So I have this lump on my anus

So I have this lump on my anus.

It's about 2 inches from the butt hole, looks like a pimple but it feels and looks huge. It's a huge ass ass pimple. At least I pray it is.

Please, tell me someone else has had something like this and didn't die of cancer/AIDS.


Good luck with that hemorrhoid bro

Haemorrhoids dumbass, stop straining when you take a shit

butt cancer
100% deadly, usually within 24 hours of detection.

Pilodinal Cyst. You might die from the pain alone

congratulations you've found your third nipple, now rub it and see how much milk cums out.

It could be a number of things. If you engage in anal intercourse, it could be a genital wart. Anyway, you should see a doctor

this and do some cardio

Chill, got it too. Don't worry, I visited a doctor because of it. Don't know the english word. In german it's calld Mariske. Google it.

Thanks anons, this put me at ease.

Thankfully it's not painful, so hoping it'll go away soon.

Call doctor pimple popper.

If you like pokemon, there are at least some good news: It might develop into an 'Anal fistula'.

Mine hasn't gone away but it got smaller after months. You can use ointment from the salvia of leeches to make it shrink faster.

Forgot to attach the picture

I had a staph infection grow next to my asshole. It developed into an abcess, which is basicslly a giant zit. I don't think you have what I had, as it was extremely painful, and I had to get it lanced. Either way, I can sympathize with you and your ass lump.

Wut, how large is it still?

You should use black ointment to make it pop faster. The puss will find a way out, it's where not if.

it's asshole cancer my dude

I'll be trying a hot bath and a hot sauna tomorrow first, see if that helps. Thanks for the tip though, much appreciated.

Pic related: me trying to take pictures of it before giving up

I put there warm tea bags and wait few mins, then sleep

It could be hemorrhoids. The best thing to do is to see a doctor. Aniway, why the fuck to do you think you could ask Sup Forums for medical advice ?


Umm anons..newfag here... what does kek mean? Ik it's like "lol" but why do you use it?

>he best thing to do is to see a doctor

I'm going to a doctor next week if it hasn't gotten any better, or if something weird happens like a bug crawls out or it just explodes when I take a crap at my new job (where I'm the only guy sharing the toilet with 5 women).

Glad to be of service.

It's from Wow