Does Trump actually have a chance of winning...

Does Trump actually have a chance of winning? There is this girl i work with and shes been telling me 80% of people voting for trump are joking and election day they'll stay home and shit post and the other 20% are ignorant hicks. Shes been telling me how clinton is going to win in a landslide and i should be on the winning team. I was just wondering what you guys think

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He has already won...Lord Kek wills it.

can't wait for the mass arrests to begin

For what?

Clinton will win

Do you actually want him to win or are you doing it for the lols?


he's not actually trying to win. the only way clinton could actually win an election is against someone as ridiculous as donald trump. he's in on it for the publicity, which equals money.

nobody actually thinks trump is going to win.

Why do you still talking whit that slut?

Trump will win.


Because she is hot


Clinton is just the frijolitos slut, Trump is actually a man who cares of his people,isnt that what a President should do?

Does he actually because this girl has been telling me trump is going to fuck us over by starting ww3 and as soon as shjt gets bad he's going to surrender to russia

I fucking love it

This is too fucking stupid for you to be repeating.

The Trump campaign's success will be determined by how successful the current surge in anti-Trump media. Right now, his campaign is being portrayed as falling apart and fucking up, while in reality it has simply maintained its normal level of fuck ups and staffing changes.

The reason for this, I believe, is that its the most effective action Clinton's allies in the media and government can summon in preparation for the "October Surprise" which will almost certainly lead to an overnight loss of support for the Clinton campaign. I believe it will likely be one of two things given the level of importance that has been attached to the forthcoming event. It will either be:
> direct evidence of voter fraud by the DNC in the NY primary
>emails discussing the arming of either ISIS or Al Nursa in the early Arab Spring, or at least arming other smaller Jihadist groups with acknowledgement of their ideologies in the same emails.

Its anyone's race at this point, but I'd say 52% of a Donny victory.
yeah rite boi

The only thing she has going for her is that she doesnt have a dick
thats really it
donald trump for president
build that fucking wall

He's close friends with Putin. If he were to start a war with anyone it would be North Korea and mexico

Well she tells me this everyday and how if hillarys health gets worse bernie could still comeback

s... sean? sean Hannity? kys pls sean.

now pls.





Don't tell me you think I'm pro Donny

and don't tell me your pro Hillary

At this point in time with all the corruption going on all over the world i just gotta say this guy is one class act i cant wait for him to be President hes gonna be great hes gonna make America Great Again.

>haha this is such a funny joke like trump actually running for the republican party he won't get anywhere...
>Oh shit hahaha look he's actually doing okay in the polls haha no way he actually wins though either Marco and Cruz are gonna beat him
>Oh wow lol he has a lot of votes... Ha... Haha... Wow Republicans are crazy man haha I'm sure he won't win the nomination though
>Oh wow haha he won the nomination. These people are really good at sticking with a joke ha ha wow Oh boy. Good joke guys!

Trump will win, /po/ will elect all Presidents going forward, so get on our winning team

Hows he winning whenever i go on reddit 99% of people hate him





It's nice living in California where no matter what happens we'll always be blue and I don't have to vote on anything but propositions and the rich white mayors for my retirement community

aaaand you're blocked. don't respond to me again (I won't be able to see your posts from now on).

man you're not even a good troll

Wait whats going on?

don't ever post at me or my son again


yeah must be nice living amongst libtards, in a state with the hugest deficit. san Francisco. nambla. the largest population of gay homosexuals in the USA. largest population of AIDS carriers (literally). and a rabid nigger problem with the bloods and crypts.

must be paradise.

I'm honestly telling you what she's been telling me

bump lol actually blocked everyone itt

More lols will be had if he wins


She's wrong about the first part but right about the second. Hillary is going to win, the evil bitch. But that is no reason to vote for her. Your friend is stupid.


I'd rather him win that Hillary but not enough to vote for him, I just feel too many of his businesses have failed for me to put confidence in him. Dudes black listed from American banks

You've obviously never been to California. theres a reason every rich person in the country chooses here or new york

Idk I just live in Canada, but if I were you guys I'd be fuckin voting Trump ALL THE WAY


>be on the winning team

That's a shitty reason to decide how to vote for someone. But fuck Trump. He's worse than the corrupt bitch that is Clinton. And that's saying something.

>Anonymous 08/22/16(Mon)19:51:59 No.70074

I'm not voting for Clinton, period, under any circumstances. That cunt is EVIL.

If the other choice is Trump, then I'm voting for Trump.

I've yet to hear of the compelling qualities that make Trump presidential. His whole campaign demeanor has been nothing but classless trash.

Because why would you knowingly vote for proven corruption

don't vote Hillary tho she's trash go Johnson

you're a stupid person. a stupid stupid person. the riches people I KNOW live in Medina (close to Bellevue, WA, think Bill Gates, Paul Allen etc.), and on the water in Vancouver BC (where the average home costs 1.5 million).

Sure we can skip Portland's little riverside community of fags, but Seattle's nice.

Cali? Well... You've just had the most smoggy summer in LA's history. and It's dried up. It's always been desert-region, but ALL of the green is gone now. it's disgusting.

Regardless, Trump's going to win. California's yesterday's hotspot.

Cry Liberal Fag

um how is Clinton worse than him?

can't answer?

didn't think so.

He has a chance, but she has better chances.

Citation needed.

I can't vote for this cunt.

SoCal is trash NorCal is where really wealth lives, LA is for celebrities.

Agreed on Hillary. Johnson seems fairly reasonable. But I know too little of libertarian politics to commit to him.

But trumps a racist

>>why i like california

he still hasn't released his financials

Well for one she considers the current situation in Libya a successful operation under her time as secretary of state. She also has on record laughed about getting a pedophile off in court.

wikileaks is on it.

You are honestly a moron for believing it. How can you not see it for the stupidity it is? Surrender to Russia? Read a fucking book sometime.


Why México? We are so fucking poor and our army is shit, you'll kill us in a month or less.

but he still hasn't released his financials........

>libya is a success, idiot. qadaffi is dead'

>of course she laughed about that, it's funny.

And he wont the dudes gonna BS his way to the White House. But I'll take bullshit over lies.

>in a state with the hugest deficit
we aren't louisiana

So wtf does that have to do with anything?

Clinton will win easily, Trump and his brain dead followers will say the election is rigged and after a brief chimp out and calls for secession, things will reset back to 2008, 8 more years of conservative crybabies saying they want their country back, oblivious to the fact the country they think was theirs is a fucking fantasy.

Meanwhile, right wing lawmakers will continue to block everything, nothing will get done, and we will end up in another recession. "Liberals" will get blamed because theyre inept at political strategy on purpose, as the establishment liberals are all corporatist sellouts and the only legislation that gets passed is pro big business.


You mean the hugest deficit that's running a large surplus now with the liberal government?

You seem oblivious to the fact that California is killing it in pretty much all indicators.

we want to know how much he really donated to nambla.

popular vote doesnt matter. Bush V Gore proved that. electoral college is what counts, and he just doesnt have the points by a large margin. even in states where they split the points, reasonable estimates, some even in his favor, still point at him losing by a solid 6 percent.

FTL is the only decent argument I've ever heard for voting Trump (unless you're actually a legit racist). We're all anonymous here. I've never understood why people don't just admit they're voting Trump because they want to watch the world burn.
He does not have a very good chance.
He will likely get less votes than Romney did 4 years ago

>threading your own post
Come on user you know better.

If you believe trump even has a 5% chance of winning you're a brainwashed sheep

and he won't be releasing his financials. he has nothing to prove to you liberal DOGS.

> I'll take bullshit over lies

This should be a trump bumper sticker, its both completely retarded and epitomizes his followers "rationality" in supporting him

>She also has on record laughed about getting a pedophile off in court.

why do people do things like this

you've either outed yourself as an idiot that doesn't actually watch things before you talk about them or as an active liar

that video has circled around for a long time, and anyone that has seen it can point out that she openly says that despite being forced into being a public defender for a man she knew was guilty she had to do her job, legally, but still made him take a polygraph test to try to trip him up

she laughs bitterly and says "from that point on I never trusted polygraphs"

to all of you Hillary voters: she's ill. she may have Parkinsons and Dementia.

Think about that before you vote.

I honestly think he's done the numbers and knows he can't win, It's all just publicity/attention. He doesn't even want to be president.

trump will lose. but that girls a dumb cunt for saging "may as well join the winning side." vote what you believe and even if you lose, it helps future elections by telling the candidates what people are leaning towards.

well that tears it, I'm going to vote for the fat amphetamine addict

proof needed, no antdots.

>Nothing to prove
>Give me the really long certificate

You can call someone out, but you gotta be able to square up just the same.

California doesn't have the biggest deficit or debt (you don't seem to know the difference).

1. It's running a budget surplus, not a deficit.

2. Its debt is only the largest if you consider the raw, unnormalized number. If you normalize by % GDP or per capita, California isn't even in the top 10.

You are an idiot.

Cause this-

Just because his mouth breather and alt-right supporters are super excited about him doesn't mean their votes count x20. There's a reason you're not allowed to say the shit you believe in polite company. We've moved past it as a society, and you're a remnant of a worse time.

I'm talking about the point where she acknowledges creating a narrative that the victim was attracted to older men. I've listened to it and if it were truly as cut and dry as you seem to think, she would have addressed it publicly with it having been a commonly shared gripe in pro-Bernie circles.

I heard that its to cover up that he's been donating to NAMBLA

if she's found to have dementia, then her vice president wold take over.

so what your saying really is that by voting for her, I have a chance at a third option other than these two fucking retards.'s-online-posts

So.... trump really is as racist, bigoted and hateful as he sounds. Not an act :/

Thought it was an act. Was going to vote for him. Not an act.... feel dirty.

Calm down Cletus, no one's disparaging your trailer park, I'm sure it's very nice.


>Does Trump actually have a chance of winning?

That's as far as I read.



Thread closed.