I'm afraid this is it. Don't forget us. Don't forget our bants. Pay your respects in here

I'm afraid this is it. Don't forget us. Don't forget our bants. Pay your respects in here.

We have to apologise before we're allowed to die

The English can apologize, what did we do?

Best thread per capita.


thanks for the bants Aussie bro. I'll post two webms in honor of the effort

Press F to pay respects



good thread and good olympics


ausbros put up a good fight. good bantz. respek


your shitposting is always top tier

Is Australia more cucked per capita?

i apologize for all the americans

we are sorry

These are pre EUxodus numbers.

Genuinely impressed anyone outside of here know about coight

I told my mate's wife she had nice feet on Saturday night. Stein's and coke lines were a bad idea

It's okay. Hopefully we can enjoy the games together in harmony now

what happened


this, what happened? are you actually scared of the chinks?


I think he's posting in recognition of the fact that it's unlikely Australia will get back to the top of the medal tally and we can't keep up the charade that we're deeply invested in beating the US.

ggs australia, you have cute teen girls

Why on earth would I pay respects to a bunch of sheep fucking, gas huffing, chest shaving criminals degenerates?

well you guys are a small country, punching above your weight, nothing to be ashamed about

Ausgrils are best grils

Canada, ay?

Did your country even send a team to the Olympics or did your government invest all of their resources and support in to 'it's the current year, hashtag refugees'

kek what is the context for this


drunk lady at the equivalent of the kentucky derby pushed over a rozzer.

to be honest my favourite part of it is the cop's reaction. In america that woman would have been shot through the face immediately, while in australia the policement is like "oh well, better finish my telephone call".


...for Fuck off

except she's white so probably not

not at a Kentucky Derby like event

most of the cop shootings occur in poor areas that have high rates of violent crime so cops are on edge

Beat the Chinese

He gave the context as per the request.
The rest is a product of your imagaination.

Kings of the Olympics

i got mugged in brooklyn by 3 dudes and an aussie leaving the same party chased them away from me, cabbed me to my place (out of their way) and made sure I got inside ok

aussies are fucking bros and I'll always give them a (You)

Explain this meme

Fuck this looks like perth