Best pro USA movies.
No commieshit allowed.
Starting with an obvious one.
Best pro USA movies
Other urls found in this thread:
BTFO by Jesse Ventura
but the USA is indeed turning into commie shit
Rocky 4
delete this
The Bernout commie got destroyed and it looks like Trump is going to win a landslide victory over Clinton. US defeats communism again.
[freedom intensifies]
ID4. Murica saves Earf
The Patriot
John Adams miniseries
Independence Day
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
American Sniper was far from being pro-American. It is much more ambiguous than that.
>always hear this is some lame/gay movie
>watch it just to laugh at it
>its amazing
Anybody who dislikes Top Gun is LITERALLY a communist sympathizer.
This, or more than a little uncomfortable with their sexuality.
Walker is pretty good.
Fuck the South. Traitors!
the whole rival terrorist sniper guy and the metal gear tier villains felt so out of place
i expected more out of based eastwood
the funny part is that when top gun was released was also when tv size ballooned over 27 " and surround sound came to be
was funny to watch all the guys freeze in the stores watching this play on all the new toys
>greatest sniper in american history
>zero 360 noscopes
yeah right fellas
cool story grandpa
>Good morning
you're welcome, lad
The end of that movie is great
With our autistic standards, those are jewish SJW movies because there's black supporting characters in half of those
Goddam right.
Also "The Right Stuff," by God. If you don't love this movie, there's a good chance you're some kind of commie scum.
The book is better
Still GOAT though, some of the best casting I've seen in a long time.
Being one of the early astronauts was badass as fuck.
Holy shit, that's an awesome pic.
I watched this when I was a kid and I felt really bad for the fighter pilot that took the missile.
Check out the Apollo Image Archive on flickr, it's just a huge dump by NASA of all the original film photographs from the Apollo missions. All in 4k+ resolution too.
Jesse BTFOd his own life though. Look at him.
Are you posting this because of, or in spite of, the fact that Chris Kyle was a proven pathological liar?
Thanks! Will do.
It's got some real neat stuff.
This is more for /x/ or /sci/ but ok.
Just because the guy who wrote it lied doesn't mean it's not a good film
Jarhead was fucking great, but it was also full of lies
There is no fucking way they would have EVER used live ammo for such a training exercise, for example
This is right up your alley
I recognize this, changes are made for Hollwood (The Hurt Locker, not based on a true story, had shit in it that would not happen).
But then you gotta take off the "based on a true story" shit-tagline from AMARKAN SNAHPER because that shit wasn't just changed for Hollywood, it was changed to document bullshit.
Swofford's memoires were also full of bullshit
The main difference is Swofford was always upfront about it, he was more interested in writing in general than writing a truly accurate portrayal of events
If independence day hasn't been posted yet I'm officially done with this shit hole. Pullmans speech is almost on the same level as lord of the rings speech
>mel gibson defeats the entire british army using the american flag
I'm sorry but this is woefully retarded.
My favorite part was his tears of rage while watching 9/11 on TV.
Just look what they did to America.
But the Americans were blatantly shown as rapist assholes who enjoyed killing?
It's not rape, it's conquering
>Gets decent reviews
>expect Black Hawk Down: Ayylien Boogaloo
>first fight breaks out
>ridiculous camera shake
No sir, I don't like it.
Wtf OP? I love america now...
This is some serious tumblr shit
Nice propaganda fampai
Gen Kill
>Gen Kill
I doubt that tumblr is pro america tho