Why is this guy not more popular with the American mainstream?
He consistently makes solid sitcoms and he seems like a decent enough person. No big scandals or anything.
Why is this guy not more popular with the American mainstream?
He consistently makes solid sitcoms and he seems like a decent enough person. No big scandals or anything.
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his standup is pretty damn funny too.
He's an okay actor in terms of comfy cheesy sitcoms but he's a pretty shit comedian and a shit actor in anything legit
isn't he known for ripping off other comedians?
He only had one, but it was good before Candice left
Although George was acting crazy letting that white boy give his daughter dick in his own home, when she already had the reputation as a thot
He's not white
That's Carlos Mencia, easy to confuse them as they're both Mexicans, I always picture Cesar Chavez when I'm thinking of either of them, or any Mexican really.
He actually had another one, but it was shit.
His sitcom was way better that you'd think.
He's hilarious on social media too. He gives no fucks
he speaks mostly to the mexican audience and the mexican aware audience...that leaves most of the u.s. out
Not sure what I was thinking about
>Carlos Mencia
i always mix them up as well
George Lopez isn't an illegal
Just saying
He's an assravaged spic tho, same thing.
>white people are like this
>mexicans are like this
>something in spanish
I don't think you know how quotation marks work
where the fuck were you 10 years ago? he had multiple televised stand ups, his own sitcom, AND a fucking talk show.
he had a bit of a scandal involving his coke use for a bit.
>was around 10 years ago
>only remember the sitcom, and only remember that for being a third rate shitcom at that
So he's like a not gay mexican ellen degenerate?
this is how i split it up. long haired george was best george. after he got the haircut the quality slowly started declining.
That's how I feel about Max as a character, with his cute ass
that might be his comedy but his sitcoms don't really have that type of humor. he's much more of an american traditionalist.
>it's a carmen is being slutty episode
Carmen Hopez
he had a talkshow
Carmen Can't Say Nopez
Yeah, unfortunately it was shit. Sitcom actors don't transition well to that format, you need more of an improv background
Thank god her last name isn't tucker.
chicongo here
his appeal is mainly aimed at a small niche (mexican americans), most of these people just consume generic american tv/movies and he is also shit
He hates white people, why do you think.
The same sort of pocho faggots that like gabriel fatfuck. I'm a mexican american that can tolerate George Lopez but humor that's based on pocho ubiquity. Having a giggle because your parents are stereotypes/abusive isn't the way you should celebrate your culture. There's a reason Mexicans hate you, and while valuing the opinion of dumb fucking spics has no bearing on your life, you should still understand where your parents/grandparents came from.
Dude is an extreme racist. He's also so blinded by his ignorance he can't see his racism.
He got called out by Red Ice Radio. They did a pretty good examination of him.
I like when he makes fun of white people
He shows signs of sanity on occasion. He is willing to criticize other hispanics, and there was an episode of his sitcom where he got offered a cushy corporate job as a token mexican and turned it down because he thought people should be hired for their skills. Honestly, his sitcom leaned further right than most.
Carlos isn't Mexican. He's German and Honduran. His real name is Ned Holness
This is fucking retarded.
First off the dumb bitch thinks the racist mexican woman is not the idiot of the show. The whole show proves that she's the racist retard. That redice whore is literally no better than those nigs who bitched about goodfellas using the N word
Also she thinks all Latinos = Mexican and I'm just so fucking triggered right now. God I fucking hate rich women and her hordes of alt right cucks
It's like fuck, I wanna vote for Trump but I hate like most of his fanbase fuck.
chicano """"humor"""" is crap and not funny. his stand-up is mediocre at best.
>it's another I make a funny faces and say shit in a crappy pocho accent episode
He doesn't relate to young people.
whites are butthurt when a latino gets famous
Just look at what happened to his show, it was moved to make room for Conan even though he had higher ratings
he's openly mexican supremacist
>we're invading you're country and there's nothing you can do about it
He's not terribly funny or interesting.
Also he cheated on his wife after she gave him part of her liver or something.
George should be enough of a reason as to why America needs to get its army to brutally deport Mexicans back to their primitive country
>being this mad
>getting this buttblasted when you get clowned
>"y-you made fun of me.. it's not funnnnyyyy wahhhhh"
Your tears feed my hilarity
Nobody is white.
He'll be exiled when Trump become ruler
Kek, this. Sup Forums is living proof of the horseshoe theory.
When George got that haircut, he became an unlikable asshole.
I don't understand the controversy about deporting illegals. I'm all for legal immigration but why would we want you if you cannot do it the proper way and bring something of value to our country. Instead of trying to escape your own 3rd world shit hole why not take that energy and work to improve it
seriously someone explain to me why we would want to keep these people
well it's not funny, I'm sorry you have beaner dick so far up your ass
maybe it's because i'm white, but white people don't talk about being white all the time for humor
>I don't find it funny therefore it's objectively not funny
>talks about whitepeople because hes butthurt
>gets a dna test to check his race
>comes up with over 50% caucasian
Pretty typical sitcom but the wife was a looker.
>hey man this might surprise you but I'm actually in favor of tighter border control
That boy scout troop leader was the best one off character
>I spend my time white knighting george lopez on the internet
>I resort to namecalling when called out on my bullshit
>triggered by Latino=Mexican
Guatemalan detected
how is is down there in indio land my indio friend?
>"called me out" for expressing an opinion on a discussion board
>calling someone a racial supremacist is an onion
Imagine being in a situation where you get paid barely enough to feed yourself, live on the street, have no family that can help you, your government is corrupt and hurts you more than it helps, and you literally have nowhere else to go in your country since your country is full of criminals. Not all of Mexico is like that, but I guarantee you most of the illegal immigrants you see in the states went through some shit like that, the rest were just flat out scared of the cartel crisis a couple of years back. Even taking all the shit jobs and living all cramped up in the US is paradise compared to the shit they had to put up with in Mexico. It doesn't help to have a good job in Mexico, or to have a good education. I've been living in Mexico for close to 5 years now and I've met a lot of people with really good educations that end up just as taxi drivers or worse. And to finish answering your question, legal immigration is a bitch. If you're not some millionaire rocket scientist with someone willing to spend like 100k to sponsor you, then you won't ever legally immigrate to the states. Naturalization via family takes a long ass time, and most other methods of naturalization have been ruined as well. I guess Mexicans are just getting what they deserve since they're the same way with other Southern Americans that want to immigrate to Mexico, and there's a lot of racism in Mexico as well.
Because his shit got old. All his jokes are basically this . White people got tired of him making fun of them. Mexicans got tired of him making fun of their culture. Only a few underage or retarded Chicanos like him anymore.
im pretty sure he forged his results
George looks like a complete indio and knowing how much latin americans hate their native side he probably changed them for his show
>an onion isn't a vegetable
he has been saying the same jokes for the last decade i thought they were funny at first but you can only here the same joke so many times
>a vegetable is a fruit
alright im done
It's funny that more Mexicans are leaving the US currently than coming in. It's really central Americans who are really flocking to the US illegally right now. Also unless you're talking about Venezuela, Bolivia, or some parts of Brazil, no South American wants to go to Mexico, since things are actually a lot worse there than in the majority of South America. You mean central America, which is basically Mexico's Mexico.
I don't really hate illegal immigrants, but at the same time I'm not gonna defend them or act like they're not breaking any laws. desu if I were in their position, stuck in a shithole with absolutely no hope of it getting any better, I would do the same thing as them.
The daughter on his sitcom was so fucking hot
I watched his sitcom a few years ago and it was pretty good
Mexico's actually getting a lot better now compared to when I first arrived here. Most of the violence has calmed down, there's a lot of growth, a lot of US companies are coming in, and the standard of living is getting overall better for most people. The only thing that's still bad is government corruption and the devaluation of the peso. I have a feeling this is why most Mexicans are going back, and due to all the racist rhetoric these past years being so popular. All the racists would group the Mexicans with the rest of the Central American trash and it would hurt their reputation a lot. Mexicans are some of the hardest working people, and it's a shame they get such a bad rep and that their country has been going through some shit.
I see what you mean, whether just on unjust, a law is a law. If you're not a citizen of that country then you've got no right to break a law in that country, but yeah, I completely understand why they do this shit.
>All the racists would group the Mexicans with the rest of the Central American trash
was that intentional
Mexico is North American, not sure what you mean?
>call people racist for disliking mexicans
>call central americans trash
Oh shit, I didn't mean for it to sound like that. I mean, there's trash in all Latino countries, what I meant by that was the racists were just confusing the Mexicans with lets say bad people from El Salvador or something. Like calling an MS13 gang member a beaner. It just sort of became an insult to call all Latinos beaners where I'm from (Texas). Sorry if I came across as a racist, I didn't mean to.
>arguing logically
>on Sup Forums
do mexicans actually think this guy is funny?
Niggers shouldn't be allowed internet.
He posted a picture of El Chappo beheading Donald Trump on his Twitter and then went crying about "racism" like the whiny little cunt he is when someone posted a picture of him being beheaded by Donald Trump.
fun fact: carlos got his ass beat by george lopez for stealing his jokes
>good person
His ex wife gave him a kidney and he left her .
alpha af tbch (to be completely honest) familia
I though he was since it seems like everyone I know watches reruns of his sitcom.
That, the Damon Wayans show & Big Bang Theory always seem to be playing on my friends' tv. Well, except for late at night when we're stoned, then it's How it's Made marathon.
he doesn't do anything right now but make fun of donald trump.
"you have to go back" refers to George needs to take his mexican ass back in time to save us from Trump.
it's fine if you don't think we should take them
>Instead of trying to escape your own 3rd world shit hole why not take that energy and work to improve it
is retarded though.
he was funny in middle school when race jokes were all the rage.
because he identifies as a latino comedian/actor instead of as a comedian/actor.
imagine stepin fetchit doing what he did while in black face. just as obnoxious as george lopez.