop her having seizures in public, implying that she was really ill.

As I say, thoroughly debunked.

With Hillary and Bill running the country again its gonna be awesome. You milienial turds unfortunately have no idea
how good the economy was in the 90s.

nice try

as if you expect people to believe a faked poll

Sorry faggot, but snopes says otherwise.

Yes it was in fact debunked. Saying a lie over and over won't make it any more true, so just stop.

No one said he was a doctor. Paid shill detected.

last time i checked trump supported arent being paid fuckboi

I'm an actual liberal and this post triggered me.

Trump is a bigot. A moron. And incompetent.

Hillary is liar. She is sold out. Sold out to the Health Industry, Wall Street, and Foreign Governments/Interests

Just because the GOP is 100 percent sold out and completely retarded doesn't mean that the Democrats aren't 95 percent sold out and a little less retarded.

Eat shit

no one is voting for her,

Cite a source or ram it up your ass, faggot.

>internet boom
>bills retarded policies
choose one for economic success faggot

Apologies for the shit source, but I can't be arsed looking for a better one. It has all the other pics and info required to disprove the theory.

>I'm an actual liberal

Calling bullshit on that one right there.

Obvious b8 is obvious

The post that I read suggested that he was.
But it was made up anyway, so who fucking cares.



Everything she's said has been fact checked and she's the most honest. Trump only tells the truth 3% of the time.

Lol. It's not.

I don't believe in the free market. I believe in government funded Healthcare. A base income for everyone. The legalization and regulation of alost all drugs. In favor of massive wealth redistribution.

Hillary is a neo-con.

A republican

>bills retarded policies
You're a dumb fucking dick. Massive job growth in the 90s. Balanced budget. Kill yourself.


this (pic very related)

"try the new deluxe cuck shill taco, make a run for the boarder"

Saying "Hilary is a liar" shows how fucking young and naive you are. She's a political. They're all liars.

Fucking noobs crying about Hilary lying, like she's their mommy lying about getting ice cream.

Is this your first election plebs? Seriously?

How redundant is it to call a politician a liar?

>uses mostly true and mostly false
>doesnt see howbthis wording can be used to paint others in a more favorable light despite telling lies
>language: how does it work?

wow this is a sad meme.

Keep trying.


That isnt being a liberal
This is full blown socialism



>not realizing this wouldve happened despite the president

And it works, cunt.

Anyone voting for fuhrer here?



I like his voice, but he's a racist.

Where has full blown socialism worked?

No, no one is, but she'll win just like she won against Sanders.

>hail the one nation world!

All the bullshit memes in the world aren't going to help you sorry faggot. Soon we will be running this shit.

Amen, Sup Forumsrother

>insufferable delusional moron

>Soon we will be
>we will be
>we will
Nigger, what?

Eurofag here. I think both of your choices are shit but if I had to vote, I'd vote for Trump.

At least you know exactly what you're getting with him and when he makes a decision it's HIS decision. He isn't being controlled by Goldman Sachs, Qatar or whoever the fuck is funding Hillary nowadays.

When you vote for Hillary you have absolutely no idea who you're actually voting for.

Trump is not "something new".

>A moron

Pick one

Then fucking vote Gary Johnson. We don't have to vote rep or dem