Chart thread

Fill it in and judge


good luck with the rest of high school man, cherish the simplicity of it all!


not my kind of thing for the most part, but mac demarco is good

Candy Claws is tight as fuck. Tyler and Lame Impala makes you a bit of a faggot tho
99% of all anime is hot garbage, you are not really missing out

I keep seeing you shitpost everywhere and here I notice that your gender is under "idk".
That explains everything


Great taste man, don't see too many R. Stevie Moore fans on here

Too tired to do it properly

hey fellas

yeah i like scaruffi too


I didn't wanna deal with the image digging again.

Doubt I'll get replies but whatever.

I see you everywhere and you're a cool dude/dudette/whatever. Keep on truckin.

>King Geedorah
Good shit. Good good shit.

Like your comedian and food/drink choices too.

Very interesting and diverse top 5 brother. Respect.



What's good, peeps? Check out my shitty chart.

Didn't you have a complete version of this that you posted before? Did you not save it? Or am I confusing you from the usual chart threads?

I never knew piano rock was a genre btw, would some post-rock be considered piano rock as well?

The High Llamas - Hawaii

I downed half a pack of cigs crazy fast after those set of episodes from After Story. Cool series. Otherwise would smoke up and make music with.

Hank Wood And The Hammerheads - Go Home/Stay Home

The fact that there's no pictures in this chart only shows how far chart making is from becoming a serious art.

Hampton Grease Band - Music To Eat

>Beach Boys
>Talking Heads
>with King Geedorah on the mix

Cool stuff. Melvins are a surprisingly versatile and consistent band.

>Football manager
What can the based best team ever FC Barcelona do to get some good players for rotations to be better?

The Millennium - Begin

Damn, poop, I never noticed you got pretty cool taste in vidya.

Gonna rec you anime instead. Check out Ghost In The Shell if you want something more cerebral, or FLCL if you want something quick but very overthetop.

Poppy stuff, but I like most of it. I didn't know ice cream porn is a thing outside a novelty object in scenes.

Hallucinogen - In Dub

It was low quality so I deleted it.

Of your artists I'm only a fan of Sufjan (and I hate Tyler's music). I like most of your albums.
Cool in general
Great artists, really good albums, we both have Trans Europe Express.
Really good albums (never a fan of Marquee Moon), very good film.
Nice albums. Great genres. Cool game and film. Awful anime. Top waifu.
Nice in general, top-tier film. Nice porn.
Ugh, well... take a look at Perturbator. Nice film, great vidya.
So far the best taste and we don't agree in anything. But all your music related stuff is top-tier (gotta love Devy).
Cool stuff in general, some great albums. Great film.

>Nice Porn.


srs what's up with Sup Forums not liking tyler the creator?

hopefully this thread doesn't get deleted while I'm responding to everyone like it did last time

+candy claws, suffy, bunny

I'll listen to Lady Gaga eventually

slowbro is great!

+bach, kraftwerk

+Ravel, top 10 is pretty cool
fuck I've been meaning to get into Arvo Part

top music genres made me laugh

+jontron, chai tea, gordon ramsey, bowie

KLK is on my backlog for the apparent hype factor alone

+slowdive, jenny the robot, haha meme

Yeti is fucking fantastic. What's below Pet Sounds?

+Jesu, Kraftwerk, Grouper, Every Frame
Tatami Galaxy is on my backlog

Her lyrics are just plain stupid, his delivery and flow are mediocre, most of the times the beats can't work because of these two things (some are good, though).

kill la kill is excellent. ill admit im a hardcore weeb and its still my favorite watch yet.

Cool stuff in general (though I'm not too much into classical music). Great film and animu.

jenny is a cute
good instrument choice

>swirlies, yume nikki, lain, simpsons, bassoon, cream soda, little witch academia
wow marry me

Wait, I didn't notice Muse... well, maybe not the best taste, but still really good stuff (I just can't take those guys).

>Yeti's fantastic
It indeed is.

>below Pet Sounds
It's Grand Valley State University New Music Ensemble's take on Terry Riley's In C. I do love how they really took advantage of the somewhat vague music instructions of the composition to have everything from crazy melodies all over the place to electronic sections.

Cool selections. What is the record on the left of the Cocteau Twins one?

Also Asuka best grill indeed.

Kronos Quartet - Black Angels

Left of Cocteau Twins is A.R. Kane's singles collection. The first half of it is dream pop/noise pop and the second half is alt dance which frankly I don't care for much but it's there I guess